Unit 5:Data Modelling
Assignment 2: P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, M2, M3, D2, D3
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,Table of Contents
P3 - Produce designs for a data model which meet client requirements..............................................4
Functional Specification – Nature of the problem.............................................................................4
Functions the model must perform...................................................................................................4
The model must be capable of converting Euros to Sterling Pounds, which will be accomplished by
multiplying the base price by the exchange rate. It should also figure out how much profit it will
make by removing the cost per kg in pounds from the sales price. Finally, it should compute the
entire profit and, when the currency rate changes, calculate the average sales automatically........4
User interface....................................................................................................................................4
A Home Page is included in the data model, which contains multiple buttons that allow visitors to
go to different pages. Aside from the buttons, it has a title with the company's name on it, as well
as several button colours. Users can access the data on this page. The average sales of all of the
cheeses are displayed on a Results Overview page. Users can increase or decrease the exchange
rate on this page. Finally, a page dedicated to each cheese, with calculations for conversion,
monthly sales, profit, total profit, and so on.....................................................................................4
Success Criteria..................................................................................................................................5
Spreadsheet Model Design – Layout and presentation (all your sheets)...........................................5
The outcomes of all computations, such as profit, total profit, increasing profit, number of 10ps,
and so on, will be the model's outputs. Everything will be determined by the exchange rate and
base prices that users enter. Printing and exporting the sheets are two further outputs in addition
to the computations..........................................................................................................................8
Processing (Calculations – formulae and functions)..........................................................................8
The first formula will be a multiplication, in which the base price of cheese will be multiplied by
the exchange rate to obtain the price in Pounds. Another step is to calculate the profit by
deducting the cost per kilo in pounds from the sales price. The profit will be multiplied by the
average monthly sales to arrive at the total profit. The selling price will be calculated using a
formula that adds the profit to the base price. Apart from that, a formula will be used to calculate
the price rise by subtracting the new prices from the old ones, and another calculation will be
used to calculate the number of 10ps in the bag...............................................................................8
Data entry and validation..................................................................................................................8
Test plan – Test Data, Purpose of the test and expected results.......................................................9
P4 - Review the designs with others, to identify and inform improvements.......................................10
, Gathering feedback from client/potential user for designs.............................................................10
Communication with client – verbal and email...................................................................................10
Scheduling and documenting meetings...........................................................................................10
Refining ideas and updating designs................................................................................................11
M2 - Justify decisions made, showing how the design will fulfil its purpose and client requirements.
P5 - Develop a data model to meet client requirements.....................................................................14
P6 - Test the data model for correctness, functionality and acceptance.............................................20
Testing the model and solution.......................................................................................................20
Meeting the requirements...............................................................................................................20
Underlying logic...............................................................................................................................20
Functions and formulae...................................................................................................................20
Other factors....................................................................................................................................23
Test Data..........................................................................................................................................23
Test plan – 2 Passed and 1 Fails...........................................................................................................24
P7 - Review the extent to which the data model meets client requirements......................................26
Issues raised during testing..............................................................................................................26
When I was testing the model, two difficulties arose that were rather simple to resolve. One of the
problems was that the data validation for the converted price had not been assigned and had
been neglected. This was not a major problem because it was repaired in a matter of seconds;
nevertheless, it was duplicated on four other sheets, and changing them one by one was
overwhelming. The Results button did not operate, which was another difficulty that arose. All of
the other buttons worked perfectly, but this one didn't, and when I examined the macros, I
discovered that none had been set to that button.it was again a simple problem and I solved
Refining model from feedback and client requirements.................................................................26
Extending the model........................................................................................................................26
M3 - Optimise the data model to meet client requirements...............................................................27
Further changes made to meet client’s requirements.....................................................................27
D2 - Evaluate the design and optimised data model against client requirements...............................28
D3 - Demonstrate individual responsibility, creativity, and effective self-management in the design,
development and review of a data model...........................................................................................29
Planning and recording....................................................................................................................29
Reviewing and responding to feedback...........................................................................................29
, Demonstration of my own behaviours............................................................................................30
Evaluating outcomes and targets.....................................................................................................30