Unit 20: understanding mental wellbeing
Task 1:
This assignment will discuss two types of mental ill health conditions: Clinical depression
and BPD. I will discuss the impact of having both conditions on an individual holistically.
Also, I will write about factors that influence a person’s mental health and mental wellbeing,
analyse classification systems and the effect it has on these conditions.
Clinical depression in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases 10th
Revision (ICD-10) is a type of mood disorder. The NHS defined depression as “A low mood
that lasts for weeks or months and affects your daily life” (clinical depression, 2020). The
essential feature of clinical depression “is characterised by one or more Major Depressive
Episodes without a history of manic, mixed, or Hypomanic Episodes” (Staff,2020). For clinical
depression, you can experience Physical, Psychological and Social Symptoms. These consist
of having suicidal thoughts, moving or talking more slowly than usual or even neglecting
your hobbies or interests (Clinical depression – Symptoms, 2020).
Borderline personality disorder is a mental illness that makes it difficult for a person to
control their emotions. This lack of emotional control can lead to increased impulsiveness, a
change in how a person thinks about themselves, and a deterioration in managing
emotions. Self-image concerns, trouble controlling emotions and behaviour, and a pattern
of unstable relationships are among the factors that create problems functioning in
everyday life.
Both mental ill health conditions have classifications from IC. IC is the foundation for the
identification of health trends and statistics globally, and the international standard for
reporting diseases and health conditions. It is the diagnostic classification standard for all
clinical and research purposes” (international classification of diseases, 11th Revision (ICD-
11), 2020) It is a tool that is used to diagnose symptoms of mental health.
Mental health is defined by the World Health Organization as “a state of wellbeing where
and individual knows their potential, can cope with everyday stress” (towards a new
definition of mental health, 2015). However, there is a lot of misunderstanding between the
words Mental Wellbeing and Mental Health. A person will go through life at various views of
the spectrum (continuum and mental wellbeing) but not actually have a mental illness.
There are several elements that can influence a person with mental illness which will be
discussed in this part of the assignment.
Environmental factors are described as “external influences that can affect an individual’s
health and wellbeing. They include exposure to pollution and poor housing conditions”
(environmental factors | Health & Social Care | tutor2u, 2020). this can have a significant
impact on someone who suffers from depression. The link between environmental
influences and depression is evident. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), for example, is a
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, type of depression that is primarily determined by the season and how it affects an
individual (Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), 2020).
Socio-economic factors are described as “factors that include occupation, education,
income, wealth and where someone lives” (socio-economic factors – Turn2us, 2020). A
person living in poverty, for example, is more likely to live in a crowded household, either
with their family or in a shared housing. As their home may not have adequate space for
them to sleep, this could be a cause of depression.
Depression is sometimes worsened by psychological and biological factors such as traumatic
upbringing or genetics. Having a family history of depression, such as your parents,
increases your chances of developing depression by 60% (health line, 2016: overview).
There is a correlation between mistreated children and a shrinkage of a part of the brain
that controls emotions. This indicates that the brain chemicals that regulate happiness are
deprived, resulting in depression.
Biological, genetic, and environmental factors all have a role in the development of BPD.
Distressing childhood experiences, particularly those involving caregivers, have been linked
to the development of BPD. Early separation from caregivers, emotional or physical neglect,
parental insensitivity, and physical or sexual abuse are all examples of childhood traumas
that may be linked to BPD. People with BPD have changes in both the structure and function
of their brains, according to several studies. Excessive activity in areas of the brain that
regulate emotion experience and expression has been linked to BPD. The influence of
genetics in the development of BPD is significant. BPD may be linked to a variation in a gene
that regulates how the brain uses serotonin according to research. It indicates that people
with this particular genetic variant are more prone to develop BPD if they have had had a
tough upbringing (for example, separation from supportive caregivers). (Here's What May
Cause Borderline Personality Disorder, 2020)
The classification system for depression is according to ICD-10. Depression without
psychotic systems is loss of self-esteem, suicidal thought, loss of interest and loss of
appetite. Being diagnosed and classified with depression effects a person emotionally. For
example, being labelled as having depression can cause emotional burden. It may create a
self-fulfilling prophecy where their depression will get worse solely because of the diagnosis.
Office of national statistics show that 67% of people classified with depression made used
therapy and medication for treatment whereas, 80% of people’s recovery from depression
included focusing on their wellbeing such as encourage walking and hobbies.
Being diagnosed with depression might make it more difficult for people to maintain
relationships. Individuals may experience periods of withdrawal, making it harder to
maintain friendships. People seeking employment who have been diagnosed with
depression have an employment rate that is twice as low as those without. Some people
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