POST- Some women were Some women owned their Seneca Falls (1848)
RECONSTRUCTI accepted in medical land under the Declaration of
ON colleges, despite protest Homestead Act of 1862 Sentiments: Set
1865-1870 from male physicians the precedent for
Women expected to give Gilded Age
Firmly embedded idea of up working once married, suffrage
separate spheres, in except for working-class movement, which
reflection of the century was relatively
long idea of the intersectional.
“Republican Mother” Demanded rights
for women by
inserting the word
“woman” into the
language of the
Declaration of
Independence and
included a list of
18 woman-
specific demands.
These included divorce,
property, and custody
rights, as well as the
right to vote
GILDED AGE McKinley: Industrialization gave Women were seen as
1870-1900 Commemorated the work women more leisure morally superior to men,
of Susan B Anthony in the (appliances) and pushed giving credence to their
White House the man out of the private temperance and other
sphere with her “social ills” causes and
Women’s Christian “women’s clubs”-
Temperance Union 1900: 1 in 7 women municipal housekeeping
(1873) employed, either in pink-
175,000 members collar jobs or factories Middle class white
by 1900 women and Black
Prayed in saloons, 16% of workforce by women could be
lobbied, and took 1890. 22% by 1900 represented in
care of the temperance activism, to
children of Trade Union’s organised, widespread support due
alcoholics with 10% of KoL to religious motives.
African American membership being
spokeswoman, women by 1880s. DAR founded in 1889
Frances Harper, and pushed for suffrage,
helped stop Anticipated the 1903 but not very
alcoholism being formation of the Women’s intersectional
blamed on black Trade Union League
men in the South Increase in college- NWSA and AWSA
Temporarily educated women, merged in 1890, under
focused on especially in fields like the successful
suffrage to ensure nursing and even law leadership of CC Catt
political means for (Bryn Mawr)
temperance, but Mormon states (Utah
unsuccessful as fell First woman called to SC: and Wyoming) received
, apart after Frances Belva Lockwood in 1879 vote in 1869-70
Willard died
Hull House (1889) In rural societies women National Association
Jane Addams and did not overtly occupy a of Coloured Women
Ellen Gates Starr, different sphere, due to (1896)
started in Chicago the nature of work. Focused on “racial
Uplift working Evident in popular uplift” for African
class women by movements like Grange American women,
providing civic Movement and the spearheaded by
services and Farmer’s Alliance individuals like Ida
ensuring children (Elizabeth Lease) B. Wells and
(often immigrant) Josephine St
were well-taken National Consumers Pierre Ruffin
care of whilst they League (1899) Criticised overt
worked Pressure to keep racism of the
Average self- female wages and upper echelons of
supporting female work conditions up WCTU
worker would to scratch 50,000 members
make less than a Better aid for by 1915
proper week’s working mothers National Women’s
wage, so the Represented Suffrage Association
depended on women as a (1869)
charitable efforts powerful Run by women
like this demographic for who expressed
1899: Juvenile companies to the Declaration of
Court introduced, appeal to Sentiments at
due to Addams’ Seneca Falls,
efforts Black female domestic Elizabeth Cady
Began in other workers were treated Stanton and
states, like the worse than immigrant Susan B. Anthony
Locust Settlement women, despite there Fought for a
in Virginia being 5x more Black federal
Trade union workers in the South than constitutional
meetings took white amendment, and
place, making often called for
lower class women White-collar female reforms
more politically workers had no career Merged with
conscious (19% of path beyond secretarial AWSA in 1890 and
women worked work adopted the more
outside from conservative
home) Westward expansion for procedure of
Eleanor Roosevelt women was an ordeal as going state by
worked there, they dealt with isolation state by 1900,
citing it as a very and fear of economic under CC Catt’s
enlightening downturn and attack leadership
experience Addressed House
General Federation of Scientists promoted the Judiciary Committee in
Women’s Clubs (1890) idea that a working 1892
Umbrella woman would over-exert
Organisation for herself and would not be Some states allowed
white women run able to carry out the role that women could enter
clubs, an example of a mother if she planned contracts and have
of “municipal to work full-time guardianship of children
housekeeping” after divorce