With reference to the period 1941-45, to what extent did the Great Patriotic War negatively
impact Soviet society? (25 marks)
Russia was badly bruised, and hardship only
intensified – all social groups were negatively
affected by the Great Patriotic War due to
heavy losses, shortages and deportations
however these negatives were not all long-
lasting. National minorities received the most
negatives due to extreme ethnic cleansing.
Point 1 women Point 2 soldiers
Women were largely undermined during the Soldiers were negatively affected during the
Great Patriotic War and did not see their efforts war however victorious soldiers who were able
acknowledged like their male counterparts. to return did benefit from an increase in status.
Due to the mass deployment of working men to The Russian Army faced severe human losses
the Red Army, women were left to make great with a soviet soldier being twice as likely to be
economic contributions. A popular Soviet killed as an Allied solider. This led to instability
phrase was “Men to the front, women to the with vast swathes of the population passing,
factories!” highlighting the increase in heavy negatively affecting society by causing
output by women during the war. In industry, emotional strain and increasing the workload of
women made up 53% of the workforce in the women. Figes states that only 3% of the male
years 1942-45 – however there were no cohort of soldiers born in 1923 survived until
wartime increases in women’s share of 1945. However Russian patriotism was so
managerial or administrative posts. The Great strong that the soldiers fought so fervently –
Retreat of the 1930s which emphasised the war had brought a powerful bond and
traditional social values about the role of motive force within the Red Army to defend the
women in home led to pay inequity despite motherland. In addition, the Lend-Lease
continuing the work of their men. Malnutrition, programme, which consisted of foreign aid to
breakdown of public services, shortages and a Russia (mainly from America) brought new
66-hour working week took its toll on women machinery and equipment for the soldiers to
who were also having to run a home on their take advantage of – for example, 300,000
own. Their dual burden of factory work and American trucks were lent to the Red Army.
household duties had only increased during the This benefitted society, especially because the
war, overwhelmingly and negatively affecting Western goods were of higher quality than
women. In addition, during the over 800 day those produced in the USSR and the Russians
siege of Leningrad, there were cannibalism noticed this. After 1945, military service
reports in which 75% of the city were women. affected soldier’s social status pulling them out
The side-lining and malnutrition of women of the rut which they had previously been
presented the dire quality of life during the settled in. Therefore, although soldiers extreme
war. unenviable and torturous tasks, in the long
term they received the most benefits due to
However, there were minor financial benefits the war triumphs. However, not all of these
for women. During the Great Patriotic War in status benefits were equally felt – order 270
1944 Stalin introduced new family laws. They declared prisoners of wars as deserters and 3
encouraged women to have large numbers of million out of 5 million POWs were sent to the
children. Propaganda hailed ‘Mother-heroines’ gulag; the rest were branded as ‘socially
who had large families. They introduced dangerous’ on records. This ostracisation did
rewards for women with large families- women drastically and negatively affect the lives of
who had 7 children received 2,000 roubles a some soldiers. Overall, soldiers were negatively
year for 5 years, while mothers with 11 children affected however unlike other social groups,
received 5,000 roubles a year for 5 years. these negatives were only short-term as they
However, these material benefits do not were branded of saviours of civilisation.
adequately reflect the heavy contribution to