AQA - AS and A-Level - Religious Studies - Philosophy of Religion -
Arguments for the Existence of God:
“The Teleological Argument”
A Summary of the Teleological Argument:
● This document contains a summary of the ‘Teleological Argument’ in order to aid revision of the key components of the
● This resource was specifically created with the AQA AS and A-Level Religious Studies specification in mind, however, it still
may be of some use to others, depending on the exam board.
● The topic covered in this document is ‘The Teleological Argument of Design’ - part of the existence of God topic in the
Philosophy of Religion section of the AQA course.
● Contents:
○ Pages 2-3 – William Paley’s Teleological Argument
■ (including arguments for and against this viewpoint)
○ Pages 4-5 – David Hume’s criticisms of the Teleological Argument
■ (including arguments for and against this viewpoint)
○ Page 6 – Key Quotes
○ Page 6 – Key things to remember
, ● Paley - key proponent of the Design Argument:
Philosophers Main Position Argument Arguments For Arguments Against
PALEY The ARGUMENT FROM OBSERVATION: - The simplest (and inductive) - Inductive argument - this
Teleological Paley’s 3 forms of observation – explanation for the creation of means Paley’s teleological
(a posteriori, Argument of 1) Complexity the universe, this is backed argument is based on specific
inductive Design/ The 2) Regularity up by Occam's Razor - the observations (about a watch)
Design 3) Purpose belief that the simplest which has lead to a general
Argument Paley says that these qualities observed in nature suggest that explanation is usually the best conclusion (about the universe).
(to prove God the universe had a designer. He then develops this by using the one Because the argument is
exists and is argument from analogy. inductive, it can only be
the designer of - Nature suggests intention, PROBABLE not certain to be
the universe) ARGUMENT FROM ANALOGY: our observations of nature true. So, at most, Paley
The analogy of a watch: seem to suggest that there is suggests God’s existence is
Premise (1) A pocket watch = complex parts, each with function complexity in the universe, likely, but his argument cannot
- all work for specific purpose which would suggest that be used as proof of God.
Premise (2) Watch must be designed by watchmaker, due to its there was a designer
complexity - Designer might not be God, it
Premise (3) Similarly, the universe has complex parts that - Free Will - evil may be is possible that another being
function for a purpose unavoidable to bring about designed the universe, so we
Premise (4) So the universe must have been designed by good - So this explains why cannot assume that the
universe maker the world is imperfect, despite designer was God
Premise (5) Universe far more wonderful than a watch, so Paley’s argument that it has a
designer of the universe must be much greater than a human designer - as free will is - The problem of evil and
designer required, so evil and suffering suffering. Paley’s argument
Conclusion -- The universe designer is God is unavoidable suggests God created a
complex world, perfect for the
- Scientific causes of the needs of humans, due to the
universe, such as the Big perfection, omnipotence, and
Band and evolution, can still omnibenevolence of God.
coexist with Paley’s argument However, due to the evil and
of design because God could suffering that exist in the world
have been the original cause today - both natural and moral