Trade unions during the Gilded Age
Period of increased industrial action and growing trade union influence but violent measures taken to enact
change worsened situation as hostility it created only intensified employer power.
Progress Lack of progress
Particularly for skilled workers, wages rose dramatically by 60%, Trade unions still only represented a small percentage of the
despite recessions. national industrial workforce
Increased demand for unskilled labour due to: booming US 1893-1898 depression (caused by bankruptcy of Philadelphia
industry (overtook Britain as leading producer of industrial and Reading Railroad Company, overinvestment/expansion of
goods), urbanisation (created new jobs in industries like railroad industry and international banking crisis) = rise in
transport) and growth in population (5 million in 1870- 12 million unemployment (exceed 10%), job insecurity (e.g. contract
in 1890) led to growth in number of workers from 885,000 in systems meaning workers could be laid off in slack periods),
1860-3.2 million in 1900. Unprecedented amount of unskilled wage reductions and weakening position of workers as violent
workers (By 1880’s nearly 1/3 of workers in railroad and steel strikes/unrest generated hostility/lack of sympathy for trade
industries common labourers) meant greater necessity for unions
protection and greater employee power.
Dec 1886, led by Samuel Gompers, first successful national Haymarket affair May 1886 at McCormick Harvester Plant in
labour union established- American Federation of Labour (AFL). Chicago. Violence between police and striking workers- 7
Sought, through legislation, strikes and boycotts, to link all policemen killed by a bomb and 8 workers killed by police open
unions, harness bargaining power of skilled workers and fire. Despite no evidence 8 anarchists led by German Johann
concentrate on practical goals and demands (raising wages, Most were arrested (5 executed) and blamed for violence.
reducing hours). Influential businesses, like J.P Morgan were Destroyed KOL’s reputation and caused support to dwindle- by
prepared to work with union and give workers right to 1890’s only 100,000 members and other unions broke away.
mediation and conciliation. By 1914 AFL had over 2 million
1879 Knights of Labour Union (KOL), led by Terence V Powderly, Homestead Strike 30 June- 6 July 1892 at Homestead steel
gained momentum. Aimed to unite skilled, unskilled and works (Pennsylvania). Association of Iron and Steel Workers
female labour. Through anti-strike policy and legislation, (AA- wanting wage rise to match prospering business) VS
demanded 8 hour day, equal pay for women and abolition of Carnegie steel Company (led by Henry Clay Frick- wanting to
child labour. 1885 antistrike policy abandoned to carry out cut wages 22% and break the unionisation). Frick started
successful strike at Wabash Railroad forcing Jay Gould to halt conflict by locking union workers out of plant on 29 June and in
anti-union campaign. Membership grew from 20,000 in 1881- response (with KOL and other Carnegie plants) workers went
700,000 in 1886 (including 50,000 AA and 10,000 women, who on strike and prevented scab labour (e.g. by patrolling
by 1890 made up 35% of the workforce.) Despite not everyone Monongahela river) to keep business closed. Pennsylvania
supporting anti-strike policy = nearest workers came to State militia had to occupy plant for 95 days violence broke out
solidarity. with 300 hired Pinkerton detective agents firing on crowds 6
July. Support for strike evaporated after Alexander Berkman
attempted to kill Frick on 23 July, and 33 members of strike
committee were arrested for treason. Militia eventually
withdrew 13 Oct.
1887 Interstate Commerce Act created 5 man Interstate Employers triumphed in Homestead Strike as they broke the
Commerce Commission- investigated management of railroad AA (bankrupted by burden of having to support 1,600 striking
industry and Sherman Anti-Trust Act prohibited monopolies and member- caused strikers to give in as they became
trusts. economically desperate, employers refused to sign with AA
unions and membership fell from 24,000 in 1891- 6,300 in
1909) and Carnegie Steel remained non-unionised for another
40 years.
With KOL and increased power, union influence began to extend Pinkerton National Detective Agency employed as
into national and local politics. Influenced elections at local and security guards and private militia (at height
national levels. largest private law enforcement organisation in
the world and bigger than US Army)- hired to
infiltrate unions and keep suspected strikers and
unionists out of factories
1881- 1905 7 million workers participated in 37,000 strikes
Homestead strike was landmark strike because of organisation
and purposefulness.