Rossetti and Wilde Revision
Poem Context Links an ideal husband Critics. Themes
Song: when I Iambic pentameter- Song- Associated with C M Bowra “ Love
am dead my heart Questioning losing a loved one, In some of Death
dearest Song, as a result life after the narrator is her most Society
juxtapose the death- willing to sacrifice famous expectations/
qualities of death. Rossetti their love, as a result poems, predestined fate
Romantic constantly of her certain fate Christiana is Nature
Death is inevitable, questioned being inevitable. obsessed by Peoples own
you should not morn her faith. Better to accept the thoughts of values,
death harsh reality- being Death. interpretation of
Nature imagery- On the forgotten in song, Alan Bird “ life
doesn’t want to be material world and having to live to The basic Appearance vs
remembered we live in, the expectations Hypocrisy of reality
symbolically, “no people forget, within AIH, than to English
roses” “ nor shady natural sense fight it society.”
cypress tree” we decay. Is Sir Robert Chiltern,
Want nature to take there more. deep love he has for
it’s form Lady Chiltern is
Second part of poem AID- constant ignored, he has to
take on a negative restraints in ignore his true
tone. society. Easier feelings and sacrifice
Leaving in to not his love, in order to
acceptance, it does challenge, and fit the stereotype of
not matter if accept the marriage at the time.
remembered or reality of it. it would have been
forgotten. Many people inevitable at the
Everything is gone did not turn time the play was
, after death. - against society written- they had no
nothing has at the time the other way.
importance. play was Everyone has a
Everyone will forget written to certain fate in life,
eventually. challenge it. whether that is
death, or following a
Where frond social status, must
upon to go live in acceptance.
against Is this okay, death
societal inevitable, is social
norms- Wilde class the same?
this. Sir Robert
represents the
man of the
time, Lord
Goring does
Remember Constantly being Remember: Sir Robert Chiltern, C M Bowra “In some Death
reminded go Christina sacrifices their own of her most famous Love
remember. What are Rossetti had a personal desire, hide poems, Christiana is Victorian society
readers do we need fascination his true thoughts obsessed by Appearance vs
to remember? with death, and experienced so thoughts of Death. reality
The speaker she was a that he can present Strong emotions
sacrifices their own devout himself as the ideal Alan Bird “The basic
personal desires in Christian. – husband, for the Hypocrisy of English
expression of true stemmed from sake of Lady society.”
love. her Chiltern. – in George Shaw, “Wilde
Reflective mood depression, expression of true plays with
throughout, love. everything, with wit,
questioning life after Constantly Sir Robert Chiltern with philosophy,