3. 6 . I IAA taxis + kmesrg simple reflex 13 new ones)
a rc receptors panniers corpuscle -
, eye
control of heart rate chemoreceptors pressure receptors autonomic nervous system cardiac output = her ✗ SV
,µ.ym¥s#;÷wµ.p.m.a ., auymn.p,.eda.ym.ugn.unepw
Stimulus -
detectable change in the TROPISM -
growth of part of a plant due to directional stimuli
light (phototropism
positive ti"
gravity / growibopism)
environment leads to response plant shoots : towards from
simple directional response roots away from light towards gravity roots absorb water nutrients
whole body towards favourable stimuli controlled by hormones affecting tissues (not organs ) e.g. auxins
, no . p.m , .. ,. . ↳
g. ma
,, away .
, . a.
a. organ
change speed and rate at which they then
light causer it to move to the shaded side where it elongates cells
dnangedireetion.si/imulilihetemperatwe-,- high conc .
of IAA in shoots increases elongation but inhibits in roots
reflex are → rapid localised short
, , response gravitropism -
IAA moves to lower side due to
gravity high ,
receptor , sensory ,
coordinator intermediate
3.ba/-StimuI#PA4N1AN CORPUSCLE -
sensory receptor responding
control of basic heart rate mechanical Found deep
to changes in
pressure .
"" " """ " "" """ "" "" "" "" "" " " " " " """ "" " " "" "
Layer of non conductive tissue prevents wave
single sensory neurone at centre of tissue layers
to the ventricles ,
antes AVN after
sensoryneurone contains shreds mediated
delay which conveys the between Nat channels at normal
resting potential
the Nat
ventricles along purkinje tissue 1 bundle of His channels are too narrow .
when pressure is applied ,
Wave released from purkinje tissues causing the membrane is deformed channels wider and
ventricles to contract Prom the base upwards Nat diffuses into the neurone ,
thischanges the
Charges to heart rate controlled the potential of the membrane (depot arise d) and produces
H-potnhd-ach-onp-tahda-engthenere-a.ae/eatory oblongata
the brain by the medulla
centre increases heart rate chemoreceptors -
sensitive to ph charges
sympathetic nerves to SAN ¥ due to charges in coz concentration
inhibitory centre decreases heart rate § lower ph higher =
1oz =
higher HR due
§ increased frequency of
parasympathetic nerves to SAN to an nerve impulses
stimulated by pressure or chemical →§ Pressure receptors increased -
charges £ higher Frequency of impulses to inhibitory centre
¥ impulses parasympathetic nerves 1 decreases HR)