R1001B / R1001
You can start this exam at a time of your choosing within its 24 hour window.
You can start, complete and submit the assessment flexibly within the window. However,
the assessment will close at end of the 24 hour window; leave sufficient time to complete.
You should not, however, spend longer on the assignment than the expected duration.
If you have extra time due to Reasonable Adjustments then you should add this to your
expected duration spent on the assessment; this is included within the 24 hour window.
Date: Thursday 19th May 2022
24 Hour Window starts at: 17:30
Expected Exam Duration: 2 hours
Candidates must attempt all questions
Students may use online and physical dictionaries.
The use of machine translation is not allowed.
A list of all sources consulted should be provided at the bottom of the answer paper; e.g.
class notes, textbook, websites, etc.
Candidates should upload their answer paper to Canvas as a single Word file.
Please make sure that your submission includes the following:
Your candidate number (Do not put your name on your paper)
The title of the module and the module code
Read Academic Integrity Statement
You MAY access online materials, including lecture notes, during this examination. You must complete
this assessment on your own and in your own words. DO NOT discuss this assessment with others
before the end of its 24 hour window. By submitting this assessment you confirm that your assessment
includes no instances of academic misconduct, for example plagiarism or collusion. Any instance of
academic misconduct will be thoroughly investigated in accordance with our academic misconduct
Module convenors will not be able to respond to any queries as it would not be possible to ensure that
all candidates received the same information. If you have technical problems during the assessment
please contact IT services ( Please note that there will not be
support available outside of 08:30 -17:30 GMT Monday to Friday.
If you are unable to submit an assignment within the 24 hour window due to a sudden and
unforeseen situation, please check guidance on Exceptional Circumstances. There is no
late submission.
/Turn over
, R1001B/R1001 French Intermediate B/French Intermediate B Year 1
Attempt all the questions and write all your answers on your answer document.
(30 marks)
Throughout Section A, you will be required to use contractions where
necessary. (e.g. je aime > j’aime).
1. Complete the phrases with the correct demonstrative adjective or
pronoun ce, cet, cette, ces, celui, celle, celui-ci, celle-là, celle-ci, ceux-ci,
celles-ci, celles-là.
(5 marks: 1 mark each)
a) Tu veux embaucher_____ homme ou ___ femme ?
b) J’ai visité cette maison mais je préfère ___ que nous avons vu hier.
c) La candidature que vous avez écrite est mieux que ___.
d) Tu auras quel âge __ année
e) Ils voulaient acheter une nouvelle voiture, ils ont choisi ___.
2. Complete the phrases using either the passé compose or the imparfait.
Your choice must make sense in the context of the phrase.
(14 marks: 2 marks each)
a) L’année dernière j __ (aller) tous les jours au café pour travailler.
b) Au mois de septembre dernier, avant la pandémie, elle ___ (visiter) le Mexique.
c) Elles ___ (être) en train d’écrire quand elles __ ____ (voir) le serpent dans mon
salon !
d) Ce soir-là, il __ ____ (faire) beau, les étoiles ___ ___ (briller) et nous ___ nous
sentions __ (se sentir) tellement heureux.
3. Complete the phrases with the correct relative pronouns qui, que (/qu’),
(6 marks :1 mark each)
a) Il aimerait allumer la lampe ___ il a achetée.
b) Vous avez postuler au poste ___ l’entreprise a publié en ligne ?