Iron Diseases
Deficiency Iron deficiency anaemia can cause heart problems as
it may lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat. The
individual’s heart must pump more blood to &
compensate for the lack of oxygen carried in the
Iron deficiency anaemia is caused by the lack of
individual’s blood when their anaemic. This can lead
to an enlarged heart or heart failure. Infection
iron in the body leading to the number of red blood
cells to be decreased in the body as it is used to
produce red blood cells. Iron is a nutrient that is Iron deficiency anaemia can cause problems during
absorbed by the small intestine from the food and
drinks taken in an individual. It is then carried to
the bone marrow where the red blood cells are
pregnancy. In pregnant women, severe iron
deficiency anaemia has been linked to premature
births and low birth weight babies. However, this
produced where the iron is combined with proteins
to make haemoglobin which carries around
oxygen to various organs and tissues. If the body
condition has been reduced and preventable in
pregnant women who receive iron supplements as
part of their prenatal care as well as those women
s & Non-
doesn’t contain enough iron, it will not be able to
produce enough haemoglobin for the oxygen to be
carried around to each organ. The individual ends
who have eaten a lot of foods that contain abundance
of iron such as dark green leafy vegetables, brown
rice, beans, nuts, meat, fish, and eggs.
up showing symptoms of anaemia such as
irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath, s –
Unit 12
dizziness or light-headedness, and chest pain.
Iron deficiency anaemia can also cause growth Tubercul
Task 2
osis &
There are many different causes of why people problems. This is because in infants and children,
develop iron deficiency anaemia such as monthly severe iron deficiency can lead to anaemia as well as
periods, pregnancy, gastrointestinal blood loss, delayed growth and development, which is because
the child’s body goes through a growth spurt, that
and malabsorption. To treat this deficiency, the
individual should either have supplements or causes their body to require more iron for making
foods that have abundance of iron such as dark more red blood cells. Additionally, iron deficiency
anaemia is associated with an increased
green leafy vegetables, nuts, meat, fish, and eggs.
If left untreated, the immune system will be susceptibility to infections.
affected causing the individual to easily develop
illnesses and infections, the heart and the lungs
may be affected too. Therefore, an individual should always eat foods with
plentiful iron in them or supplements as it is very
important for the body to receive enough iron to make
a large number of red blood cells.