2.Why has migration become increasingly complex?
2a. Global migration patterns are influenced by a multitude of factors
-Changes in 21st century
-Increased connectivity (time-space compression), travel, money transfer, education
South-North=South-South High concentration
Young+Female migrants
Economic globalisation leading -Myanmar to Thailand largest -Along with economic globalisation,
to development new source ASEAN corridor, Thailand southeast and development of new
areas + host destinations Asia’s fastest growing economy destinations, as well as young
In order to resolve labour shortages migrant workers seeking better
in agriculture, fisheries, employment + income, more
construction+manufacturing- opportunity for female migrants
significant no.Burmese migrants especially in ACs, job opportunities
seeking employment abroad for females and better rights following
Thailand offering 300 baht (US$9) changing flows of ideas and social
10x that of Myanmar wages equality, norms, values and beliefs
-Southern countries, below brandt -More developed areas more females
line beginning to offer more than males, opposite for lower
incentives to encourage South-South developed countries
migration, incr remittances +further -More female migrants are migrating
economic growth independently for work, education
-Incr ease of transport, education, and as heads of households
money transfers + communication= -In high-income countries, female
ability to access more destinations migrants are increasingly better
*ASEAN=Association of Southeast educated yet they are less likely to
Asian Nations
be employed
Changes in national -Pakistan pro-emigration policy -Pakistan pro-emigration policy it
immigration+emigration pushes Pakistani citizens to migrate also aims at encouraging female
policies abroad in order to work and then participation in overseas
send remittances back to Pakistan, it employment, support for social
also aims at encouraging female networks and associations abroad
participation in overseas (Pakistani diaspora), training
employment, support for social institutions to help Pakistani youth,
networks and associations abroad enhancement of the Impact of
(Pakistani diaspora), training economic remittances.
institutions to help Pakistani youth, Pakistan has a significant young age
enhancement of the Impact of structure (45% of its population)
economic remittances. meaning lots looking for employment
-Total 2,845,463 emigrants opportunities
from Pakistan to Gulf Council -Canada’s imigration policy aims to
countries 2008-2013 address the skills gap in the labour
market- country’s long term
requirements for engineers, IT
-ASEAN (not national)promotes specialists and health care.
intra-regional migration for economic There is a 1200 point system which
reasons enables young, highly skilled
-Canada’s imigration policy immigrants to be fast-tracked.
-In short term, Canada have agreed Young applicants around the age
to take 10,000 Syrian Refugees over of 20 are more likely to be
a three- year period from 2015 employed. While Canadian citizens
are being aimed to be employed first,
however, migrants are just as likely to
be employed.
-The National Plan of Action for
Human Trafficking led by the Lao
PDR government has three strands:
-Prevention: awareness campaigns,
education, child protection, alleviation
, of poverty reducing the need to
-Protection: repatriation and
reintegration of returning migrants,
including shelters for women who
may need counselling
-Prosecution: investigation of
trafficking networks, training border
officials, strengthening legal
-Interdependence with Thailand try
and reduce levels of human
trafficking and modern slavery
Development of distinct -Bilateral migration is simply the -New flows in last decade e.g. Sudan
bi-lateral flows migrant flow between two countries, and South Sudan (South-South)
the number of migrants, their including large no.refugees
composition and directions of flow Suggest young families fleeing
are important characteristics conflict seeking better opportunities +
-Some corridors are large and safety
long-standing such as Mexico and
the USA (South-North), others
cannot match this
-New flows in last decade e.g. Sudan
and South Sudan (South-South)
including large no.refugees
Conflict and persecution -New flows in last decade e.g. Sudan -The gender gap in employment
increased no. of refugees and South Sudan (South-South) tends to be wider among migrants
including large no.refugees -Female migrants are less likely to be
(South Sudan- political/ civil conflict,
employed than male migrants
food insecurity + extreme violence)
-Refugee crisis 2015, Syrian conflict -Despite this, female migrants may
-At least 79.5 million people around still face double discrimination
the world have been forced to flee (female and a migrant in host
their home country), despite CEDAW being
-Unprecedented levels in recent ratified in 185 countries
years -Human trafficking significant levels
-In 2019, ⅔ + (68%) of all refugees of migration of young girls, purpose
came from just five countries: Syria, of labour, prostitution, brides etc.
Venezuela, Afghanistan, South
Sudan and Myanmar