~--+- ' L-. I
__Canyi~o_11~e.rt arou«L. _ _ 1, c.~YY1es .e.ve,~lfuin91~ cu nee.cts+rn::wporJing
__ fue bod~ ~ ~-· __ . m.ounctttie.'oocty _. 4 • • ,
- - -~
/\daptm\ons fot carr~ing DY,\lge.o
-- -- _ /
1- J @~~pp~ t_s:_
L~- ~ed an q 1-1hlre 1?1ood ce11s and.ptate1ers .
l l'ne.~ ate smau and_birnnco..vect ~ _ _ _ . Di.geste,d fooa products -
- ~ large wrface_area for a'omrbmg Qt'\d_ , diOxid L .
re1ect£it1~ oxygen_ __ . _ Red ~100d mis p1asma u~ec:c -
- ~ 7- _. \ _ H_ormo r,lf_.t
2. Coo,ains roemog1o'oin. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ \. Hear eoerg~ --
_c.ont0ios_a_10LoLi roVL _ _ _ _ 4 YMil'.I rnro~onems of ntooct. ~ .
_ Reom. wili'l_oxyger:i,_bewt'YleLo)(__y.naemog1ot,in_ _
/ . . t • . - - - .
_______ in_Lungs_ ~- - _ _ 1
•. Platelets -:- tt e1ps
_ _ ; • , L _ i.-11tn _v1ood c1or _
_ _ Re.ve.r:se.....r:eactiol'Lln_ b.oct p mues.. .teJeas-e.t.o~ygen _ - • -· - : ( - -- - b/ usin'a rotein caned
- ~o nucleu.LtO_c Qo-_y_more ba.emqJlDbirlS . - - I .blood CIOttlt'.\q p.re.v,en.tL '3 p .
- - -- - - - _ _ . . infections. and_stop wow'lds from _ fibri n.
_ Vaccinations _ ---•---'- --"- __ .-;, , _ _ . 1oos1r:19too.mucn blood __
1 1
_4 _contait1_s d.eactJ inactive_patnogens Jt'lClt has.antiqens_L ) .
_ -------1hey_ar.e l'.lar:rvuesLl?u.t stw trJ·.qge.rs Jmmufle_response· . . 'ti - -- - - -· -- . -· - -
_ _ _ _ __ _ _-+- ~e~pand.. _ . . . _ hlnlte blood cells--=---- _
Bloo d vcss el5 - - - -- - -~ e.1astic fibres+ . . - ~ - - - ·- L'/mpho_cytes
_ ___ _ - ~ s moo~ rr:_~scie. Pbagoc:8res _ - am,9ens they proau.ce 00111:ioclies
0 -- ~ -
Arterie s . _ -c- - - -
5rrong . , ,,
4> ca rny blood a'-'ay'.Jro""' hear t
- -- - - - ,. - ,_
,_, - __ . _ _ Sm II I n'l_ they detect ..f.o.t.elflYlS
such as . __ _ _. . . _ _
- - -and.JJncter· · - pressure- . =-highapressure
u ~- pottl'.loqens,_ . am,~oct,es.
_ ~Aorta iS the tarqert artery - --- - · - - - ·
_ __ _ ___ ~ .Tl'le.y en0u1fs and ctigesrs .them Patt'logen _ _ _ _
..\Wm_ - eac11 pcttnoqet1.has its when 1ymphoc.y1es come
~-cappillarles jOif\tO-form veins 4'- mev are non-specific and ctttoci::s . Ohln unique qntig~n across_a l oreignantiqw,
~- 1ol-i pressure, thinner J.,J al IS
pt tney start producing. a(lti-
crny i::1r1d of •' foreiqne.rs~ \ _ _
_\'.loclies .1\'\ese anti bodies ure .
7 - ,
e1astic fibres+ mu~ 1e,_:_ r,u- voives
.big lumen v, ~prevem-bac/:flOW
porticu1ar.y for one specific
type of antig e.ns
~help b1ood f101-1 in _ of bloo·d. 1
ww pressure .
Hemo~ ~ L Tb.ey are proctuce.d.1n a foreiqn anotl'
CapillQrleS - - -it\il'I l-lcillS ' to remember a spec.ifi_c. antigen, So they.can .
4 catritS' b/OOCI reai 'Y CIDSUO body ce11s to emwnge SUbSfQflceS ~reproa uce antt~odi es qu ic1=1v wne.,u riese pcnnoqens
4> Pu meab1e vva/1s to diffuse substances in .and our . .anac1<: agatnr
lesupp1yoxyqenandfood , tai:ec11vo.yco2. , : PhagoCljres.
ltery tn in Nalls , increa.re rare of diffusion by aec,ecuing sma11 lumen
a1nanc.e ___ _ flllcti(,ls