Unit 29
P9- Explain steps to be taken to maintain dignity and respect of an individual when responding to
an incident of challenging behaviour
In every setting and circumstance is dignity and respect a paramount concern. When dealing with
any behaviour, whether it be challenging or not, steps must be taken to maintain dignity and
respect, but what are these steps and how do they take place? Well, below in this task I will explain
the steps taken to maintain dignity and respect of an individual when responding to an incident of
challenging behaviour and why dignity and respect are important.
Maintaining the dignity and respect of the individual displaying challenging behaviour should be a
paramount concern. It must be of upmost importance when responding to events of challenging
behaviour. To maintain dignity and respect, certain interventions e.g. physical interventions, should
never be used unless there is a serious proposed risk to the individual or others, the most minimal
restrictive physical force should be used to maintain dignity and respect. In all circumstances must
individuals be treated with dignity and respect, and this may be hard in many scenarios, but it is of
high importance.
First things first, what is dignity and respect? Respect is a positive feeling or action shown towards
someone or something considered important. If you respect someone, it means you except them for
who they are, even if they are different compared to you. You could show someone respect by being
friendly or kind towards them and allowing them their right to their views and opinions. Dignity very
similar to respect is one of the most important things to human life. It means being valued and
respected, for what you look like, who you are, what you believe in and how you chose to live your
life. Treating others, including those with challenging behaviour with dignity, means treating them
the way we’d like to be treated ourselves. With compassion and great respect. With respect and
dignity, clarified, what steps are taken to maintain the dignity and respect of an individual when
responding to a scenario of challenging behaviour? I will explain below.
Steps taken to maintain dignity and respect of an individual when responding to an incident of
challenging behaviour
The steps vary, however, various steps can be taken to maintain the respect and dignity of an
individual when responding to an incident of challenging behaviour, but what are these steps and
how can carrying them out maintain dignity and respect?
Well, steps could include communicating with dignity and respect, not shouting, speaking in a
friendly but firm tone, asking the individual to cooperate rather than telling them what to do,
bringing the individual off to one side, offer reassurance to the individual or showing the individual
you respect them. My list is just a few of the steps taken, but what others steps are taken to
maintain the dignity and respect of an individual when responding to challenging behaviour? I will
state and explain below.
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