Unit 29
M2- Review approaches used to promote positive behaviour
There are various approaches used to promote positive behaviour. Concerning the approaches
applied to promote positive behaviour, do they work? are they effective and sustainable and what’s
good and bad about them? I will find this out and, in this task, review the approaches used to
promote positive behaviour.
Approaches used to promote positive behaviour and their effectiveness and sustainability
Like I alliterated above, there are various approaches used to promote positive behaviour, which
include positive role modelling, praise and approval, turning negatives into positives, building
relationships, effective communication, schedules and timers and recognizing and promoting good
behaviour. All the approaches I mentioned are applied across the UK, but are they effective and
sustainable in the short and long term and do they really work, or do we just assume they do? Well, I
will review below.
Role modelling
Role modelling is an approached used to promote positive behaviour that aims to achieve the
desired behaviour through a series of modelling techniques. Role modelling involves an individual
whether that be a teacher or student, modelling positive behaviour. It is a technique used frequently
in schools with its intention of promoting positive behaviour and showing others how to behave
properly. If a teacher was to apply the proactive strategy role modelling to get the desired
behaviour, then they may act positively, be polite, kind and teach the lesson and do their work, or
they may take a star student and use them as a model for others to follow, to improve and promote
positive behaviour.
But is role modelling effective and sustainable and does it work? First things first, is role modelling
effective, well yes, it is. It is consistently used and has been found to be a crucial approach in
promoting positive behaviour. If positive behaviour models are shown and given praise, others are
likely to copy the model to receive such accreditation. Role modelling is sustainable in long term
also, however, you may get some individuals who do not follow the approach or do not want to
comply and behave like the role model. If this is the case, then other approaches must be introduced
for the overall promotion of positive behaviour. Role modelling may be more effective short term or
alongside other approaches, as role modelling alone may not be suitable. An approach that uses role
modelling and praise and approval for following the model behaviour would be suitable for
promoting positive behaviour in the long term.