Magnitude 7.0
Fault locked for 250 years
Generated by a contractional
Localised Tsunami Cause deformation along the Leogane
fault Rupture of fault was 65km long,
13km depth slippage of 1.8m
12th January 2010 $100 Million in aid given by USA,
$330 Million in aid by the EU
7.8-8.5 billion USD of Damage
810,000 people palced in aid
1 million people live here (10 camps
Port Au Prince
million nationwide)
115,000 tents and 1,000,000+
Key Facts
GDP Per Capita; 1.2k USD p/a tarpaulin shelters provided
80% live on $2 or less per day Healthcare supplies sent to limit
Life Expectancy - 62yrs Short Term
Lack of immeadiate aid due to
poor planning, management and
0.25 doctors per 1,000 people Development access meant people had to rescue
each other
53% over 15 years old can read &
write 4.3 Million people provided with
food rations in the weeks following
46% of people have access to
drinking water
Recovery Iceland responded within the first
24 hours, sending rescue teams to
40% have access to basic help
healthcare Prior to 2010, considered to be
poorest country in Western
Hemisphere, with 80% below 98% of rubble on roads hadn't
67% of Children attend Primary poverty line been cleared
Background 1 million people still without
Seismologists warned a major houses after 1 year, forced to live
seismic activity could occur, and in aid camps
the 2010 earthquake could be the
beginning of a sequence of Support for people without jobs
earthquakes Haiti Earthquake 2010 (70% of population) through
This would pay people $4 for 1/2 a
Long Term days labour (minimum wage)
cash/food-for-work projects
20% of people lost their jobs due
to large scale destruction of Temporary schools created, and
buildings. Haiti's largest industry; new teachers trained
clothing was one of the worst
effected Water and Sanitation eventually
supplied for 1.7 million people
Large number of deaths meant
hospitals and morgues became Trained 2 seismologists
full, and bodies piled up on streets
Large number of bodies lead to Secondary Effects Rainy season began
disease, like cholera
2 months later 500,000 people sleeping rough,
Issues to get aid due to damage to and 500,000 were crowded into
airport, and poor management of make-shift camps
People still living in shanty towns,
People were squashed into shanty or temporary camps, or in
towns, or onto streets due to overcrowded accomodation
homes being destroyed, leading to Effects 10 Months on
poor sanitation, and health
Lack of access to clean drinking
316,000 people were killed
Aftermath Stationed at Mirebalais
280,000 Buildings destroyed or
damaged including President's
Palace and 60% of government They had brought food
buildings contaminated with Vibrio cholerae
bacteria, an outbreak orginating in
As Haiti is a LEDC, and due to the Nepal. Those infected flushed their
Transport and communication links scale of impacts, UN Peacekeepers sewerage into the 320km long
Primary Effects
were badly damaged were flown in from Nepal to help artibonite river leading to a further
with aftermath outbreak in the rural artibonite
region, 60 miles
Hospitals (50+) and schools north of Port Au Prince. 4000
(1,300+) as was the Airport's people infected by October
control tower 2010, end of November, 515,000
cases, and 7,000 deaths, this
Prison destroyed, and 4,000 inmats therefore restricted recovery efforts