Unit 4
Tech Management Expert
Date: 01/10/2021
Feasibility Report
Executive Summary Statement
We are a group of four people who are assigned to create a report in which we must analyses
the project that was designed and developed for users to track the points earned by the five
players from four teams in the five events. We were also assigned the task of analysing the
project management skills we used, and we completed a successful preview of the project
management skills and behaviors we used, as well as their efficacy. This is also done utilizing
the waterfall lifecycle model.
Our company logo is ‘Tech Management Expert’, we are creating a software that allows to track
points for student who are taking part in the tournament. This will be done by NetBeans, the
software we will use to code and design for the goal to be completed. The cost of both software
and hardware will be cost free since we are using our company’s hardware such as computers
and laptops, and NetBeans is free which leads to no payment.
Requirements of the project
In the requirements, we will have to create a useful program, as it will be able to run a
tournament for students. In the tournament there may be entries for participants, either
individually or as a part of a team. The expectations for the number of teams are 4 with 5
members each, this will include 20 spaces for individual competitors. It is expected to have 5
events that must be completed for each team. The team will be defined as a team or individual
event at each event. The events will be varied in type, from sporting to academic challenges.
The teams and individuals will be awarded points according to their rank within each event,
however the points that will be awarded for each event are yet undecided and the college are
willing to hear any suggestions you may have. This also includes the college wanting to include
the possibility of entering for one event only.
, Our requirement us to design and develop a computer program to manage the scoring system
for the tournament as we must follow the requirements above.
The requirement of our task is to host a tournament for students to engage in a series of events
for prizes. Participants may join the tournament as individuals or as part of a team, and it is
planned that there will be four teams, each with five members, and 20 individual participants.
Each team will complete five events, each of which can be done as a team or individually. The
event will occur in a variety of forms, ranging from sporting to academic challenges. Members of
a team will be awarded points based on their place in each event; the scores awarded for each
To run this program, we are going to plan our project, and how we will manage our project.
Technology Constraints/Considerations
We are creating a new project as I am using java Application to do this project. We have started
this program by creating a new ‘JFrame form.’
For example, we will fill out the project’s class name ‘Tournament,’ as a red colored text will be
displayed at the bottom of the form in order to start the project with a title. This is where we
would start to insert details such as name for the JFrame Form.
The software we will use is called NetBeans, which will be cost free as we can download it
online without paying for anything. The hardware we will use, specifically laptops and computers
in sets, including mouse and keyboard, is free since our company is providing it. In conclusion
we will have no issues with the budget as there will be no spending/will be cost-free on both the
software and hardware that will be used for this project. This project will take us at least two
weeks to complete as we will have to learn how to code first as well learn how to use the
software ‘NetBeans’ in order to design and program. Our team will be studying java
programming, which will build our skills as junior developers. This will lead us to create the
project and meet the criteria.
The company has the necessary hardware needed in order to develop the system. The
hardware contains a mouse, keyboards, internet connection for resources, this is enough to
develop the program. New hardware is not needed to run the system; therefore, no further cost
will be necessary.
This software will require at least 1 gigabyte ram for NetBeans, storing medium to large
applications and 100-2000 source files on a system with one CPU. The computer must contain
a processor, which is the logic circuitry that responds to and processing the basic instructions