How many Australians have diabetes? - correct answers1.7 million
What % of diabetes is type 2? 90% - correct answers90%
What is type 1 diabetes? - correct answersImmune mediated destruction of B cells
What is type 2 diabetes? B cell dysfunction and insulin resistance - correct answersB
cell dysfunction and insulin resistance
Who is at risk of type 2 diabetes? - correct answers>40, waistline >80cmF/>94cmM,
south Asian or African descent, polycystic ovaries, gestational diabetes, mental illness
How is type 2 diabetes diagnosed? - correct answersVenous plasma glucose
>11.1mmol/l, >7.0mmol/l fasting, HbA1c 48 mmol/mol (6.5%)
Name diabetic meds types: - correct answersMetformin, Thiazolidenediones
(pioglitazone), suplhonylureas (gliclazide), meglitinides, DPP-4 inhibitors (sitagliptin),
glucosidase inhibitors
What is prevalence of DR after two decades? - correct answers100% type 1, 60% type
What are the consequences of microvascular occlusion in DR? - correct
answersHypoxia -> IRMA and NV
What are the consequences of microvascular leakage in DR? Haems, plasma leakage -
> oedema and exudates - correct answersHaems, plasma leakage -> oedema and
What is R1? - correct answersFlame, dot haems, singular blot haem
What is R2? - correct answersCWS, exudates, IRMA, venous changes, x2 blot haems
What is R3? - correct answersNVD, NVW, Rubeosis iridis, pre-retinal haems
What are the types of diabetic maculopathy? - correct answersFocal, diffuse, ischaemic,
What do you need to provide medicare treatment? - correct answersA provider number
Who is a green medicare card for? - correct answersA permanent resident or citizen of
,Whois a blue medicare card for? - correct answersSomeone waiting for permanent
residence - a temporary medicare card
What is a RHCA? - correct answersA reciprocal health care agreement card for certified
When can't medicare benefits be claimed? - correct answersFor dispensing and
adjustments, rx copies, cosmetic surgery, refractive surgery, vocational tests or tests for
sports, tests requested by an employer, driving license tests, when testing a spouse or
dependant, post-op aftercare
What is code 10905? - correct answersReferred following examination
10910? - correct answersSight test for px < 65
10911? - correct answersSight test for px > 65
10912? - correct answersEarly test with significant change in visual function
10913? - correct answersEarly test with new signs or symptoms
10914? - correct answersEarly test progressive disorder
10915? - correct answersExamination of diabetic px
10918? - correct answersSecond consultation
0921? - correct answersCL consultation NOT VALID IF WEARING FOR COSMETIC,
10931-10933? - correct answersDomiciliary
10940 and 10941? - correct answersVisual fields testing
10942? - correct answersLow Vision Assessment
10943? - correct answersChildren's vision assessment aged 3-14
10944? - correct answersFB removal
What is the standard for Australian / NZ sunglasses? - correct answersAS/NZS 1067
What is the standard mark for welding protection? - correct answersAS/NZS 1338.1
What is the standard mark for filters against UV? - correct answersAS/NZS 1338.2
, What is the standard mark for protection against IR radiation? - correct answers1338.3
What is the minimum a px records should be kept for? - correct answers7 years or until
the age of 25, whichever is the longest
Which state quotes a minimum of 10 years? - correct answersWestern Australia
What is the ocular marking HT? - correct answersHeat tempered
What is the ocular marking CT? - correct answersChemically tempered
What letters would be on a medium impact device? - correct answersI and F
What letters would be on a high impact device? - correct answersV and B
What letter would be on an extra high impact device? - correct answersA
What letters would be on specs for molten metals or hot solids? - correct answersM or 9
What are visual standards for cars and motorcycles? - correct answersUncorrected VA
no worse than 6/12 better eye - license allowed if adequate correction with specs,
Corrected VA no worse than 6/24. 110 degrees horizontally with 10 degrees above and
below midline, scotoma within 20 degrees of fixation
What are the visual standards for a HGV? - correct answersUncorrected VA is worse
than 6/9 in better eye or 6/18 either eye - conditional license if correctable. Visual field
140 degrees within 10 degrees above and below the midline, no field loss/scotoma,
hemianopia, quadrantanopia likely to impede driving
What are the visual standards for a train driver? - correct answersCan't be worse than
6/9 in best eye, can't be worse than 6/18 either eye. No visual field defect, not
monocular, normal colour vision, no diplopia
What are the visual standards for an electrician? - correct answersAdequate colour
vision - anomalous colour vision may be acceptable, D15 test.
What are category A conditions for firefighters? - correct answersBCVA less than 6/9
binocularly, less than 6/18 either eye, uncorrected distance less than 6/36 binocularly,
BC NVA less than N5, visual fields less than 120 degrees in the horizontal field each
eye, protan defect, significant deutan defect, retinal detachment, diplopia, night
blindness, corneal scarring, monocular vision
What are category B conditions for firefighters? - correct answersMild deutan defect,
cataracts, progressive or recurring eye disease