Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring
Leslie S. Treas, Judith M. Wilkinson, Karen L. Barnett, & Mable H. Smith
2nd Edition
,Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Nursing Past & Present 1
Chapter 2. Critical Thinking & the Nursing Process 20
Chapter 3. Assessment 35
Chapter 4. Nursing Process Diagnosis 54
Chapter 5. Planning Outcomes 73
Chapter 6. Planning Interventions 89
Chapter 7. Implementation & Evaluation 106
Chapter 8. Theory, Research, & Evidence-Based Practice 121
Chapter 9. Development Infancy Through Middle Adulthood 136
Chapter 10. Development Older Adulthood 153
Chapter 11. Experiencing Health & Illness 170
Chapter 12. Stress & Adaptation 186
Chapter 13. Psychosocial Health & Illness 202
Chapter 14. Family 223
Chapter 15. Culture & Ethnicity 239
Chapter 16. Spirituality 254
Chapter 17. Loss, Grief, & Dying 270
Chapter 18. Documenting & Reporting 290
Chapter 19. Vital Signs 309
Chapter 20. Communicating & Therapeutic Relationships 332
Chapter 21. Physical Assessment 351
Chapter 22. Infection Prevention & Control 377
Chapter 23. Safety 396
Chapter 24. Hygiene 412
Chapter 25. Administering Medications 430
Chapter 26. Teaching & Learning 453
Chapter 27 Health Promotion 469
Chapter 28. Nutrition 486
Chapter 29. Bowel Elimination 508
Chapter 30. Urinary Elimination 526
Chapter 31. Sensory Perception 545
Chapter 32. Pain 563
Chapter 33. Activity & Exercise 585
Chapter 34. Sexual Health 607
Chapter 35. Sleep & Rest 623
Chapter 36. Skin Integrity & Wound Healing 639
Chapter 37. Oxygenation 661
Chapter 38. Circulation & Perfusion 680
,Chapter 39. Fluids, Electrolytes, & Acid–Base Balance 696
Chapter 40. Perioperative Nursing 719
Chapter 41. Leading & Managing 738
Chapter 42. Community & Home Health Nursing 753
Chapter 43. Ethics & Values 775
Chapter 44. Legal Accountability 791
Chapter 45. Nursing Informatics 807
Chapter 46. Holistic Healing 822
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Test Bank - Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring, 2nd edition (Treas, 2018)
Chapter 1. Nursing Past & Present
1. Which is the most influential factor that has shaped the nursing profession?
1) Physicians’ need for handmaidens
2) Societal need for healthcare outside the home
3) Military demand for nurses in the field
4) Germ theory influence on sanitation
ANS: 3
Chapter number and title: 1, Nursing Past & Present
Chapter learning objective: Define nursing in your own words.
Chapter page reference: p. 7
Heading: Historical Context of Nursing
Integrated Processes: Teaching and Learning
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment: Management of Care
Cognitive level: Comprehension [Understanding]
Concept: Professionalism
Difficulty: Easy
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1 The physician's handmaiden was/is a nursing stereotype rather than an influence
on nursing.
2 Although there has been a need for healthcare outside the home throughout
history, this has more influence on the development of hospitals than on
nursing; this need provided one more setting for nursing work.
3 Throughout the centuries, stability of the government has been related to the
success of the military to protect or extend its domain. As the survival and
well-being of soldiers are both critical, nurses provided healthcare to the sick
and injured at the battle site.
4 Germ theory and sanitation helped to improve healthcare but did not shape
PTS: 1 CON: Professionalism
2. Which is an example of an illness-prevention activity?
1) Encouraging the use of a food diary
2) Joining a cancer support group
3) Administering immunization for HPV
4) Teaching a diabetic patient about his diet
ANS: 3
Chapter number and title: 1, Nursing Past & Present
Chapter learning objective: Name and recognize the four purposes of nursing care.
Chapter page reference: p. 15
Heading: Nursing Practice: Caring for Clients
Integrated Processes: Nursing Process – Implementation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
, ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Test Bank - Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring, 2nd edition (Treas, 2018)
Cognitive level: Application [Applying]
Concept: Health Promotion
Difficulty: Moderate
1 Illness-prevention activities focus on avoiding a specific disease. A food diary is
a health-promotion activity.
2 Although cancer is a disease, it is assumed that a person joining a support group
would already have the disease; therefore, this is not disease prevention but
3 Administering immunization for HPV is an example of illness prevention.
4 Teaching a diabetic patient about diet is a treatment for diabetes; the patient
already has diabetes, so it cannot prevent diabetes.
PTS: 1 CON: Health Promotion
3. Which contribution of Florence Nightingale had an immediate impact on improving patients’
1) Providing a clean environment
2) Improving nursing education
3) Changing the delivery of care in hospitals
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4) Establishing nursing as a distinct profession
ANS: 1
Chapter number and title: 1, Nursing Past & Present
Chapter learning objective: Name nine expanded roles for nursing.
Chapter page reference: p. 9
Heading: Table 1-1 Roles and Functions of the Nurse
Integrated Processes: Caring
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
Cognitive level: Comprehension [Understanding]
Concept: Evidence-Based Practice
Difficulty: Easy
1 Improved sanitation (a clean environment) greatly and immediately reduced the
rate of infection and mortality in hospitals.
2 This is an activity of Florence Nightingale that improved healthcare or nursing,
but the impact is long range, not immediate.
3 This is an activity of Florence Nightingale that improved healthcare or nursing,
but the impact is long range, not immediate.
4 This is an activity of Florence Nightingale that improved healthcare or nursing,
but the impact is long range, not immediate.
PTS: 1 CON: Evidence-Based Practice
4. Which aspect of the full-spectrum nursing role is essential for the nurse to do in order to
successfully carry out all the others?
1) Thinking and reasoning about the client’s care
2) Providing hands-on client care
3) Carrying out physician orders
, ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Test Bank - Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring, 2nd edition (Treas, 2018)
4) Delegating to assistive personnel
ANS: 1
Chapter number and title: 1, Nursing Past & Present
Chapter learning objective: Name and recognize the four purposes of nursing care.
Chapter page reference: p. 8
Heading: Nursing Today: Full-Spectrum Nursing
Integrated Processes: Nursing Process
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment: Management of Care
Cognitive level: Analysis [Analyzing]
Concept: Patient-Centered Care
Difficulty: Difficult
1 A substantial portion of the nursing role involves using clinical judgment,
critical thinking, and problem solving, which directly affect the care the client
will actually receive.
2 Providing hands-on care is important; however, clinical judgment, critical
thinking, and problem-solving are essential to do it successfully.
3 Carrying out physician orders is a small part of a nurse’s role; it, too, requires
nursing assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation.
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4 Many simple nursing tasks are being delegated to nursing assistive personnel;
delegation requires careful analysis of patient status and the appropriateness of
support personnel to deliver care.
PTS: 1 CON: Patient-Centered Care
5. Which statement pertaining to Benner’s practice model for clinical competence is true?
1) Progression through the stages is constant, with most nurses reaching the proficient
2) Progression through the stages involves continual development of thinking and
technical skills.
3) The nurse must have experience in many areas before being considered an expert.
4) The nurse’s progress through the stages is determined by years of experience and
ANS: 2
Chapter number and title: 1, Nursing Past & Present
Chapter learning objective: Discuss the transitions nursing education has undergone in the last
Chapter page reference: p. 12
Heading: Benner’s Model
Integrated Processes: Caring
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment: Management of Care
Cognitive level: Comprehension [Understanding]
Concept: Evidence-Based Practice
Difficulty: Easy
1 Movement through the stages is not constant.
2 Benner’s model is based on integration of knowledge, technical skill, and
intuition in the development of clinical wisdom.
, ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Test Bank - Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring, 2nd edition (Treas, 2018)
3 The model does not mention experience in many areas.
4 The model does not mention years of experience.
PTS: 1 CON: Evidence-Based Care
6. Which best explains why it is difficult for the profession to develop a definition of nursing?
1) There are too many different and conflicting images of nurses.
2) There are constant changes in healthcare and the activities of nurses.
3) There is disagreement among the different nursing organizations.
4) There are different education pathways and levels of practice.
ANS: 2
Chapter number and title: 1, Nursing Past & Present
Chapter learning objective: Discuss the transitions that nursing education has undergone in the
last century.
Chapter page reference: p. 8
Heading: How Is Nursing Defined?
Integrated Processes: Caring
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment: Management of Care
Cognitive level: Analysis [Analyzing]
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Concept: Professionalism
Difficulty: Difficult
1 The conflicting images of nursing make it more important to develop a
definition; they may also make it more difficult but not to the extent that
constant change does.
2 Healthcare is constantly changing and with it come changes in where, how, and
what nursing care is delivered. Constant changes make it difficult to develop a
3 Although different nursing organizations have different definitions, they are
similar in most ways.
4 The different education pathways affect entry into practice, not the definition of
PTS: 1 CON: Professionalism
7. Nurses have the potential to be very influential in shaping healthcare policy. Which factor
contributes most to nurses’ influence?
1) Nurses are the largest health professional group.
2) Nurses have a long history of serving the public.
3) Nurses have achieved some independence from physicians in recent years.
4) Political involvement has helped refute negative images portrayed in the media.
ANS: 1
Chapter number and title: 1, Nursing Past & Present
Chapter learning objective: Discuss issues related to healthcare reform.
Chapter page reference: p. 24
Heading: Influence of Nurses on Health Policy
Integrated Processes: Caring
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment: Management of Care
, ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Test Bank - Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing, and Caring, 2nd edition (Treas, 2018)
Cognitive level: Comprehension [Understanding]
Concept: Health Care System
Difficulty: Easy
1 Nurses are trusted professionals and the largest health professional group. As
such, they have political power to effect changes. If nursing were a small group,
there would be little potential for power in shaping policies, even if all the other
answers were true.
2 Serving the public, although positive, does not necessarily help nurses to be
influential in establishing health policy.
3 Independence from physicians, although positive, does not necessarily make
nurses influential in establishing healthcare policy.
4 Refuting negative media, although positive, does not necessarily make nurses
influential in establishing healthcare policy.
PTS: 1 CON: Health Care System
8. Nursing was described as a distinct occupation in the sacred books of which faith?
1) Buddhism
2) Christianity
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3) Hinduism
4) Judaism
ANS: 3
Chapter number and title: 1, Nursing Past & Present
Chapter learning objective: Discuss the transitions that nursing education has undergone in the
last century.
Chapter page reference: p. 6
Heading: Historical Context of Nursing
Integrated Processes: Caring
Client Need: Safe and Effective Care Environment: Management of Care
Cognitive level: Knowledge [Remembering]
Concept: Professionalism
Difficulty: Easy
1 Nursing was not described as a distinct occupation in the sacred books of
2 Nursing was not described as a distinct occupation in the sacred books of
3 The Vedas, the sacred books of the Hindu faith, described Indian healthcare
practices and were the earliest writings of a distinct nursing occupation.
4 Nursing was not described as a distinct occupation in the sacred books of
PTS: 1 CON: Professionalism
9. Which individual established the American Red Cross?
1) Louisa May Alcott
2) Clara Barton