,→ moral responsibility
-inspector exposes moral responsibility in others through the death of Eva smith
-may not be able to build a criminal case against them, but he can reveal their moral culpability
-social injustice was common in 1912
Mr Birling
-lacks any sense of responsibility
-capitalist and an individualist
- 'the way some of these cranks talk and write now you'd think everybody has to look after everybody else..
community and all that nonsense’
-no one to challenges these views on dinner table
-British power believed they had no responsibility over others which results in centuries of inhuman
behaviour and exploitation and finally two world wars
, → age
-older generation represents selfishness in society and their
ideals are ingrained into their children
-the children showed their ability to learn from their mistakes,
-priestly is optimistic politically about the younger generation
in that they'll bring hope for the nation