Zhanet Sadulla
Unit 19 Task 1
P1 - Explain how the concepts of nutritional health contribute to
health and wellbeing
What is Nutritional Health? – Nutrition is the food your body consumes
and how your body takes it. Nutrition is the process of getting the right
amount of nourishment and energy from the food you eat or the process of
getting the right amount of nutrients and energy from the food you eat.
Everyone eats food in order for them to survive, grow, and be healthy and
have a healthy lifestyle and a good balanced diet. Nutrition also gives
individuals more energy, for example consuming more of those helps you
stay more energetic for your job. Consuming the right food prevents
individuals from developing any physical health problems, such as
cardiovascular conditions, or diabetes. Taking in the right nutritions also
helps with your sleep pattern and your health, helps with your well being, in
particular mood swings, because the food that you eat could effect your
mood, depending on how much you consume as well.
What is healthy eating? - Healthy eating is consuming a range of meals that
provide you with the nutrients you require so you can be healthy, feel happy,
and be energetic. Protein, carbs, fats, water, vitamins, and minerals are among
these nutrients. Everyone need proper nutrition. Eating healthily, when paired
with workout and a weight maintenance, is a fantastic method to keep your
physique fit.
What is a balanced diet? - A well-balanced diet provides the nutrients your
body requires to function properly. The majority of your everyday
calories should come from fresh veggies and fruits that are fresh, whole grains,
beans, nuts or peanuts, and lean meats to obtain the nourishment you need.
Explain in detail what the eatwell guide is and what each section is, why we
need them, foods that are in each section, nutrients and how much. Use
NHS website to help here)
What is the eat-well guide? – The eat well plate demonstrates the 5 foods
that you need to consume in order for you to maintain and healthy, well
, balanced diet. It is a guide to eating a healthy, and maintaining a well-
balanced diet. The appropriate percentages are shown on the Eatwell plate.
The Eatwell guide displays the daily proportions of essential foods that a
human must consume. The preceding is shown on the Eatwell plate:
• Fruits and vegetables must account for 40% of total consumption; carbs
should account for 38%; protein must serve for 12% in total; and dairy and
alternatives must account for 8% of total intake.
• Oils and spreads must account for 1% of total calories consumed.
25th February 2018, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-
to-use-in-promotional-material/the-eatwell-guide-how-to Proportions of
segments in section 5.3.
Explain the differences between malnutrition, undernutrition, obesity, and
Malnutrition is a dangerous disorder where the organism is short of the
nutrients it requires to operate normally. When the organism is low in
calories or nutrients, it is due to a lack of food intake or a failure to absorb
nutrients from the meals due to medical issues.
Obesity occurs when a person is overweight as a consequence of high
calorie consumption combined with enough activity to burn it off. "A BMI of
30 to 29.9 suggests obese for loads of adults," according to
[https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/obesity/ part how to know whether you're
obese, last updated 16th May 2019]. Finally, getting overweight depends on
an individual's height.
Explain how the way we process and prepare food can affect nutritional
Name Method Positive Negative
freezing Food is stored in the The nutrients are kept. Prepared foods are
freezer. frequently heavy in salt
and sugar.
canning Cooked and sealed Has a long shelf life and Salt and sugar levels
without the use of any stores carbs and may be excessive, and
air protein. vitamin B and C levels
may be low.
pickling keep food in vinegar or There is no bacterial The chemicals released
other acetic acid-based growth. have indeed been
, liquids. connected to stomach
and cancers.
Jams and preserves Fruits that have been Bacteria would indeed Due to the high temps,
cooked with sugar and be dehydrated, limiting there is a low nutritious
then placed into jars the spoiling of the fruit. value as well as a high
sugar content.
smoking Food that has been No bacteria growth It causes cancers
subjected to wood
Vacuum packed No air is allowed in the There is no room for Very high in salt
package because it is bacteria to grow, and it
sealed in plastic. may be kept in the
fridge for up to two or
even three weeks.
curing Salt, potassium nitrite, Bacterial growth is When salt levels are
or salt are used to inhibited by the high, the risk of health
preserve foods. presence of bacteria, issues increases.
which extends the shelf
additives Something that is given Colour, shelf life, May result in allergic
to meals as a flavour, and reactions
supplement to the consistency are all
main elements improved.
(ingredients) used
Pasteurisation food warmed at 15 Food lasts a long time Not any side / negative
seconds at 73 degrees while maintaining the effects that come with
Celsius same flavour. it
Grilling Grilling is a way of Your senses are piqued It is easy to overcook
preparing that includes by the grilling process. meat when grilling,
applying dry heat to It awakens the senses. harmful to the people
the surface of the meal Not only will you like breathing in the smoke,
upwards, below, or to consuming the end If the grill is excessively
the side. Grilling is a product, but you will hot, the food will dry
method of cooking also enjoy making it. up quickly, and
meat and vegetables Your five senses: sight, particular barbecues
fast that uses a lot of smell, hearing, touch, can be detrimental to
direct, radiant heat, for and taste will all be the environment.
example steak. wowed by anything Depending on the type
you've prepared on the of grill and how long it
grill. Grilling is a better takes for the grill to
option than other heat up, grilling may
cooking methods such take longer than
as frying because the ordinary cooking.
grilling grates enable
fat to drip off while you
cook, reducing the
amount of fat you
Stir frying Veggies, meats, fish, It uses a lot less oil Stir frying takes a
and fowl are chopped than deep frying or pan certain level of ability
into strips and swiftly frying, making it to throw the food into
fried in a small amount healthier, and nutrients the hot pan, and if
of oil. remain in the food. done incorrectly, the
food may burn or cook
roasting Roasting is a dry heat enhances the texture The fact that meat
, cooking technique in of what you're takes a long time to
which hot air from an preparing and roast is a negative.
oven, an open flame, intensifies the flavour
or another heat source character It takes
fully surrounds the advantage of food's
food, evenly cooking it inherent sugars to give
on all sides. it a sweeter, more
concentrated flavour.
boiling Root vegetables that It is easy to perform overheating the meal
are poor in water and does not require or erasing its
soluble vitamins are any special skills, and nutritional value
cooked in a moist Cooked food is light
technique in and easy to digest.
water, preserving their
nutritious content.
steaming Because the water steaming does not Very slow method of
soluble vitamins are require any fat, it is cooking so it takes a
not dissolved into the widely regarded as a long time to do.
water and lost, green healthy cooking
vegetables that are method and nutrients
steamed have a higher remain kept to the
vitamin content than fullest.
those that are boiled.
Because no fat is added
during steaming, this is
a fat-free approach.
Explain what self prescribes health supplements and genetically modified
foods are and how they affect our diets?
Self-prescribed health supplements are strong sources of vitamins and
minerals, and other compounds that have nutritional or physiological
benefits by themselves or combined, that are offered in dosage form. To
put it another way, it's a pill that has the same minerals and vitamins as a
meal. This is often used by individuals that are vitamin lacking, unable to
eat particular meals owing to their religion, or allergic to specific foods. The
concern is that social media encourages people to use health supplements
instead of eating food meals, in order to lose weight, get rid of acne ( or
wanting clear skin in general ), or grow their hair. The components have a
powerful biological impact on the body, which might put you in danger. For
instance, taking too many vitamin A pills might cause lung damage, birth
problems, and other complications.
Because genes hold the directions for all features, genetically modified food
requires changing the genetic composition of a plant or animal. This implies
that fruit and animals are created rather than growing organically. The
causes for this are to generate more animal fruit, to make them better