Learning Theories
, Validity - (+) sound-proof lab reduces
distraction, (+) tube inserted into dog’s
PAVLOV (1927) :
cheek, (+) neutral stimuli were carefully Conclusions - C.C explains how
Sample - 35 breeds of dog over 25 years.
tested to ensure that they elicited no behaviour can be learned and
response prior to conditioning. generalised, but does not explain how
IV : introduction of NS (e.g. metronome, bell)
DV : tube measuring saliva production. this behaviour response is maintained.
Ethics - (-) unnecessarily invasive procedure,
(+) BUT as this was the 1920s, we understand (+) APPLICATIONS to reducing troubled
Procedure -
that there were different views on the use of behaviour by introducing the negative
1. Food (UCS) -> Salvation (UCR)
animals in experiments. behaviour as a NS to a UCS which elicits
2. Food (UCS) + Bell (NS) -> Salivation (UCR)
3. Bell (CS) -> Salivation (UCR) a negative response, e.g:
CLASSICAL 1. Drugs -> A high
The dog is conditioned to salivate at the sound of CONDITIONING 2. Sickness pills (UCS) -> Vomiting
the bell, having not previously given a response. (UCR)
Learning by ASSOCIATION. 3. Sickness pills + Drugs (NS) ->
Key Idea : UCS -> UCR … UCS + NS -> UCR… Vomiting
NS = CS 4. Dugs (CS) -> Vomiting (CR)
Extinction : after not being paired for a while, CS
does not elicit the CR.
Spontaneous recovery : extinct response
Stimulus generalisation : similar stimuli to the CS
begin to elicit the CR.
Discrimination : CR is only produced with the CS.