Name: Aksa Ali 33202
Unit 11 – Psychological Perspective:
Learning Aim B: Examine the contribution of psychological perspectives of the
management and treatment of service users’ specific behaviours
(P3) Explain how different factors influence human development and specific
(M2) Analyse the value of identifying factors influencing human development and
behaviours in the application of psychological perspectives to the management
and treatment of different service users’ behaviour.
Paragraph 1:
In this section I will be looking at the contribution of psychological perspective to the
management treatment of Andy and Kiera and how it has impacted their behaviour. We
see these factors influencing Andy and Kiera behaviour through their physical,
emotional, cultural, emotional, economic, physical and environment and psychological
factors affecting them. human development. Management is when you are not being
given care towards your disease whereas it is a holistic approach and covers factors
like emotional and mental care. Treatment is the opposite as it when you are given
medicinal care and therapies that help treat and cure your disease and illness. This
involves support groups and local services (thWorks, 2022). Treatment and medication
are important to be given to an individual as it would help their needs and wishes.
Treatment and management techniques involve a relaxed environment, massages, and
psychical therapies.
Paragraph 2:
One of the factors that could influence behaviour is physical factors, physical factors
are things that happen to the body on a physical level. There are some physical
elements that can influence behaviour such as circadian rhythms, these rhythms can
disturb and affect sleep. An example of this factor would be circadian rhythms.
Circadian rhythms are bodily functions that run on the cycle. (Billingham, 2016). These
are changes which follow a 24-hour cycle, and it can cause physical and mental
changes to the body. It can be a reason into why we get tired towards night and feel
more awake during the day, which can be due to the hormones which are being realised
in this cycle. Another way of how physical factors can impact human development is
the structure of the brain. There are 5 parts of the brain which all carry out
different functions and have different responsibilities, which allows us to do
certain things we do daily. These parts include parietal lobe, the frontal lobe, the
occipital lobe, the temporal lobe, and the cerebellum. The parietal lobe has the
responsibility for our sense of touch and our sensory and motor movements. The
frontal lobe has the responsibility of our personality and our awareness. The
occipital lobe is responsible for our sight and sense of vison. The temporal lobe
has the responsibility of our memory and intellectual skills. Finally, the
cerebellum is responsible for our sense of balance and muscle movements. One
case study where damage to a brain structure causes changes in human
,Name: Aksa Ali 33202
behaviour is Phineas Gage. Phineas Gage has suffered damaged to his frontal
lobe causing a change in his behaviour that affected his behaviour in social
situations and alters his personality. This has helped scientists understand that
different part of the brains may have a greater influence on our senses and how
we behave and have a better understanding of them. (Very Well Mind, 2022). We
can link these physical factors to Andy which could explain his behaviour of self-
harming. Andy also had a traumatic car accident where he may have hit his head
and damaged part of his brain. Andy may have damaged his frontal lobe, which is
responsible for our consciousness and awareness, and this loss can lead to self-
harm behaviour without his knowledge. Be careful what you do. This could be
responsible for the new change in behaviour that he is participating in. This has
a positive effect when Andy attempts to manage his behaviour by seeking help
and treatment for his behaviours such as therapy or an MRI to determine if
damage has occurred. This treatment can take some time to work but it gives him
a chance to modify his behaviour and once it starts, working, it means he can
start the treat. This will be effective in managing his behaviour as it allows him to
get the help he needs, and the physical factors can eventually be changed
depending on the severity. Andy can get the treatment he needs to recover from
his PTSD and receive treatment or medication that can help relieved his
symptoms. However, not working with professionals can have some negatively
effects when trying to manage their behaviour. This is because brain damage can
make him aggressive and aggressive. Andy may also be unwilling to self-harm
and start treatment for PTSD because he doesn`t see it as a big deal, and this he
makes it worse. If Andy stops harming himself, it may reverse him because this
coping mechanism works and is useful to him.
Paragraph 3:
The social factor looks at the people around you, the cultural factor looks at your
upbringing, and the emotional factor looks at your feelings. We see social impact
through the norms and values we have been taught. This is because we are aware of
being kind to others and not rushing into a check when we see one. Cultural factors
are when an individual behaves differently, it is strange to see someone from a culture
like it is different and something we do not imagine. The emotional factor focuses on
how someone was raised. This can be seen in the way he reacts if he is angry at
someone else's behaviour, would he get angry or stay calm and not pay attention to
his feelings. Let us see the emotional factor that affects Andy when he just lost
someone close to him and felt something for him, that would make Andy take control
of his emotional losses and start doing unhealthy things like self-harm, this might
seem like the only thing that helps him is that it distracts his mind from the problems
he has been dealing with. This will have a negative effect if he goes to the
rehabilitation as he does not realize that the pressure, he is putting on himself is not
good as it can lead to psychological problems and cause depression and anxiety.
(Mental Health Foundation, 2022). Treatments and management would take time in
this matter as Andy has not yet gotten through the grieving stage, so the treatment,
like a therapist where he can talk about his emotions, may feel he is not helping, and he
, Name: Aksa Ali 33202
may not like expressing his thoughts. He wants to make it more difficult to
understand what treatments and management might help calm his behaviour. Andy
may feel that they are not helping him and that is why he will continue to hurt himself
as he sees this as the only thing that helps him overcome this tragedy that he is
Paragraph 4:
The economic factor is a factor that can affect the financial situation of a person, it
affects the amount of money he has and the process of receiving and disbursing
money. (tutor2u, 2022). If someone like Kiera had a lot of money, it would help her
feel calmer and more relaxed. So, she could afford more saturated facts, she could get
more fruits and vegetables. This has a positive effect on Kiera as she does not like the
way she looks after the surgery, she can afford to participate in activities like yoga
classes, this will help her as it can minimize and improve her physical and mental
health. It also allows him to afford to see therapists and counsellors who can talk
about his issues and help him meet his needs and wants. Having more money can
help Kiera when she needs to see a doctor to discuss her post-surgery process.
Kiera would not have to worry about transportation as she could pay for bus tickets
or call a taxi, which would help improve the treatment she will receive as she can
afford the medications offered. It will also improve management as they could get
more resources which would help Kiera deal with her behaviour and feel confident in
her body again.
Paragraph 5:
The physical environment is where the individual lives, learns, works, and plays.
(County Health Rankings, 2022). Some people live in urban areas where everything is
built up and heavily polluted, resulting in damp and overcrowded homes. Living in
these areas is more difficult for people because they do not have many places, they
can only do a few things, which leads to depression. If Andy lived in this area he
would be depressed as he does not have access to a grief counsellor and due to the
location, he is unable to be available for hospital appointments. Andy may find it
difficult to afford taxis or bus tickets to get to his appointments, this means he will
not receive treatment and will continue to self-harm as he sees this as the only thing
that prevents her from losing her husband. If air pollution were to affect Andy, it
would slow his recovery as his body lacks fresh, clean air hence other problems
such as asthma affecting his respiratory system, cardiovascular problems and
allergies will increase. Because Andy lives in a big city, it is more difficult to buy
houses in good condition, which means he would live in a crowded and humid
house. Because of this, he has limited resources to cook and clean, which will
stress Andy out, causing him to incriminate himself - too bad even more. If Andy
does not take care of himself, he can start to develop depression and anxiety, which
can also cause him to suffer more than others. Some treatments and treatment that
can help Andy are medication and psychotherapy as they can give medicine that can