BTEC Applied Science-
Unit 8
Learning Aim A: To understand the impact
of disorders of the Musculoskeletal
system and their associated corrective
Jasmine Moore
,Musculoskeletal system:
(Envato Tuts 2018) (Dreams time 2010)
The musculoskeletal system consists of bones, joints, ligaments, cartilage, muscles,
tendons and tissue. Together these components allow your body to function and move
around correctly. First part of the musculoskeletal system is the Axial skeleton that contains
the cranium, facial portion, sternum, ribs and vertebral column..
The vertebral column also known as the spinal column is the central axis of the skeleton
which is made up of vertebrae and cartilage helping with more movements and flexibility.
The vertebral column provides attachments to muscles, supports and protects the spinal
cord and nerve roots (Science Direct, 2019). There are 5 groups in the spinal column; The
Cervical column located in the neck area consists of 7 bones separated by intervertebral
discs- these absorb the shock, allow flexibility and movement in the spinal column and
transmit things through the vertebral column (My AANS, 2018). Then there is the Thoracic
column located in the middle of the spine, around the bottom of your neck to the top of your
ribs. It is the longest section of the spine with 12 vertebrae (Cleavland clinic, 2020).
Furthermore the Lumbar column is located in the lower back and consists of 5 bones. The
Sacrum column is a shield-shaped bony structure that is located at the base of the lumbar
vertebrae and that is connected to the pelvis. The sacrum forms the posterior pelvic wall and
strengthens and stabilises the pelvis (Medline plus, 2021). The Coccyx is the final part of the
vertebral column; it's a triangular bone at the bottom of the spinal column; it consists of 3 to 5
vertebral segments and can be bruised or fractured.
, (Envato Tuts 2018)
Another section of the Musculoskeletal system is the Appendicular skeleton which contains
arms, hands, pelvis, legs and feet. It allows a greater range of motion in the body because of
the shorter bones. Within the musculoskeletal system there are different types of bones:
short bones in the fingers, long bones in the arms and leg, irregular bones in the pelvis or
hips, flat bones in the sternum and sesamoid bone. Different joints like the hinge in the
elbows and kneecaps, ball and socket in the shoulder and hip, the condyloid joint located in
the elbows, wrists and the base of the index fingers, the saddle joint located in the thumbs
and fingers, gliding joint is located in the knuckles, wrists and fingers and lastly the pivot in
the neck.
The Role of Blood
Red blood cells transport oxygen to the body which is then exchanged into carbon dioxide
through respiration. These blood cells are formed in the bone marrow which is the soft
spongy material in the centre of bones. It produces about 95% of the body's blood cells and
takes up to 2 days to form. These blood cells start off as stem cells which then matures into
other cells like red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets (Hopkins medicine, 2019)