CH. 11 Seidel's Guide to Physical
1. Which cranial nerves inner- c. lateral
vate the face?
a. II and V
b. III and VI
c. V and VII
d. VIII and IX
e. I and VII
2. The trapezius and
sternoclei- domastoid
muscles and the clavicle
form a landmark called the
a. anterior
b. posterior
c. lateral
d. medial
e. ventral
3. The medial border of the
sternocleidomastoid mus-
cles and the mandible
form the triangle.
a. dorsal
b. posterior
c. lateral
d. medial
e. anterior
4. The largest endocrine gland
in the body lies in the trian-
a. anterior
b. posterior
, CH. 11 Seidel's Guide to Physical
ANS: C posterior tri- angle. The relationship of
Facial nerves are controlled neck muscles to each other and to
by cranial nerves V and VII, adjacent bones creates the anatomic
cranial nerve I involves smell, landmarks known as triangles.
cra- nial nerves II, III, and VI
control the eyes, cra- nial
nerve VIII deals with hearing, ANS: A
and cranial nerve IX deals The thyroid gland is the largest
with swallowing. endocrine gland and lies in the
anterior triangle. The posterior triangle
does contain cervical lymph nodes,
and the lateral and medial triangles
ANS: B are not anatomic landmarks
Anatomically, these
landmarks comprise what is
referred to as the posterior
triangle, which includes the
posterior cervical lymph
nodes. The anterior triangle
is adjacent to the posterior
triangle, formed by the
medial borders of the
sternocleidomastoid muscles
and the mandible. The
relationship of neck muscles
to each other and to adjacent
bones creates the anatomic
landmarks known as
The anterior triangle is
adjacent to the pos- terior
triangle, formed by the
medial borders of the
sternocleidomastoid muscles
and the mandible. The
sternocleidomastoid muscles,
and clavicle form the
, CH. 11 Seidel's Guide to Physical
d. medial
e. ventral
5. Which structures dispropor- ANS: D
tionately enlarge in males In adolescent males, the nose
during adolescence? enlarges, and the thyroid cartilage
becomes the largest component of the
a. Coronal sutures anterior larynx, known as the Adam's
b. Hyoid and cricoid carti- apple.
c. Mandible and
maxilla bones
d. Nose and thyroid
carti- lages
e. Mastoid processes
and ears
6. When examining the skull
of a 4-month-old baby, ANS: B
you should normally find: At 2 months of age, the posterior
fontanels should be closed or ossified
a. closure of the with the anterior fontanels, a larger
anterior fontanel. fontanel, closing at 12 to 15 months.
b. closure of the The only time the cranial bones should
posterior fontanel. overlap is during a vaginal birth as a
c. ossification of the all su- result of pressure within the birth
tures. canal. Ossi- fication of the sutures
d. overlap of the
begins after completion of brain
cranial bones.
growth, at about 6 years of age, and is
e. closure of the sagittal
finished by adulthood.
and coronal sutures
7. The thyroid gland is
partially obscured by the:
a. cricoid cartilage.
b. carotid artery. ANS: D
c. external jugular. The thyroid sits just below the cricoid,
an anatomic landmark for location of
the thyroid; the lobes curve are