26 march :
I.Defining Well-being and mental health :
-What is mental health & wellbeing ?
-How are the 2 points of views criticised ? and what example can you give ?
-What is well-being ? What is a cool fact about well-being ?
-What is the definition of mental disorder ? How can we explain it medically and
psychologically ?
-What is the history of mental health and give a study example ?
-How can we define mental disorder ?
-why do we classify ?
-how do we approach ?
-where does mental health come from ?
Well-being // mental health :
Well-being Mental health
I-Micro Level surprising fact : we talk about mental health
—————- most people associate it first with mental
illness such as depression and anxiety.
WHO : World health organisation (1946)
“Health is a state of complete physical, WHO:World health organisation (1946)
mental and social well-being and not merely “Mental health is a state of wellbeing in
the absence of disease” which every individual realises their own
The world’s attention -> mental health and potential, can cope with the common
social viewing stresses of life, can work productively and
successfully, and is able to make a
2 views on well-being : contribution to their family, friends,
Hedonistic // Eudaimonic workplace, community”
Hedonistic : (hedone: pleasure in ->Feeling satisfied in us, we all go through
Greek)Subjective well-being, positive rough stressful challenging moments, how
mood, avoidance of pain and negative we deal with those challenges. Sometimes
mood (pursuing pleasure, happiness) we might need actual help in difficult times
criticised : if you only do what makes you
feel good, you will end up making not very ————————————————————
,healthy choices Mental health conditions/disorders
Eudaimonic: Psychological well-being WHO : World health organisation (1946)
being, how we thrive, self acceptance and “Disturbances to a person’s mental health”
personal growth + achieving our goals. -> Combination of troubled
thoughts,emotions,behaviour and
Macro level relationships with others. -> they could be
—————- any kind of mental disorder such as
Both perspectives criticised depression , eating disorders, schizophrenia
We shouldn’t only think the individual but
also the social, economic,political and -> Medical perspective : mental illness,
environmental -> SEPE psychopathology (disease of psychology),
So if they come from poor class -> affects abnormality. //
wellbeing -> Psychological perspective : Distress +
mental health problem.
Well-being Framework developed by Night
and Ncnaught 2011, understands wellbeing DSM-5 definition (2013)
as macro level-> subjective and objective “Mental disorders are defined as a clinically
assessments on how people survive. Several significant disturbance in cognition,
dimensions , each individual will have a emotion regulation, or behaviour that
different meaning of well-being and indicate a dysfunction in mental functioning
throughout life , the definition changes, that is usually associated with significant
actively constructing but society + culture do distress or disability in work, relationships
constrain our definition. or other areas of functioning.”
When it comes to individuals , we think
physical , psychological , social … and their History:
family affects individuals thanks to economic Ancient times : mental disorder: possessed
and social ressources , physical safety. demons gods// positive// negative , treated
Between community and family is essential through exorcism and addiction seen as sins
better access for services that will help Hippocrates : brain pathology. Treatment
family to develop in a better way and finally emphasised changes in lifestyle
society is in the same circle as community. Middle age: mental hospitals
Example : child disability : NHS long wait , Late middles ages : move away from religion
depending on the community which may Bedlam: Asylum hospital mentally ill in
have better resources. England 1547 remove them from society ,
crude and painful treatments
1792: French treated higher
136 Studies from 26 high income countries
and 37 low income countries indicate that
, ● ⅕ adults experience a common mental
disorder within past 12 months
● 30% across their lifetimes
● Females more likely to experience
mood or anxiety disorder
● Male were more likely to …
alcohol/substance abuse disorder
Criticise : those are on records, some might
not seek professional help
How can we define mental disorder ?
1. conventional moral and social rules of their cultural rules , defines what might be
WHO: 1980: homosexuality may accepted -> social norms vary over place and times which
is now longer a diagnosis in 2017
->Some behaviours do not violate societal norms but are considered a disorder : depression
2.Violating a statistical norm infrequent// rare behaviour: maladaptive , moving away from
the norm
3.Individuals with mental health condition experience distress : low mood, worry,
depression but not applies to some disorders : antisocial personality, bipolar disorder
Expected// adaptive responses : losing someone : grief
4.Disability or dysfunction in behaviour: how it affects how people interact others,
concentration …Individual-> agoraphobia : may become household
Why do we classify ? Advantages// disadvantages
Clear definition: evolving all the time
Advantage : help us to do research// effectivity of treatment
Disadvantage:Stereotype // labelled ->increases stigma// misdiagnosed //labelling change
in self concept
How do we approach it ?
1.Categorial : presence// absence of a symptom pattern
2.Dimensioanl; symptoms vary on a continuum depending on how much , quantitative
instead of qualitative
, Mental health
Social psychology , genetics , neurobiology, evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology,
developmental psychology, clinical psychology.
30th march
II-How to promote well being:
1.What is the genericity of well-being ?
2. Why is mindfulness important?
3. Give 2 famous authors and what they develop as concept
4. What is self criticism?