Wolseys ability was the main reason for his rise to power by 1514. How far do you agree?
Wolsey skill Influence of others/Circumstance Wolsey calculation
● Wolsey was born in 1471 and the son ● Henry was young and his focus was ● Wolsey was calculated and a clever
of an Ipswitch Butcher, his low origins on military pursuits and his own manipulator
made him unpopular with the nobility leisure in hunting, sporting and ● This meant he was often able to
● This made his skill crucial, he needed feasting manipulate his way to power if he
to be recognised in order to advance ● He did not wish to spend is time on played his cards right
and overcome noble resistance day to day government business so ● He realised as long as he carried out
● He was very intelligent and gained a needed someone like Wolsey to help the Kings wishes his position was
degree from Oxford at 15, he then in running the court secure- as shown in his campaign in
became Royal Chaplain and took ● This provided a window for Wolsey, France 1512
positions in the church without this circumstantial factor he ● This was a key wish of the King, so
● This gave Wolsey the opportunity to could not have claimed the throne although foreign policy not a personal
demonstrate his skill and ability ● Wolsey had regular access to the strength of Wolsey he was able to use
● His skill was further developed King due to being part of the Royal this to his advantage
through his success in organising the Council in 1509, where he served the ● He was aware of Henry's laziness in
French campaign in 1512 King personally day to day politics, and used this to
● Claiming the French crown was a key ● He got on well with the king his advantage to show off his
ambition of Henrys, so Wolseys personally, he was a scholar and a administrative ability
negotiations with Ferdinand and good speakers so they found ● He often manipulated the King
coordination allowed Henry to achieve themselves in congenial company through gifts if he wished to obtain
this which provided Henry with valour ● Wolsey also had the right patrons, something
● Wolsey emerged as the man whom Archbishop Warham and Bishop Fox ● He used flattery to make the king fond
Henry could entrust in running the expressed that Wolsey was of him
Kingdom trustworthy and a safe pair of hands ● He adapted his views to fit the King,
● Wolsey was an able man with an ● Wolsey removed many of Henry VIIs making him a skillful political operator
appetite for administration, he had a old advisors to make it easier for him ● He worked hard to impress the king,
great ability and could get things done to rise to power and had a willingness to pick up the
quickly and efficiently ● This meant he could be trusted by the boring administrative tasks the King
● Without this skill Henry would not King and due to circumstance of did not want to do- moulded himself to
have appointed him- he needed being associated with the right people a perfect candidate
someone to run the government on a he was able to gain power and ● Without presenting himself in this way
, daily basis and Wolseys skill proved influence to Henry through manipulation, he
he could do this would have just been any other skilled
Assess the reasons why England was at war with France and Scotland in the 1540s
Gain land/prestige Personal motives/vengeance Security/defence
● Following the dissolution of the ● Likely there was an element of ● Henry may have realised he was
Monasteries, Henry had funds personal annoyance/vengeance ageing and wanted to leave security
available to wage war against Francis and James V to his future heir
● These funds provided Henry with the ● James inability to honour the Treaty of ● This is implied as a key reason
opportunity to expand the British Greenwich 1543 when refusing to through marriage treaties- Treaty of
empire and gain the valour he always hand over Mary for marriage likely led Greenwich 1543 which proposed a
yearned to retaliation from Earl of Hertford marriage between Edward and Mary
● Henry was ageing and he may have when he raided multiple Scottish ● Henry may have wanted to
been aware this was his last towns ● However, his campaigns drained
opportunity to show off his military ● After a lack of success in the 1520s England scarce financial resources
abilities where Wolsey directed a peaceful meaning there was a need for
● Henry's foreign policy was constantly foreign policy Henry was likely to want debasement, heavy taxation, forced
underpinned by his motivation to gain to prove himself loans and borrowing money from the
the French throne ● Evident Henry was keen to maintain a Antwerp Market
● As shown in prior campaigns, French good reputation- eg making Wolsey a ● His destructive nature of his campaign
wars regardless of financial resources scapegoat from the Amicable Grant, in Scotland (Earl of Hertford raiding
● In 1543 Henry set out to capture could not take criticism Scottish towns) resulted in aggression
Boulogne, without the aid of an ally ● Henry may have sought vengeance from Scotland and more border raids
● This allowed Henry to claim England towards Charles from the Second ● Arguable that if future security was
was a force to be reckoned with which french war in 1532 where Carhles Henry's concern he would not have
boosted fame and glory abandoned England to capture Milan drained finances to achieve it- he
● His boasting of this achievement ● This resulted in a loss of Henry's would be more concerned with
shows how this was a key aim for prestige and reputation as a diplomatic security for his heir
Henry peacemaker so possible he wanted ● Furthermore, he had support of
● Henry believed that conquering revenge Charles V with the 1542 alliance so
, France was the ultimate prestige ● However, Henry only sent a small England was not threatened by
● Capturing Boulogne was at best force to France so evident he was not invasion so cannot be argued as
symbolic as it was more than Charles aiming to capture thrown- vengeance defensive measures
and France were able to achieve not achieved
● Furthermore, Henry made peace with
France in the Treaty of Camp 1546,
meaning that vengeance cannot have
directed his foreign policy THAT much
if he was so quick to establish peace
Yorkist opposition was not a serious threat to Henry VII. How far do you agree?
Lovell and Stafford Simnel Warbeck
● Three faithful supporters of Richard ● Simnel claimed to be one of Richard ● Warbeck claimed to be the Duke of
III, Francis Lovell and Henry/Thomas IIIs nephews, the Earl of Warwick York, one of the princes murdered in
Stafford has sought sanctuary at ● The plot was arranged by the Earl of the Tower of London
Colchester since the Battle of Lincoln, the natural Yorkist successor ● Henry was unable to produce the real
Bosworth ● Simnel was crowned Edward VI in remains of the Duke so some
● During a Royal Procession of York in Dublin, Ireland and received further believed he was who he claimed to
April 1486 the lords broke sanctuary support from Margaret of Burgundy be- intensified significance of threat
and decided to attack the king ● International support shows because could have validity
● Lovell headed North to ambush the seriousness of threat- inability to ● Although not a direct threat to Henry,
King and the Stafford brothers establish internal or external security it lasted throughout majority of his
travelled to Worcester to stir up a ● Furthermore, the real Earl of Warwick reign
rebellion was alive in the tower so the Yorkists ● Warbeck also achieved international
● Henry was informed of the plans and did have a credible candidate for the support from France, the Holy Roman
proceeded with his tour throne available meaning that their Emperor, the Earl of Desmond,
● He sent a royal army to meet the threat was formidable James IV (France, Holy Roman
rebels ● Despite Margaret sending 2000 Emperor, Ireland and Scotland)
● The rebels were offered a pardon or mercenaries led by Martin Swartz, the ● This showed Henry's international
face death if they continued rebellion attracted little attention insecurity that came from Yorkist
● Lovell fled and escaped to Flanders ● The rebels landed in Lancashire and opposition- people quick to back