LME Test 2
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1. S->R classical conditioning
2. R->S operant conditioning
3. Starting from bottom removal, application, appetitive, aversive
left and going up,
what are the OUTSIDE
la- bels for operant
con- tingencies
4. Starting from the bot- Omission training, positive reinforcement,
tom left and going up, punish- ment, negative reinforcement
what are the INSIDE
la- bels for operant
con- tingencies
5. What is positive rein- adding/giving something to increase
forcement? likelihood that behavior will be repeated
6. What are examples praise, paycheck, rewards, etc.
of positive
reinforce- ment?
7. What is punishment? The adding of a stimulus following a response,
decreases the likelihood of that response
being re- peated.
8. What are examples rein- forcement?
of punishment?
9. What is omission
10.What are examples
of omission training?
11.What is negative
, LME Test 2
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Getting a ticket for
speeding, being
reprimanded for using Getting your phone taken away after talking
your phone in class, back to your parents, getting your license
etc. taken away after too many speeding tickets,
removal of a positive
stimulus removing negative stimulus to increase
likelihood of behavior being repeated