Unit 3: From Crime Scene to Courtroom AC 1.1
Key Roles Strengths Limitations Case Study Other
• Include three bullet points for • Identify three strengths of the role • Identify three limitations of the role • Identify one-two case • Can you identify any
role in a criminal investigation in a criminal investigation studies statistics to support
• Include any examples of types • Can you identify any statistics to • State if it links to availability, cost or • How does it illustrate a strengths or limitations
What to support? expertise strength or limitation you for each role?
include for • State if it links to availability, identified in previous • Think about if the
each cost or expertise boxes? statistics looking into
personnel… the availability, cost,
• State the website
where you got these
- First personnel to a crime scene. Availability – There is a need for Availability – Since 2010 there has Stephen Lawrence Data shows 71% of calls
- Secure the crime scene in order more police officers (Government been a decrease in police officers Attacked and murdered by to the police are
to preserve evidence (During is aiming for 20,000 more officers (2018 saw the lowest number of a gang of white men – answered in under 10
golden hour). by 2023 – HM Government, police officers since 1981 – BBC, Macpherson Report seconds (HM
- They are trained professionals 2019) More officers will increase 2019) Means less visible officers, (1999), which was released Government, 2022)
who... police presence on the streets, resulting in more crime. as a result of the case.
▫ Search for evidence reducing crime. Found the police were
▫ Door to door statements Cost – Pay is low considering the type institutionally racist, which
▫ Arrest and question Cost – The police degree of job (possibility of traumatic shows the police need more
suspects apprenticeship allows those who situations), shifts and long hours training to avoid racist
Police ▫ Charge suspects can't afford to go to university, get (Starting salary = £20,000 – 999 responses.
Officer / - There are specialist units in the a degree (Get paid £23,556, which Essentials, 2022) Discourage possible
detective police, including CID (Criminal will increase over the duration of police applicants. Sarah Everard
Investigation Department). Who the course – West Yorkshire Kidnapped, raped and
investigate a wide span of offences Police, 2022). Expertise – Police have been murdered by Wayne
and can contact other specialist identified as institutionally racist, they Couzens (Police officer
units in the police, for instance the Expertise – All police have the can act inappropriately with since 2002) which shows
drug agency and the underwater same fundamental training minorities and purposefully not how even well-trained
teams. (Classroom and on-the-job – investigate certain offences. (The officers can be
Joining the Police, 2022) Trained 2021 Achieving Race Equality Report untrustworthy.
for serious situations, e.g. found black people were 4 times more
Preventing suicidal teens. likely to have force used against them
than white people – BBC, 2021).
, Unit 3: From Crime Scene to Courtroom AC 1.1
- Preserve/protect a crime scene Availability – CSIs are available Availability – CSIs work days, nights Amanda Knox CSIs are limited to the
and recover evidence. 24/7, as each police force must and weekends (35-40 hours a week – Murdered in Italy whilst in budget of an
- Look for trace evidence like... employ several CSI’s. Typically, National Careers Service, 2022) The her home (Knox, her investigation, so they
▫ Gunshot residue they operate on an on-call system, workload for CSIs is heavy, which roommate, and Sollecito only choose which
▫ Hairs so they are always available to could lead to failings if they are taking
were accused of her evidence to recover and
▫ Fibres police. on too much work. murder) CSIs wore no test (£250 per test).
- Ensure evidence is protective clothing in the
uncontaminated (Package, store & Cost – CSIs receive lots of Cost – CSIs only earn £29600 crime scene and the items
document evidence) benefits... annually, which is low considering from the scene that
- Attend post-mortems if death is ▫ Health & life insurance what the job consists of: Contact with ‘supposedly’ implicated
Crime Scene deemed suspicious ▫ Vacation hazardous materials, incidents that are them were worthless.
Investigator - Write reports and give evidence ▫ Sick leave unpredictable (Perpetrator still at Which shows human error
in court. ▫ Holiday pay large), Mental stress and Trauma. can lead to a miscarriage of
(CSI) ▫ Retirement benefits Discourage those who are considering justice.
Encourage more people to become becoming a CSI.
a CSI.
Expertise – Even though CSIs are
Expertise – To become a CSI, well-trained, human error can still
Most employers prefer a degree in lead to cross-contamination. Which
a scientific subject (National can lead to injustices in court, as DNA
Careers Service, 2022) So They evidence makes a big difference in
are well trained to avoid cross- juries' decisions.