Due Date: 12/12/2022 Nutritional Health: Assignment Two
,Sumaiya Begum, S2200411
You are interested in becoming a registered nutritionist, and you are
looking at applying for a degree course endorsed by the Association for
Nutrition to further this ambition.
To back up your application, you decide to study the nutritional health
of two individuals from different life stages, with different nutritional
needs, looking at the factors that affect their nutritional health.
You are then going to produce a month-long nutritional plan for them
both, to demonstrate your findings. The two individuals must be from
different life stages and may be service users from local settings that you
can visit, or alternatively family members, neighbours, or friends.
Page 2 - 12: C.P5 - Produce clear plans to improve the nutritional
health of two individuals with different dietary needs.
Page 13 – 43: C.M3 - Produce professionally presented plans to improve
the nutritional health of two individuals with different dietary needs.
Page 44 – 46: C.P6 - Explain how the recommendations will improve the
nutritional health of the selected individuals.
Page 47 – 50: C.M4 - Analyse how the recommendations will improve
the nutritional health of the selected individuals.
Page 51 – 55: C.D2 - Justify the recommendations in the plans in
relation to the needs and situations of the selected individuals.
Page 54 – 59: C.D3 - Evaluate the importance of planning nutritional
health for selected individuals to ensure their dietary needs are met, and
that influencing factors are taken into account.
,Sumaiya Begum, S2200411
C.P5 - Produce clear plans to improve the nutritional health of two
individuals with different dietary needs
In this plan, I will be planning and creating a diet plan over a month for my chosen case
studies. Through this report, I will be evaluating and assessing the diet plan as well as
justifying my reasoning as to why I have chosen certain foods to eat and why I would not add
other foods. For reasons of confidentiality, I will be referring to the case studies as
Individual A and Individual B.
In this section of the nutritional plan, I will be researching and creating a diet plan to
improve the health of my two individuals as well as incorporating the likes, dislikes, and
deficiencies of the individual in order to appease their needs.
Individual A:
There are many factors to consider when planning a diet such as dislikes and likes,
health factors affecting physical activity and food consumption, and the lacking nutrients in
the diet previously recorded.
For this plan, it is important to calculate a MUST score which is a screening tool used to
calculate and detect malnutrition within patients of a health and social care setting. “The
MUST score is an important tool for detecting patients at risk of malnutrition and taking
appropriate action to ensure adequate nutrition.” You would use the patient’s BMI, previous
weight and detection of illness to calculate and score them which is precisely what I have
done. The MUST score of the individual was calculated as 1 meaning that they only need
some observation. (Frank, Sivagnaratnam, Bernstein, 2015)
Individual A showed deficiencies in calories, protein, fat, and vitamin C. It is recommended
that someone of her physique and measurements consume 2000 calories and based on that:
Some factors affecting Individual A’s diet include:
Nutritional Factors Changes to Consider Effect on Individual
Overweight It is possible to decrease the This would help Individual A to
calorie intake for each day from lose weight while on the other
2000 kcal to 1500 calories. hand, she would need 2000 kcal to
Every 500 calories cut from maintain a weight of 62.5kg. She
one’s diet translates to a loss of will find that she is feeling much
0.45kg. Over the month, this more energetic and has more
would equate to 12.5kg. As stamina after a month of this.
Individual A also exercises and
walks a lot, there is no need to
consider further exercise.
, Sumaiya Begum, S2200411
Iron Deficiency I would consider concentrating By doing this, the individual will
on adding foods containing a consume a sufficient amount of
plentiful amount of iron, such as iron, finding herself to be more
kale, red meat, and beans. She is energetic and having healthier
also already taking iron tablets bowel movements.
daily which help to meet the
recommended iron intake.
Allergies Individual A has allergies to This will allow the individual to be
mangoes, so it is best to avoid stress free with healthy skin and
the food altogether as there are good health as she would receive
clear dangers to implementing rashes when she eats mangoes, a
mangoes into the diet plan. mild reaction.
Preferences Inputting the individual’s The individual would keener and
preferred foods and avoiding more open to try the diet plan for a
those which she would rather not month or more. This would impact
eat or altogether hates. This her health by giving her motivation
includes adding more days with to be healthy.
lasagne, spinach, and chicken
and avoiding brussels sprouts,
cauliflower and milk.
Week One:
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks, Drinks,
Monday Kale Salad Sicilian Sicilian Spaghetti Iron Tablet [2]
Water: 2L
Tuesday Arugula Avocado Chicken Curry Fish Curry Iron Tablet [2]
Salad [2 servings]
Water: 2L
Wednesday Quinoa with Chicken Berry Dessert Iron Tablet [2]
Blackberry and Vegetable &
Walnuts Bean Soup [2 Water: 2L
Tom Yum Soup with
Thursday Pancakes Salmon and Salmon and Iron Tablet [2]
Noodle Stir Fry Noodle Stir Fry
Water: 2L
Friday Mackerel on Toast Lasagne Lasagne Iron Tablet [2]
with Cucumber and
Horseradish Water: 2L