C.M4 – Analyse how statutory provision has impacted on current practice in caring for one child
and one adult with additional needs.
Rebecca Brown
Rebecca's parents are struggling financially due to a decreased family income. When working with
specialists, they can use a personal health budget to ensure they obtain the treatment they need
while staying within their budget. This will guarantee that they receive the care and assistance
needed to improve Rebecca's health and well-being without spending too much money. If they have
a car, they might request reimbursement for the number of miles driven to get there in order to save
money because they have a low income. This ensures that professionals offer the same care as they
would if they did not have a personal health budget, and that it fits their needs. Rebecca has
received nasty and discriminating comments from her neighbours as a result of her physical
impairment. The family avoids going out whenever possible, which can have an impact on Rebecca's
social development. She may not be able to meet new people because she is always inside, as
society may think of her. She could develop mental illnesses like depression or anxiety. It is critical
that people who work with her are aware of this, since if they are not, her mental health might
deteriorate and damage her health and wellness.
Rebecca has a disability, and the housing organisation has offered the family an upstairs flat to
reside in. The unit, however, is small and not wheelchair accessible. Because of this disability, it was
critical that the housing association consider all of the family's needs, particularly Rebecca's, as the
apartment offered did not meet or support her needs. Rebecca's physical and social development
may be slowed since she may not be able to leave the house often because she requires assistance,
and her parents may be busy working and fatigued, so they may want to relax, leaving Rebecca
trapped inside the house all the time. Rebecca's parents may not be able to afford a ramp. This will
allow them to purchase a wheelchair-accessible home, and having a ramp will allow them to go out
lot more, and Rebecca will be able to go out independently and play with other children in the
community much more. It is critical that they examine the requirements for receiving the award. In
England, depending on household income and savings, you can receive a grant of up to £30,000.
When providing care and support to individuals with special needs, professionals working with her
must obey the Mental Health Act of 2007, as well as the Mental Capacity Act of 2005. If a
professional believes Rebecca has developed mental health symptoms, they must analyse her and
determine what she has. They must also follow the national service framework for mental health to
make it easier for Rebecca to access services, as well as consider which specialists should be working
with Rebecca to ensure her mental health is balanced and does not deteriorate. These statutes will
ensure that professionals provide the necessary support and care to these persons, which they may
not otherwise.
When working with children with additional needs, it is critical that professionals follow statutory
provisions and conduct a Common Assessments Framework to gather information that covers a
child's needs and assess how these needs will be satisfied by services. This evaluation can provide
Rebecca and her family with assistance with travel, education, and counselling. She may require
counselling due to mental health issues. Rebecca will receive the appropriate care and support from
agencies and professionals thanks to the Special Educational Needs and Local Offer. It is critical that
the local authorities offer the kid and their family with information about all healthcare services and
educational supports available in their area.