H&M is private limited organisation (LTD) this means that they aim to make profit from the
customers, there could be many shareholders as possible but there is a minimum of 2
shareholders, the H&M has a limited liability this means that the organisation will have an
own legal entity, the profits will be shared as dividends to all the shareholders. The limited
companies such as H&M are called incorporate, and the H&M will have its own separate
entity and they will be separate from the owners.
The organisation will have a limited liability.
The company finance is going to be different from the business finance ones.
The profit will get divided between the shareholders at the end of each year.
The shareholders get checked, they need to go through the Board of Directors, and they
will be approved from them.
There is a loss of control.
The owners are going to be eligible to pay the taxes to the government and this means
that some of the profit that they are going to make will be given to the government.
The shareholders could affect on the objectives and the aim of the organisation if they
want to make profit.
A stakeholder is a person or a group that has an interest in business. The stakeholder are the people
or a group of people that have some contacts with the organisation, and they can, or the
organisation can affect them. The stakeholder could be one person, a whole group and they can
change the outcome of a project or a business.
The internal stakeholders are the ones who work in the organisation and they are the ones who
build an organisation that makes the organisation to run. The external stakeholders are the ones
who get in touch with the organisation and they will look forward at the product or the service that
they provide of the organisation and the internal stakeholders.
Government The owners of NHS are the government, the government runs the
organisation and they are the source of finance for the NHS to make sure
that they get the money to get everything that will provide a better service
for the customers. Moreover, the NHS is a governmentally owned
organisation that means that the money gets from the government. The
organisation is governmentally funded so it is the responsibility of the
government to provide the best health and care.
This means that the government funding can influence the aim and
objectives of the NHS, this can be seen from the whole country because
the government is a huge source of finance for the NHS, and the
government looks after the whole country, so it is crucial that the aims and
objective are going to be considerable. “Meet the needs of everyone”.
The government can influence the purpose of NHS from the way that the
, government must pay the employees, so that they can provide the
patients with a great health and care, but if the government is not
successful in paying the employees then they cannot be able to be
motivated to provide with a great care to the customers. The government
will be able to get the changes done for the NHS by the money that comes
in from the tax payers, this will influence the purpose of the NHS on how
they are going to act, if the tax payers are going to be paying large amount
of taxes this will mean that the government will be able to spend more on
the NHS, and if the tax payers are going to be paying less taxes this will
influence the purposes and aims of NHS that there are going to be less
facilities and less resources for the NHS, this will mean that the treatment
is going to be less. This means that for the owners also the tax payers get
From the point of view of the government the owners, they want that the
patients will find the better service without receiving any money from
them, ‘’Access to NHS services is based on clinical need, not an individual’s
ability to pay’’, this influences the aims and objectives of NHS to give the
best to the patients without having any profit.
Owners belong to the ‘’high power and high interest’’ in the Mendelow
Matrix this means that they are the key players and they can influence the
NHS in a significant way, and they can change the purposes and the aims
of NHS. The government will have the highest power on the NHS because
they are the owners of the NHS and they act as owners on the NHS and
this means that the decisions that the government is going to take they
will have a huge impact on the NHS.
Employees The employees in the NHS organisation are doctors, nurses, surgeons,
ambulance service, pharmacy, nursing and so many others that include in
the medical sector. The employees in NHS play an extremely important
role because they are the ones that save the lives and make the patients
The employees are the one that makes the organisation of NHS and they
are the one that can influence the purpose of NHS, they can influence the
purpose by the things that they do and that could be how do they behave
with the patients and how do the treat the patients, because this will
mean a lot for the patients how do they treat the patients and how well do
they do the treatment of the patients. They need to make sure that they
are doing everything as they should be doing, this means that they need to
maintain the NHS and take a better care of the patients, for an example if
the local GP is not giving excellent services then the customers will start to
go to the other GP than their local one, because they give wonderful and
well-maintained service and the one that are gentle to the patients,
moreover this means that the local GP is going to have a disgraceful
reputation. The employees of NHS want to make sure that they are
offering the right care to the patients and the government or the owners
know that the money is going into the right hands and they know what
they should do. This will impact on the purpose of NHS positively, ‘’The
NHS will help to keep people healthy and reduce health inequalities’’ the
NHS wants that the patients will be provided with the right health care and
they will have a great health and this means that they are going to be able
to impact on the purpose of NHS positively, however they could also
impact on the NHS negatively if they are not going to treat the patients as