Hassania Idlakhlifte 10590204 unit 12: infections and diseases
How can infectious disease spread?
Indirect contact: Air Droplets
Small droplets are releases in the air when people
talk, cough or sneeze, if a person is infected the
droplets released in the air can contain an infectious
pathogen which can either be a virus or a bacterium.
Even though the airdrops are very small in size and
they are only able to travel a short distance it can
easily be inhaled by people nearby and it fall on
objects or surfaces and others can come in contact
with it by touching it and then touching their eyes,
nose or mouth leading them to be infected it and
feeling sick. An example of infection that can be spread by air is the flu, cold rubella, COVID-19,
tuberculosis and meningococcal disease.
The flu is a disease caused by flu A and B viruses, and is a seasonal illness that spread during a particular
time. When a person with the flu, coughs, sneezed or talk they releases a droplet that contain the
influenza virus. These droplets can usually travel up to 6 feet and can be inhaled by others who are
nearby, especially when they are not wearing a mask or if the air in the room is not well ventilated. The
flu is contagious and it infects the throat, nose and lungs and the symptoms can often be mild or severe
depending how bad it is. The symptoms of the flu can include high fever, cough, sore throat, body ache
and fatigue. The flu can be prevented in different such as:
Vaccinations: this is the most effective way to prevent the flu from spreading, it is usually
recommended for everyone from the age of 6 months to get vaccinated, especially if they a
weak immune system and have a higher chance to develop risk when getting the flu.
Clean and disinfect: it is really important that surfaces and object such as doorknobs,
countertops and phones are frequently cleaned and disinfected to prevent the spread of
bacteria and viruses.
Wearing face masks: wearing face masks will protect you and other from being infected from the
flu as you will not be able to cough or sneeze.
Good hygiene: practicing a good hygiene will prevent the spread of the flu, which will include
washing your hands frequently, covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
The most common and effective way of preventative method for preventing the spread and contacting
the flu is getting vaccinated annually, as it has proven to reduce the illnesses caused by the flu and to
reduce the risk of any serious flu cases leading to people ending hospitalised. Another preventable step
is to take precautions and keeping a distance from a person who is infected, covering the mouth and
, Hassania Idlakhlifte 10590204 unit 12: infections and diseases
nose when sneezing or coughing and containing the air droplets released by using a tissue and keeping
washing your hands.
Direct contact
The spread of a pathogen like a virus or
bacteria can happen in different way such as
direct physical contact which includes: the
ventricle and horizontal transmission and
indirect contact. Ventricle transmission
involves the spreading of the disease from an
infected person to a healthy person and the
horizontal transmission involves the spread
from the pregnant women to the offspring
child during her pregnancy. The way the
direct contact spreads are by kissing,
touching, sexual interaction and the mix of
body fluids, each of those methods can spread different type of disease by touching contaminated
spread of saliva when kissing the infected person and then touching the eyes, mouth and nose, this will
lead the healthy person to get infected by spreading the virus and bacteria. An example of direct contact
disease is the chickenpox which is cause by a viral infection called virus varicella-zoster, it is very
contagious especially for people who haven’t had this particular disease before or haven’t got vaccinated
against it. This particular disease will cause the skin to get fluid-filled blisters and rash all around the
body causing it get itchy. The chickenpox will typically appear between 10-21 days after being exposed to
the virus and the rash can last between 7 to 10 days. The main symptoms are:
Loss of appetite
Sore throat
The most common and preventable way for transmitting chicken pox is by getting vaccinated, both
adult and children can get vaccinated and if they never had a vaccination, they should get two doses
against it. This vaccine it has proven to be very effective at preventing it from spreading and the most
people who get vaccinated have less risk of contracting it, however if they do will only develop mild
symptoms. However, chickenpox can also be prevented by avoiding close contact with someone who
is infected especially if you are not vaccinated or never had chickenpox as it can be very contagious
and easily spread by coughing, sneezing or contact with the fluid from the blister. Avoiding making
close contact with people can help not spreading it so is its important staying home from school and
avoid contact with people with a weak immune system, pregnant women and new born as they are
at high risk of severe complications from this virus.
Vector-borne disease
Vector-borne disease are infections that are transmitted to human or animals through the bite of an
infected arthropods such as mosquitoes, tricks, fleas and sand-flies. These are called vector because the