Comparing Campaigns for Change
Campaign for Purpose Starting point Methods Success/failure Leadership of Scope/ impact Opposition
change campaign
Lillian’s Law Ask the government 26th June 2010, Fundraising events, Success - Lillian’s Natasha and Gary Originally started by the
(Changing Law) to bring in roadside Lillian Groves, 14, government petitions Law means that Groves and rest of family in the local area,
drug testing devices, was killed by a 36 – reached more than drivers caught Lillian’s family. local paper involved,
something that year old man named 22,000 signatures, exceeding the legal spread to the Daily Mail
would perform the John Page when he website with limits for eight (national), constituent
same function as a hit her with his car, information and ways prescription drugs MP spoke to David
breathalyser, make whilst speeding, to donate, short film and eight illegal Cameron and it made it
drug-driving illegal whilst under the produced for drugs will be into the Queen’s
and give out tougher influence of YouTube, support prosecuted. Police Speech, backed by
sentences for drug cannabis. He was from David Cameron now have roadside safety
driving. only imprisoned for and Garvin Barwell drugalysers (e.g. for charities and health
4 months. MP, TV interview on cannabis and organisations.
This Morning, cocaine roadside).
Croydon Advertiser
involved, fundraising
ball raised nearly
Sarah’s Law To allows parents, 8-year-old Sarah A petition promoted Child Sex Offender Sara Payne (Sarah’s National newspaper People questioned
(Changing Law) carers or guardians was abducted and by News of the World Disclosure Scheme mother). backed the campaign. whether posting
to formally ask the murdered by Roy received 700,000 implemented – photos of convicted
police for Whiting. He was on signatures. Paper allows people to sex offenders was an
information about a the Sex Offenders posted images, names apply for details of ethical method of
person who has Register for and addresses of those living in the campaigning.
contact with their abducting and known sex offenders area with
child, or a child close indecently across the country convictions of child
to them, if they're assaulting a young until law was sex offences.
concerned the girl. changed.
person may pose a
Helen’s Law To ensure that Helen McCourt was National newspaper 2018 – Ministry of Marie McCourt (Helen’s The Daily Mirror The law did not
(Changing Law) perpetrators who murdered in 1988 campaigns – Daily Justice confirmed it mother) launched the campaign prevent Simms from
refuse to reveal the and her body was Mirror published a would collaborate to support Marie. being released, so
location of their never found, despite series of articles with Marie to make Petition supporting the some question
victims’ bodies are Ian Simms, a local (2015-18). changes. Justice proposals gained over whether the law is
not granted parole. pub landlord, being Secretary David 600,000 signatures. serious, or just a
convicted. Gauke announced a Boris Johnson included gesture towards
new law - legal duty Helen’s Law as a Bill in Marie and
on judges to his debut Queen’s subsequent families.
consider "failure to Speech.
disclose the site of a
victim's remains"