Urology Info RF Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
Acute bacterial Gram neg bacteria Recent UTTI Pain- referred to Digital rectal 14-day course of a
prostatitis entering the prostate Urogenital instrumentation perineum, penis, examination: tender, quinolone- ciprofloxacin
gland via urethra Intermittent bladder rectum or back boggy prostate gland
catheterisation Obstructive voiding Consider screening for STI
Escherichia coli- common Recent prostate biopsy symptoms
Acute tubular necrosis Most common cause of Trauma Raised urea, Urinalysis Is reversible if cause is
AKI Bad reaction to blood creatinine, potassium Blood urea nitrogen and removed early
transfusion Muddy brown casts in creatinine urine
Necrosis of renal tubular surgery urine Biopsy→ examine Stop nephrotoxic drugs
epithelial cells severely Cause: tissues diuretics
affects the functioning of -ischaemia: shock, sepsis Thirsty dialysis
kidney -nephrotoxins: Drowsy
aminoglycosides, Urinate little
myoglobin secondary to Nausea/vomiting
radiocontrast agents, lead
Acute urinary retention Sudden inability to men>60 Inability to pass urine Abdo/rectal exam- Catheter
voluntarily pass urine medication: Lower abdominal palpable distended
Common secondary to anticholinergics, comfort bladder, abdo
benign prostatic antihistamines, opioids, Pain/distress tenderness
hyperplasia. The enlarged benzo Rectal + neuro exam to
prostate presses on UTI Chronic urinary identify cause
urethra→ less able to Postpartum women retention→ painless Urinalysis and culture
empty Postoperatively Serum U&E’s, creatinine
→?kidney injury
Urethral obstructions- FBC,CRP→ infection
urethral strictures, calculi, Bladder US to confirm
constipation diagnosis
, Benign prostatic Non-cancerous growth of Voiding symptoms- urinalysis: exclude Watchful waiting: Conservative- pelvic floor muscle
hyperplasia the prostate gland weak/intermittent flow, infection, haematuria training, bladder training,
staining, dribbling, Digital rectal 1st line: Alpha-1-antagonist: tamsulosin, alfuzosin –
RF: incomplete emptying examination reduce smooth muscle tone. s/e- dizziness, postural
>age Storage: urgency, PSA test hypotension, dry mouth, depression
50%- 50 year olds, 80%- frequency, nocturia
80 year olds Post-micturition dribbling 5-alpha reductase inhibitors: finasteride blocks
Ethnicity: black> white> conversion testosterone→ dihydrotestosterone
Asian which induces BPH. Reduces prostate volume slowly-
symptoms may take 6 months to improve. s/e
erectile dysfunction, reduced libido, ejaculation
problems, gynaecomastia
Bladder cancer Benign tumours of TCC: Transitional cell Cystoscopy TURBT- trans urethral
bladder= urothelial 50-80 years carcinoma- Biopsy resection of bladder
papilloma, nephrogenic Smoking superficial, good Pelvic MRI/ CT tumour- for early bladder
adenoma Exposure to aniline dyes in prognosis PET-CT cancer (Removal of
printing and textile bladder tumour through
Bladder cancers: industry: 2-Naphthylamine Painless, macroscopic the urethra)
Transitional cell Cyclophosphamide haematuria
carcinoma >90% SCC: If re-occurs → intravesical
Squamous cell Schistosomiasis infection→ chemotherapy
carcinoma→ due to causing chronic bladder
Schistosomiasis inflammation Surgery→ T2 radical
Adenocarcinoma (2%) Smoking cystectomy or