OWLEDGF LO-Understand Computer Hardware Conponents
G Computer hardware: Computer hardware is the physi- LO1, this will involve understanding:
Input Device: Devices that allow the user, which
cal parts attached to a may be anoth-
computer. For example, the moni- Computer Hardware, er computer or measuring device, to give instructions or provide
tor, mouse, keyboard.
Components and connectivity methods data to the computer system.
Computer components: Computer components are Types of Computer Systems Output Device: Devices that enable the computer system to
internal orbuilt in elements that allow the computer to
run. For example, processors, storage,
Communication Hardware, provide information, data or instructions to another user, which
power supply. may be human or computer.
Hardware Troubleshooting,
lcon: A symbol or image on a computer screen or a pro- Number Systems Storage Devices: A storage device is any hardware capable of
E gram, option or selection.
Number Conversion Storing information either temporarily or permanently.
Key term Explanation
Change management Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with change, both from the perspective of an organisation and the
el. http://searchcio, techtarget.com/definition/change-managementL
on individual lev-
Hybrid cloud Hybrid cloud is a cloud computing environment which uses a mix of
on-premises, private cloud and public cloud services with orchestration
between the two platforms. By allowing workloads to move between private
and public clouds as computing needs and costs change, hybrid
cdloud gives businesses greater fiexibility and more data deployment options.
Hypervisor Ahypervisor is a hardware virtualisation technique that allows multiple guest operating systems (OS) to run on a single host system at the
same time. The guest OS shares the hardware of the host computer, such that each OS
appears to have its own processor, memory and oth-
er hardware resources.A hypervisoris also known as a Virtual Machine Manager (VMM)
Internet of Thingss
The Intemet of Things(loT) is a computing concept that describes a future where everyday physical objects will be connected to the lIntemet
and be able to themselves
identify to other devices. http./www.techopedia.com/definition/28247/intemet-of-things-iot
Privacy filter A privacy fiter isa panel or filter that is placed over a display tomake it difficult or impossible for sonmeone to see the screen without being di-
rectly front of the display. http://www.computerhope.com/jargon/p/privílt.htm
RFID Radio-Frequency ldentification (RFID)isasystem used to track objects, people, or animals using tags that respond to radio waves. RFID tags
areintegrated circuits thatinclude a smllantenna. They are typically small enough that they are not easily noticeable and therefore can be
placed on many types of objects. http://techterms.com/definition/rfid
Social engineering Social engineering is a non-technical method of intrusion used by hackers that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves tricking
people into breaking normal security procedures. hte/searchsecuritytephtargetcom deiniion/social-enginecring
VolP Voice overlnternet Protocol (VolP) is a technology that allows telephone calls to be made over computer networks like the Internet. http://
compnetworking.about.com/cs/voicefaxoverip/g/bldef voip.htm
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Central processing
Unit (CPU):
The unit that controls the actions Communication device:
computer system and manipulates the data required for particular tasks.
of the
A communication device is piece of equipment or hardware
designed to move information or data from
Connectivity: The ability to connect with another computer or information one place to another, in other words, allowing one computer device to communicate with another.
system. Network Hub: a hub is the most basic networking device that connects multíple computers or
Trouble shooting : The ability to analyse and solve issues with the information other network devices together. a network hub has no routing tables or intelligence on where
systems. to send information and broadcasts all network data across each connection
IP: Internet protocol short for TCIP/IP which is the transmission control
protocol Switch: A computer networking device that connects devices together on a comput-
internet protocol which sets rules by which computers communicate.
er network, by using packet switching to receive, process and forward data to the
IP Address: The way in which device communicate via the internet. It
consists of four numbers, each with the value of between 0 and 255, sepa-
Router: Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet. A data
rated by a full stop or dot, rather like a postcode or address. packet is typical-
ly forwarded from one router to another router through the networks that constitute the inter-
Server: a computer or computer program which manages access to a cen-
R tralized resource or service in a network.
network until it reaches its destination node.
Hybrid Network hub: A hybrid network is a network that contains two or more communica
Mainframe: used primarily by large organizations for critical applications,
bulk data processing, such as census, industry and consumer statistics, en- tions standards in one network design. An example ofthis is a network that combines wired and
wireless technologies.
terprise resource planning, and transaction processing.
Example 1
Base 2- binary Quantities of bytes
128 64 32 16 Common prefix Binary prefix
0 0 0 Name Symbol Decimal Binary Name Symbol Binary
Convert to base 10-decimal
32x 1)+ {16x1)+(4 x 1)+(1 x 1)=32 +16 +4+153 kilobyte KB/k8 103 210 kibibyte KiB 210
megabyte MB 10 220 mebibyte MiB 220
Convert to base 16- hexadecimal gigabyte GB 10 230 gibibyte GiB 230
Split into two 4 bits
terabyte TB 1012 240 tebibyte TIB
8 4
8 petabyte PB 1015 250 pebibyte PiB 250
exabyte EB 1018
20 exbibyte EiB 200
zettabyte ZB 1021 270 zebibyte ZiB 270
yottabyte YB 1024 yobibyte YiB 20
Ian 17
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