Unit 12 A2
Direct Transmission & Indirect Transmission
There are 2 main types of transmission for diseases known as Direct Transmission and Indirect
Transmission. In direct transmission, the infectious agent is transferred to a susceptible host
through skin contact such as kissing, hand holding, hugging, sexual intercourse, congenital or by
bodily fluids. Indirect Transmission involves the spreading of infectious agents throughout the air
particles that can be inhaled by the surrounding inhabitants. Indirect transmission can also be
accomplished through inanimate objects or vectors.
Route of
Transmission Explanation Pathogen Disease caused
Direct When microorganisms travel from an Herpes A viral infection is the primary
infected person to a healthy one, direct cause of the illness known as
Transmission: contact infections are spread. This can be genital herpes. Oral herpes,
Skin to skin contact spread physically by contact with blood or an infection that affects the
bodily fluids. Kissing, touching, sexual lips or mouth, is typically
contact, or bodily sores can all result in the brought on by type 1 herpes.
transmission of direct contact infections. Cold sore and blister
Droplets distributed by coughing or symptoms developed along
sneezing are a second method that direct with this. The HSV-2 virus
contact diseases can spread. causes genital herpes. Since
HSV-2 resides inside of
nerves, this is transferred.
When it becomes active, it
moves to the skin or mucous
membrane surfaces of the
affected area. It starts to
duplicate itself. As fresh
viruses are driven onto
another person and rub off,
this process of transmission is
frequently referred to as
"shedding." The virus then
makes its way back down to
the nerve, where it enters a
ganglion, a collection of nerve
tissue. Herpes simplex is
easily transmitted through the
mucous membranes of the
mouth or the genital-anal
region through moist skin. If
there are any skin cracks or
cuts, it might potentially enter
the body.
Direct Only specific bodily secretions from an Chlamydia Chlamydia is a sexually
HIV-positive person can spread the virus. transmitted illness that can
Transmission: Blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, breast affect the cervix, fallopian
Contact by Bodily milk, vaginal fluids, and rectal fluids are tubes, anus, throat, eye, and
some of these fluids. Transmission of urethra. It is brought on by the
Fluids these substances requires either direct bacteria Chlamydia
injection into the bloodstream (from a trachomatis. Person-to-person
needle or syringe) or contact with a chlamydia transmission occurs
mucous membrane or injured tissue. The during unprotected
mouth, vagina, penis, and the rectum all intercourse. This may be
, include mucous membranes. transmitted by oral, vaginal, or
anal intercourse. Chlamydia
can be transmitted to
someone's eye by moist bodily
tissues or infected secretions.
During childbirth, chlamydia
can be transferred from the
mother to the baby. If
untreated, chlamydia causes
miscarriages and early labour.
During delivery, the bacterial
infection spreads to the baby,
causing eye infections and, in
rare cases, pneumonia to
appear in the newborn.
Direct An infected person may transmit Influenza People who have the flu can
respiratory droplets (aerosols) to nearby infect others. According to the
Transmission: individuals by sneezing, coughing, majority of specialists, flu
Contact by Droplets singing, or talking. Small respiratory viruses are primarily
particles can allow airborne illnesses to transferred through droplets
spread without direct contact with another produced when sick persons
person. cough, sneeze, or talk. People
close (often no more than 6
feet away) may catch these
droplets in their mouths or
noses, or they may inhale
them and take them into their
lungs. Less frequently, a
person may contract the flu by
touching their own mouth,
nose, or potentially their eyes
after contacting a surface or
object that has the flu virus on
Indirect When an infected individual sneezes or Tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis is
coughs, little respiratory droplets that a pathogenic bacteria
Transmission: contain viruses or bacteria travel on them that causes tuberculosis and
Airborne and become aerosolized, which is how spreads it. An airborne
most airborne illnesses are spread. In infection is tuberculosis.
addition, pathogenic bacteria that linger in Tuberculosis is transmitted
the air, water droplets, or dust particles from person to person through
are what cause airborne infections. When the air. The TB bacteria are
a person inhales airborne pathogenic released into the air as
bacteria, they begin to establish a home microscopic droplet nuclei
inside of them. As they spread via the air, when a person who has the
airborne illnesses become more difficult disease coughs, speaks, or
to treat. sneezes. These minute
droplet nuclei formed can
linger in the atmosphere for up
to several hours. Then, when
these people breathe this air,
the bacterium infects them.
Once established, the bacteria
proceed to colonise the lungs
and multiply. As it travels
through the blood and
, eventually reaches other
bodily regions like the kidneys,
spine, or brain, it continues to
develop. Only those with an
active form of TB can spread
the bacteria. The patients,
who get remedial therapies for
roughly two weeks, are free of
communicable tuberculosis.
This prevents the bacterium
from spreading to nearby
individuals. If the person
spreading the virus is in an
infectious stage of the illness,
the environment may be
conducive to transmission
because of the presence of
more droplet nuclei, exposure
to a confined place with poor
ventilation, and other factors.
Indirect Consuming tainted foods or beverages Salmonella An illness known as
that have been contaminated by salmonellosis is brought on by
Transmission: disease-causing pathogens like viruses, a salmonella bacterial
Food & Drinking bacteria, or parasites frequently results in infection. Salmonella is an
the transmission of food-borne diseases. illness spread by food. A few
Water Cleaning hands, utensils, and cutting types of salmonella bacteria
boards that come into touch with raw are fast-moving replicators
foods is crucial since food can become that can enter human gut
contaminated by bacteria while being cells. Salmonella germs can
prepared in the kitchen or a restaurant. pass from person to person or
This results in cross contamination, which from cell to cell. Salmonella
spreads food-borne illnesses. can move more easily when
infecting cells thanks to their
"whip-like tails." These
bacteria start to grow faster
than other salmonella do.
They also include what are
known as needle complexes.
They can then inject their
proteins into the cells and
pierce them. These are
excellent candidates for cell
invasion. Salmonella
bacteria-containing cells are
pushed out of the basic layer
of laboratory-grown cells.
Humans and other animals,
including birds, harbour
Salmonella in their
gastrointestinal systems.
When humans consume
contaminated foods that
include animal faeces, they
become diseased. If hands
are not cleansed before
cooking a meal, this virus may
spread from person to person.
Salmonellosis risk can be