_ !!} 0 /o ~\l\Q : "01/11 M\lCh produt\ i'.i 1,Q to UC -I (USI.AJ\W.)
lt..;----·--·--,M '1•:Y ~-- , •~•"]) obtq·· coMrmrQQ HHne. m.o-xilY"\U.M M oM _ !"'o\C\r MO.~~ Of s ¥1 - )(100 \00 °lo ~etd.
•l'f\Q\Q.r mu.n M ,nh~ m o.H pQr !!Qro.ec_onom~? i10\\~ . hne.ortti cul tvlOSi. ArMo.1v.re ~col"\Qm~ 9 -tC\ro\ Molor rf\OS~ ot reoo ants ,J,. . . OI
N\Oll!OfO. ~~bs'wnCR. ltheP.r/ """/oo~aHinisin o~ \'\t:Mt~f1t1t1H o.re..o.cncmis . . ~ff 10:~nnixJt~
. . • _, fQQU-Qn\;S t-hO\ f,orrn (.\ rus,reo
\'.'fOOUC.Lo~- lMOfO-hCQIW~~ Q.'. ~"'-'! ,•m\ (). O/o ~i~\d IJ.~U0.11~ obi C\il\~d?. $uorS-
Mr J\Hl-w1H1 .9.!MOl or gtl'lol 1t,o.Hes\in~ ~H1tit1e..nc~ oF (.\ uotti ·on. . A'.•fQo.tti"on MO~ \?e o.t ~~uillvnluYI ;not go to completion.
(un11-\ ~ddiA). 1iMilin(l _reoq qr1b ,t he.reo.O()n\ wnichi~I\Ot ,n uceu, ~-q. ~i-\2,in '!WbH prccQ.ss "3\-\1. 1- t-h ~ '2 NH 3
'Sto1ch1ornHry rM Or'\S 'reo.~tl°n9 lo'lh1cn ""' II 'tie \Htd uv, r-1m o.r,o 111'\'\ ,1 H10w 1.\\11.ch tiro~utt • O~M r s i dJl. r~o.tt, O"'t mo.11 occ.u.r l ~o.d ihfl to bu -product.s.
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~ - o.uuol m(HS x 100
o ,~\O!Y'I\ C , ,ceo.ctonts Mo._y 0ot be pure. -or9on1c. cnerYl•Sh',Y•
e.Q.1-tOl>I much iron chlor,dL ~Ollld % y1Q\d =- ~heorehco\ MOltt~ ' • some. or reoc-i-o.nts/products ma.11 be I ef-tS::>ehincl in +he
bQmodR. 1,y,<iQthn9 qg i,onwith {Yl.()..',& Hi. ,Oi, Nt, opparatU:, V.Sc.td i_n \-he exf)erilY\ent. -YV\U.lti-5\-og-ereo.ctl~-
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~oughlo~cc,.nrea.cHmocHhan '::I . x100 . Produet . rnoK.fng CX'J StCl lS. o.nd +1l~r1ng.
maugh) . S!{ll( hl6'l1( 1~ f-HltH.ll(h Gl'l the.o~nccil no. 2- · ___.+ ( ·c· \~ o.H&& ie.A110 1:1 MO.lS(TiO,.)= IV\OI..O.JXMI'
b_ . !Y'lol.Q..s - - - - - - , .,,.,--- fMIU 1, lit ti 6U' 6,&6U - .
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n JZl\tlO O .16 '. 0.16 f0O\>.C,l..d. Co.lcu.lo.te 0/o '-ji0.1O of ii Oiz. .G.'. \-\()VJ will 0. 1q,(ie,tia~ s-\'111 'tie, ",o'ole. e..Vel'\ If ,t \'\O.S ().
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swi"ng of orM.r y.,rodu.cH forrvu.d.. ,. . . .,
A·. trod.uCt ~Q.1ng fOr-med 1s 1"bre. onct voluo..i::,U.. . \_s:,
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\ t continuou-S ron om rY\.Oh"On . _
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4&ecaule MOie orno, c,upru t4drrt1 · Porn·cl.u \'!(,\Vt no 1Y"1Hrrt1ollc.u.lo.r f.Orc.u. Pose.ens (NM_,.): 11<,.~0-:-1000 fo. t;.o ( '2.HzOJ ·
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