'Mass 5pectra lon b~ ui~d to ident,~y \-l'le.l'Ylo1ew.10, \N•rort.d Specwo,cop~_;,
rn,m o~ on org0r11c compoun d at'd t OgQ iY\ tUr+hef . 'Ill is o.b so r b eti 1,~ co~alAllt bo ncb ond ,r \llt\ Of Ill:
+hern vi1o raH ~ . llnC11~p11 o~ or~ ni'c.~C,'tl~c w1c1J
in~o. Qbo1.Jt !\-l 11ruu-ure . ._
•Diueren' 1,ondJ indiH, tllVifO:'lMtntl e1worb --4 bt Q(1rllCl'~; ~ rs
orgo ni c co n,pound i~ p leic ed in tht rVICUS
• Whe..n a" 11.iff . f req_LUntie.l. _,, 1Y1on1t-onn9 o.1mc1phrnC poi liJ t-OnrJ
spechom<!.t~r, jt\osu Cln i\tctronond iorrVIIO.tveiOl'J,
\'\Qov ier ato mt vi'o ra~ ,.rmtr (gui H 111 tr. e e1 ir)
l .
1-nt IV\O letutorion . ,___ . _ _ N O 1, ~Oz,N a, ((1 2 et-C.
' The mOl S S9{ttromtter ~\-HH t~l YYtO.IJ - tO- c hatt;r e ~t-rongu bO nds vit,ra t ~ tr I.,
(M I 1.) oprt<. l'I\ 0 I ttUI ari· 0 n L<Jl'lich 9ivctl tht. mc leti,U ar '111.SpHlf O s \'lOIUSWhO I trQq_w.n u ua rehtit19 110tQ : b_endl~ llrStlHCh•r.9 CQUHd~j'·II.J
II' son,ec.\ . J, ) _ro.ct.ionon inmolHU.Lllo -l ltH tch is Cl rh~thmi c Moteme nt
Mt\SS 01- ~h<. co mpou n ci . wo.vtnum~tr1(c111·'
,,og_me11tc,n·o,._:_ ~c u < peQil or Hur rroughS ~long t he Ii~~ bHwem t-ht atomi
'!: -l 9-0:,ll I 1hOW l ,,, 11onltV1irtOnCl - · din . betwal\ tWO atoMi C ctn·rrfl
·tnt M JY)QSl sptCtrOl'(ltlU SOIY\t mol(C \.l !Ctr ion , 1,rtO-IC
{ 10 pen~! o.rt 1..q11 i d1 do l)l n. incruim b d.et rl10~S .
d own in>o 31n alte r piet~s i,:.no.,,n 0.1 f rogminrs ill o 12 . - - -4 :,c-c,.,,:ilil numi,tr!d
bc~d ' ~)ichest,bends c:lt penc:Js o\'l
fl ngupnn d r - b'· 1·c • m oss Of o.t · t-h d
ffl)( tH ce11ied f ra9n'le. n ton·on . •• __. 1tq11on 1iattL110.rd l- ,, tven bro o. i 11'1 c0 r •l,J ' ( n ea.V1. oms ,n t 1,o n
HO.t-om n1 i1>
,, 11, 0 • ,- {lt i"dl 3 <0o t-t
· Olher p eo1u ,.., o. ll'lc,.ll rpHHUm (.\rt ca.ued r,!JP. 11 0 ~"'300 0 brooclpeo.K. 0 - H } 1 ,)
i+OOO 1.,_,
0000,veou•111> er (tn~·•)~OO ~"' 11 S-0 s1ron9 !hQrp pi o.l(. t _- 0 con1i _ 2.)sn
"dOY ..,,th
Q\W()Jl \H~ngtl'l
ronQ t o~b ontlo.rt tt<l
<bonds w•~e,)I
\ rogme.n r Ions, fOTTY\e~ 1-r orn tne. t,re0Kdo1,11n o~ tht
l'l\o letUl or i"on . O(tf r{OS(OPV l'IQrd roiclen h"flj II! ip n h1lHOf~ _
rnotecuLo.r io n +rogro ~nt ion ; rocl,•t o l
. I-------- / 1 ~QQ~ l heft .
_!-_R.. I- otll\O•~hc.n·cs~e.s:
o.bunctcmt _ it9,, , ,.,... \h ant o. bS or b o. form Of 1onger-wa.vtltn9l--h 1r.
a-,, CO
e. -\;>i Jhree most
'I-\ i 0 .,,
ro.ct,a non \,\lnit\1 h OJbten reer11 itt-e..o. ..+ro m earth •nu qou l,QCQUltit haJ
J} H H ge1ies. so.mt ptq,.' o.s notura l +rtq,. o~ thtir bondS . '
1 I I
r\ - t - C- C - 0 - l-1 - - 4 CH3Cl-\ 1 Cl-l1 OH+ t 'tventuo11~, lhtv i 1>r o.ti.n9 boncts in t\Hse molJ!..t l,U.R/l ,e..- emit ihi~
I I I !'i\ Ol HUi'lr ,on
rntrQIJ o. r <etcuo r·1c:il"I l-ha• inc.. ~ • e m p . 01- o-riYlosphve c.iose K>
H H . t-l
wt r un o.e t ettOil
eo. r~r- ', s u.r+a= 9 Iobo l w
propan - 1- cl i\OH: 0 dMin't a1>1orb 1R ro.Cl..(atiofl
_ ( ,vt f r ()grvient l (or,I~ H09rvimt..\
1,wi1.L1e. 1\-he 1tre.K.hin9 t\'IO.I' ocwrs
trl3(l-l 2 tH1DH - - 4 U-1 • t (H 1 tH 1 QHt- MQdi.t H~etl)
ne.1\ i~v,.,,ro.teJ 1, J~r{lrnerncal-
f- r o.gmt nt , .,1-\ H,
" , ,
1prcpon -1-oL
"-t- c- (- OH
\ Cl-l 2CH OH" --'I -t-c - c-o - 1-1 has tl,lC pi!(lK.S 0-== 0 -t
1. I I I I I
CH3 t t T(l-J..IC.al. II H rl 1-11-\H 1.-15' (l t '.ll(\n ct ~S
Propon - 1-ol I b1.11- no t- 0-1 1. ; 9
f-ro3rr.c,. t C- o- \--1 tu re o n - 2 - , 1-\owQ.~~r, t0 1 d()n o.\,so r'o IR
~P.ttffilW\: --l morU t Oble C'llian (II( mo re I ill ely to l 3I p P cl l>j ~\'oro.til\3·,
beh uo enect
~e q H cond(ll.Y Monnu1o1 e Oi
'I-\ rl u. , j 1.~ n ~o•..1 1d ,) ~':! MiX'l\ri cu I srretchu1 9
o-cl.cl.s o1H torn o1u1.1.to_r 1V1 dll "-c-c - C-t-\
on rnn1ary) H- 't- ~. ~xp, cq ro pon -H I
t: 1 - I' 011-111 1 1 1
011 . '[ -Ol ' • - .f--o~c:o-4
'ls , ~•bon -1l.11abUPdontino u911(11n/OD)MoilUII~' ti H 1dlOP
I+ wl\1th IQ0.01 tU~ hnY Pl «( not IU M1t~O'·
;~n r FttMIVI
I I rc n o.veU f'tl U)ll~ t1o.s·::P'WY\tTTi col srrQ, tt~i
, SH. P< ~K Ut ~S" b•CQ ' U>'C
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ENl S: H,.
l t l\ v i r u l\ <> u nd On t
r-·o= c= 0 4
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"''"',~ow ,s
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Lon, s ,,oo t.) Mnclillj JC ,i.
1 /1 ,,
1.-----:--, M< o1 CH3CH10Hr HO.gMint
.I, < H • 43 0 0
Mr Of tH3t pogll'ltl\l ffi(lSSlO Charg•" ( lq ,,
'lq1- t 5-=t-