Brain Structure
8.8 Know the location and functions of the cerebral hemispheres, hypothalamus, cerebellum and medulla
oblongata in the human brain.
The Cerebral Cortex
• The cerebral cortex is located at the top of the brain, and is made of mostly grey matter (neuron cell
bodies, synapses and dendrites).
• The cerebral cortex is divided into the left and right cerebral hemispheres.
• Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into 4 lobes (frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal).
• Midbrain: Relays information to the cerebral hemispheres, auditory information to the temporal
lobe and visual information to the occipital lobe.
• Corpus Callosum: A band of white matter (nerve axons) which connects the 2 cerebral hemispheres
and connects the cortex to other brain structures.
The Cerebral Hemispheres:
, Brain Structure
8.8 Know the location and functions of the cerebral hemispheres, hypothalamus, cerebellum and medulla
oblongata in the human brain.
Structures in the Brain
• Coordination of movements, balance.
• It receives information from the primary motor cortex, muscles and joints.
Medulla Oblongata
• Regulates involuntary processes, e.g. respiration, heartbeat, blood pressure.
• Includes cardiovascular centre and respiratory centre.
• Regulates temperature (thermoregulation), sleep, hunger, thirst and blood concentration.
• Controls endocrine function and connects directly to pituitary gland, which secretes other hormones.
• Routes all incoming sensory information to correct part of the brain, via axons of white matter.
• Involved in long-term memory and learning.
Basal Ganglia
• Collection of neurons that lie deep within each hemisphere.
• Responsible for selecting and initiating stored programmes for movement.
Brain stem
• At the top of the spinal column.
• Extends from the midbrain to the medulla.
• Located above medulla oblongata and below midbrain.
• Maintains balance and position of head and body in space.
• Regulates breathing together with breathing centres in medulla.