Polygamy Adultery Homosexuallity
The Definition Having one or more marital Voluntary sexual intercourse between a Attraction towards the same sex.
partner. married person and somebody who is
not their spouse.
The UK legal Illegal in the UK under the Legal in the UK and has been since Homosexuality is leagl in the UK and
view Maritromonal Causes Act 1973, 1857 under the Matrimonal causes act. has been since 1967 under the Sexual
punishable by up to 7 years Offences Act.
imprisonment or a fine of up to
Cultures Singapore, places in Africa such Japan, UK, South Korea, all European UK, US, Japan, Sweden, etc.
where it is as Egypt, Islamic countries such countries.
as Saudi Arabia.
Cultures UK, US. Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, which allows
where it is Afghanistan, Iran, 21 US states behadings as punishment.
Why the law Religious reasons, such as In the States, adultery is illegal Some countries make it illegal for
varies in Mormons or Muslims, Traditional because of the states moral grounds. religious reasons, such as Islamic
cultures Reasons such as in Africa, illegal In countries operated by Islamic Law, countries like Saudi Arabia. It’s legalised
in US and UK for religious and adultery is illegal because of religious in most places for moral reasons.
illegal reasons. and culteral reasons.