Expert Witness
Forensic Evidence, Collection and Analysis
,Expert Witness May 11, 2023
Table of Contents
Explain the techniques used in forensic science to analyse physical, chemical and biological evidence.
C. P5.......................................................................................................................................................2
Physical evidence...............................................................................................................................2
Biological evidence............................................................................................................................2
Chemical evidence.............................................................................................................................3
Demonstrate analysis of physical, biological and chemical evidence gathered from a simulated crime
scene to draw conclusions. C. P6...........................................................................................................4
Footwear evidence........................................................................................................................4
Fingerprints evidence....................................................................................................................5
Chromatography evidence.............................................................................................................6
Draw valid conclusions from analysis of physical, chemical and biological evidence. C. M4.................9
Draw conclusions from the analysis of physical, chemical and biological evidence. D. P7....................9
Footwear conclusion..........................................................................................................................9
Fingerprint conclusion.......................................................................................................................9
Chromatography conclusion..............................................................................................................9
Overall conclusion:..........................................................................................................................10
Explain how physical, chemical and biological forensic analysis justifies the conclusions. D. M5.......11
Evaluate the techniques used in forensic science to analyse the physical, chemical and biological
evidence gathered and evaluate the findings, including aspects of probability. C/D. D3....................12
, Expert Witness May 11, 2023
Explain the techniques used in forensic science to
analyse physical, chemical and biological evidence. C.
Physical evidence
Any actual object or material that can be used to support or refute a
specific claim in a criminal or civil proceeding is considered physical
evidence. Physical evidence can be used in a criminal prosecution to help
establish the elements of a crime, such as whether a weapon was used,
the perpetrator's identity, and the time and location of a crime. Physical
evidence can be used to demonstrate a contract's existence, a
defendant's liability, and the plaintiff's losses in a civil trial.
Weapons, papers, images, recordings, clothing, and DNA are all examples
of tangible evidence. For instance, in a robbery case, tangible evidence
can consist of the crime's weapon, the suspect's picture, and a
surveillance video. Physical evidence in a car accident case can include a
picture of the vehicles involved, skid marks on the pavement, and
fragments of the wrecked cars.
In criminal proceedings, a forensic scientist or other expert witness
frequently presents physical evidence in court. The parties participating in
a civil trial may offer tangible evidence to support the case's facts. A party
might offer a video of an incident or a contract document as evidence, for
Law enforcement officers often gather, preserve, and store physical
evidence in a safe area. Physical evidence must be gathered and stored in
accordance with specific protocols in order to be used as evidence in
Biological evidence
Evidence that has been gathered by biological processes, such as DNA or
other bodily fluids, is referred to as biological evidence. It might be used
to prove specific aspects of a crime or to identify specific people.
Depending on the type of evidence in question and the intended use,
biological evidence is gathered in a variety of ways. For instance, several
techniques, such as swabbing a suspect's skin or clothing or obtaining a
blood sample, might be used to gather DNA evidence. The use of
fingerprints, hair, saliva, perspiration, or other bodily fluids as additional
biological evidence is permitted.