p~r ~ ou.
s (jK-.',r, ot-•)
jOL.H2.J <'. t1<.e.Lu ,n
I th lSQillAIY\ei{re" f
me. crys-t-011,rie.
forr,,O f- O HAbH0n<.R
at DK .a-· i , o puf-ect WT\~ tttlptrutu.rt 1HO.lltd O
• .
. h
·~ t QUlOI\ 11111'\lt. CCLI\_
"-o.,,tn t.t" _ade+errnine ifa reo.ctiofl is f~es 11o,e tau_ into account.
- - . . ,e nth0-1py c/1 o. 119eJ 01 +he re actiot1 {c1H)
entropy cha119n O f the r eo c h'on (rLi~)
tro 11 y i1a,w. ery \ tUL . HaJlblt rtQc.tion. ~mp. r eacn ·o n at:.
Y some. or e rndo,nerm\' c.
L .
A JUbHonuz riaJ et1 .
of. o a..t OK . . ~rorn 11q,u.1ct ~o 9a1 . .
~0 1~erd11f e renu. c1VJ.t0 howct.i\o rd-A.r<2d now. dunng~ chetnlCol f;£S,lt.El,SPONTAN~~
d 1· 1d rg~o.s
-.)011 1q_u
incrttstl go\~l arQ. fQOCnon, HH entropyot It- got forrnlo. " /treae,n·on w. on f
1Y10J1orct.ut1d }
WJ.Jtorct.ue.d / CllCl s4Hemmoyc honege. ·re 1u t,oppe 11 aJlcn..! ·
l ·, e11tr0 11 M Ol ten t rD)? \J l\ibitGnU. . . rll j Pd~-vetisfr os 1t /J { () OS/blPCHO.
owe P:, .., MlltS Achem 1c cu r eo.c.hor1 ,nt,<J h , ch ~JOJcleJ.......d.Qn ~QJ - cen-a 111 t- e mp . rh1 s mCLy
~NTlOPV\IAW£1:~ <?nrropy of .f' ' J· f em . .d bed.,W... t-o ach·vo h 'on ~ne.rgy
Ht)JtU u,-m,,y VClt'-0. =: ':7
/ f\,l"r ..-,1cJ·
' ·"' n, 1qu1 or gos
1 th~n . . - - --
.r111AK EJ TJ-JE JVJrEM f"rv (;6 ¤71C llf._l-'/ @ I ,EeAJJ.g t oo li1 9 h.
IMoN., r"'-A. cu.yea. -,..,:Lfsorfl.lJ.~ &ie,gy1I '11 6R . tVQ t.S • A :iponrane o u.s reo.c h on , (J
J :----Il'r eod aut:. ., iT flB l& . .--::i a.nct.: IY!Ore.t<H'Sll:lll..
, {. fY1QOni g_[SOrde r
4 5011 Cl£ =1 owe r vo 1w.(mc,eoro.HeclJ
,-:-:;---~:-:-:=::-:-:-:-:-- --.1.U.....L...!Yl~O~l l~C~r_geaQJjsci£
'd . ./-f'OJ I b / I!.. (;1 n d Ofl I~ oc.c U rs uncu.r
.'.cryao111ne so lid w/ n1gh1y orciO.-red 6.SfJ =sumo~ Pl1ldUcts_ .sum opeo.ttont~ 1 sn,nd. ard cond/n ·o n1.{A&rr ne<?dJ
arran_gQ.men~ has low ~ntror,y _ entrcpl)VOIWJ entrap\,) V(lll,LQ.j '¥ f-Ob,:> /fJ I 1-hor, O Ond ha.Vl low
more.. . .
LI IV\o.uom ot.tc.uJ..o..r strucru. r e.1 ha.v e Ct \Je. dispmal Oftners!I fenstb(Q reacn·
enou.Jh o. c nvailon "nergLJ fO.r
Low rn t( O,P.,lJ u0, lwt QS t he..Y Ml.Al e. 0.. Ve.':} ' within H, t Chttnlco.1/ Sf Or> ti) pYO(..(ULd uncu,r
nd ard c o ndin'onJ)
!_%i Lila.r Strueture. . ->rnme t or fYIQ.tiOll C& i on 1C MO.Klh9v.pthteh eh1ICAl
1 'i,mJ.ctU. YQ S dWl. tO Hie.If
s_ystmi. Cton Af-/.fth"n.J 1e.o.1i61Jlly:
trw. t-o r 'Chem ical rea.c h ·ons f\me: MU5T be decrease '"-7eWh~1- h e.r o. rQaChon 1; endo rherm •c .
·. .
Ord.!.1,.((l_ d. l a.tt,U'd rel.£0.Se <2(1f? r ou Oi ln rQ.at · f.rH energy fOro.reoC110n
1n ...., )(0,herrn1c ' , or
trlOUUJ..lO.t' . v ·
trU ltu l l -~ re9u.tat1u orru., ed c. 1yH0lli11e o.n cl canpeuJecl (O d o t0be fQQ\1bl.Q. 6H' - ..-~ -....=
--..-c G"- ---.-,; ,.c;c :: ,,.;;;::
111ru, - - - - -
1~ d1Ylt ! 1(a ) ..Jb I l:J.Sf.fU-,1-tva~K. t:,.(JS j~used-topred.ft t Negatlve Negatlw Negati.. ORpositl,e/Oo•" ""''W"""'"" MPL
( 0 5u StOlW . lribbl. ,..-+
~@( -
t>L or o Negative Positive ALWAYS"'''"" 100.,,,. ,, ,'"I""''"''"''
note: I~ ~uu hClue. o. nund:ier of .d (r = mCA\(I mum UH 'UI worK
' '
Sub:, in W fll l HO re,
t O 11 OJ Q,U
'h at- co.n be. ct one1- b
I C\
rea ch on n f QCl lf to LQ.
, ,. , . ...... ,,o oo<( MP
fl U\lb lf Clb Qllf ct no.,n tf n, p.r
9'1Mra11;1, tht h1'9her the M.r = +reQ energy Che.m,-C'..(l! rea.ch"ony (a Va.lu.e. Of Oor lo wer iJ ~QOJi° b1e')- s+ahdard_ e,n1rop_y o~ on~ moltof<A
hig hu entropy i,1.1111 be .
twnopy 6-RAPH',
C:'"-;'(l(n.- 1
)~ e
1,;,hn119e . "-£--:-::---::-------.
G-Gl = LlH - r~s'lfr~ reo.rrange t-0 +in cl +emp.
I I \ CH Lllh h .
entropy - Su br tont.(.. uncu.rstand.Qro.
~,J,1ct t'hon'1 ,(olu.)O~~-rve.')
•smallerjump bet-wun Qnthal ... '"'e 1. ic_ YQOCh on be comes Q'. 110Je. the. 1irn1i ations Of motdn.9
~Olld 411q,ui d t-han ch Ong:~ . ?Km) p. c~ ropy fQo 1 b I e, by (), ssum t n p~Qd.lchon.s 060\.!t µo.si b i , i _y baled on d G-
ti g QJ ai
I iquid-, JUrro d-' ange c.G CO 9 I\. tetitnon muy beve1~to,v
1 un in g1 Of HJ Hel'Y) •
lso1id Porn'U~! nr~ \.l<'JK -riiol -1) { (jK-1 -•) u lm-9erVQ/tu.
becom1n9 m v.cn di . moL Shows rQa.c:ti'on
1- ; >1Y1e 1nn9 /YI or e d f:rnrcu..re.d.. . fi~1~~f 0
goes to comp1et1on
r l/ . N 2 (9) /- 3 Hz (9) -> 2N H J cg)
G l em p. ( K) produc~·on Of. g a.s 1ncreaJes the. 4 more rn ci le 1 Of g cH on r~ act ant
fd1sorderof thepa;c.w side :. dlJorc.ler fv;rc, ·-'>,fil.k en1-ropy
I -
CaC 03 (j) f 21--/CA.(l<I() --} CnU.1..u.,qJ t- (0,{y) fl-l;_Ou) e.nergyl'smort chon..9e.. deC,
Spread out and t.S lrn1P