What are the factors that influence marketing decisions?
There are several factors that influence a Data Protection Act 1998 provides rights
business` marketing decisions. Small and for those who have their information held in
large businesses are not only affected by filing systems. Data protection is
their internal factors, but also by controlling the data of consumers, such as
environmental factors over which they do their personal information. When a
not have any control. The factors I will talk business protects its customers` data, it
about are company ethos, consumer enhances the company`s image. For
protection, standards of practice, political, example, Thomas Cook says on its website
economic, social and technological. that it understands and respects the
importance of your privacy. `This Privacy
Company ethos Policy sets out the basis on which any
personal data we collect from you, or that
It is a company`s core set of values or you provide to us, via this website will be
principles that are used for companies processed by us.`
overall operations. So literally, it means
how a company expresses the way a Standards of practice
company wants to behave. Social
responsibility is what a business should They mean the rules that a business puts in
balance both activities to balance the place for a company that should be
business and the society to benefit them followed. For example, ABTA
both. Company ethos includes environment (Association of British Travel Agents)
as well. A lot of companies obtain the main supports companies as long as those
beliefs of green tourism and promote companies follow the standards set.
holidays that do not harm the environment. Another example would be ASA
An example would be Thomson Airways, (Advertising Standards Authority) that
who try to be more fuel efficient, so they controls what an organisation can and can`t
make sure that customers believe they are show in their advertisements.
environment-friendly. In February 2016,
Codes of practice
EasyJet said they tried a new hydrogen fuel
cell system that could save about 50,000 The British Code of Advertising, Sales
tonnes of fuel per year. This shows a good Promotion and Direct Marketing has many
image to customers as they are trying to principles like the followings:
become more environment-friendly. All advertisements should be legal,
decent, honest and truthful
Consumer protection All advertisements should be prepared
with a sense of responsibility to
It refers to standards and codes of practice consumers and society.
and legislation that are put in place to
protect customers from unfair trading. Political factors
Legislation affects what and how can be
stated in adverts and leaflets. Since the Political factors are external constraints on
Consumer Protection Act in 1987, there a company, meaning that the influence
have been laws to protect the customers comes from outside the organisation's
against businesses that are selling them control. This relates to changes in
misleading or completely different legislation that is introduced by the
products. Since this law, customers have government. These can be general changes
rights protecting them against this. The and which directly impact on travel and