BTEC Assignment Brief
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Foundation Diploma in
Qualification Engineering
Unit 41: Manufacturing Secondary Machining
Unit number and title
B: Set up traditional secondary processing machines to
Learning aim(s) (For NQF manufacture a component safely
only) C: Carry out traditional secondary machining processes to
manufacture a component safely
Assignment title Setting up and carrying out secondary machining processes
M. Rosenthal
W/C 05.12.2022
Issue date
W/C 16.01.2023
Hand in deadline
You are working as a final year apprentice in the machine
shop of a medium sized engineering company. Your
supervisor is pleased with your work and your ability to
operate machinery to carry out secondary machining
Vocational Scenario or
Context Based on a review of your existing practical skills and the
research activities that you have completed, your supervisor
would like you to show further evidence of your
development, by investigating the health and safety
requirements of secondary machining processes before
setting up and machining a component.
You have been asked to consider issues related to health and
safety and to produce a component using traditional
processing machines.
To do this:
Your tutor will provide you with a drawing for a component
that has at least six different features that you will need to
safely and accurately produce using at least two traditional
machining processes.
Task 1 You must:
1. Explain how health and safety is managed for the
machines you intend to use and what regulations should
be met; and
2. Produce a risk assessment, which should include
consideration of all the significant hazards, be laid out on
in an appropriate template and include suitable control
measures. Ensure you show your use of this in the
following activities.
, You then need to:
1. Safely and correctly set up the two machines to produce
the component, using suitable and appropriate
workpiece holding devices, tools and machine
parameters (speeds and feeds);
2. Use the machines to produce the component safely and
accurately (so free from burrs, sharp corners and false
3. Take measurements for each of the features and make
adjustments to ensure dimensional and surface texture
accuracy during the machining activities; and
4. Use cutting fluid where relevant, remove swarf and then
remove the workpiece from the machine correctly.
You must also:
5. Constantly refine the machine set-up and parameters
during the machining activities to ensure the processes
continue to produce a component that is accurate.
Factors to consider include:
• effectiveness - for example by optimising the feed
rate, the position/order of tools and the distance
travelled by the tools to machine the component in a
realistic time and
• efficiency - for example by replacing worn tools, using
the correct cutting fluid and monitoring the machining
You must provide evidence of all of the above using the most
appropriate evidence forms as noted below.
Checklist of evidence Evidence will be in a portfolio and will include a
required developmental log book, risk assessment, observation
records/witness statements, the finished component,
annotated photographs and drawings, set-up planning notes
and complete quality control documents.
Criteria covered by this task:
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
41/BC.D2 Refine, during the process, the safe set up and parameters of the
traditional secondary processing machines to effectively and efficiently
manufacture a component
41/B.M2 Use the correct tooling, work-holding devices and speeds and feeds to
set up safely at least two traditional secondary processing machines
41/C.M3 Manufacture accurately the component containing at least six features
41/B.P2 Explain what health and safety requirements apply when machining a
component and conduct a risk assessment of the work environment
41/B.P3 Set up safely at least two traditional secondary processing machines
BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
, Manufacture the component safely using at least two different
41/C.P4 traditional secondary machining processes and containing at least six
Sources of information Books
to support you with this Meyers A and Slattery J – Basic Machining Reference
Assignment Handbook
(International Press Inc., 2001) ISBN 9780831131203
Walker J R – Machining Fundamentals: From Basic to
Advanced Techniques (Goodheart–Willcox Co Inc., 2004)
ISBN 9781590702499
Black B J – Workshop Processes, Practices and Materials 5th
Edition (Routledge, 2015) ISBN 1138784727
Above are some examples of websites. Further useful
resources may be found at
Other assessment Component drawing, risk assessment template
materials attached to
this Assignment Brief
BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
, Mounting Flange
Explain how Health and Safety is managed for the machines you intend to use
and what regulations should be met:
• Before we walk into the workshop, we change into our PPE which consists of Safety
Boots, googles and smock. After we equipped ourselves, we walk into the workshop, at
the entrance there are mandatory signs of the different types of PPE that should be
worn with legislations about them.
• When everyone made sure they have the right PPE we go on the Centre Lathe machines
but before we use the machines we carry out a Pre-use check which consist of checking
the floor area is clean and dry and that there are no oil on the floor, then we check the
main part of the machine the tool holder is properly secured the chuck is properly
secured to the spindle, after that we move onto testing the safety features of the
Safety Features on the machine:
Centre Lathe
1. We switch the machine isolator on, and we
start the machine fist you check the machine
guard by lifting it up slightly the machine should
stop when the machine stopped lift the guard
fully and try to turn on the machine if it does not turn on it
means it functions properly.
2. Lower the guard back into place and start the machine
again and press the emergency stop button and the machine
should shut down itself, then try to start the
machine if it does not start that means the emergency stop button
functions properly.
3. Rotate the emergency button clockwise and you will hear a click sound
this means is disengaged, Start the machine again and this time use the
foot brake to stop the machine, if it works the spindle should stop
What Regulations Should be met:
1. PPE Regulation at work 2002: This Regulation requires the employer to provide suitable PPE to
all employees where is required and a safe place to store it, this regulation also requires the
employee to follow the rules set out by the employer and wear the PPE at all times when