Sections 1,2,3,4,5, & 6
Section 1 (1951-1964) Section 2 (1964-1970) Section 3 (1970-1979)
Reasons fro Conservative Wilson’s ideologies: Heath as leader: - Educated at
dominance: Economic Pragmatic Socialism: state school - Too honest and
Stability and Prosperity: Wilson's Labour government not skillful enough in pleasing
The Conservative embraced a pragmatic political allies - Good at policies
governments, led by Prime approach to socialism, but not politics - Experience as
Ministers Winston Churchill, seeking to bring about social chief negotiator for EEC from
Anthony Eden, Harold change and reduce inequality 1961-1963
Macmillan, and Alec Douglas- while also maintaining a mixed
Home, prioritized economic economy. Wilson aimed to
stability and pursued policies create a more equitable
that aimed to stimulate society through government
economic growth. They intervention and social welfare
promoted free-market programs, but he also
principles, reduced recognized the importance of
government intervention in working with the business
the economy, and focused on community and maintaining a
fiscal responsibility, which led healthy economy.
to a period of sustained Modernization and
economic growth and relative Technological Progress:
prosperity for many citizens. Wilson's government placed
Post-War Rebuilding and great emphasis on
Reconstruction: The modernization and harnessing
Conservative Party was technological progress to drive
associated with the economic growth and social
successful post-war advancement. The concept of
rebuilding efforts, as they the "white heat of technology"
took over the government in was a central theme,
the aftermath of World War II. emphasizing the importance
They were able to capitalize of science and technology in
on the public's desire for shaping the future of the
stability and a return to country. Social Reform:
normalcy after the upheavals Wilson's government
of war. Management of introduced several social
Government 1
, Colonial
Section 1 Transition:
(1951-1964)The Section 2 (1964-1970) Section 3 (1970-1979)
Conservative governments
reform initiatives, aimed at
managed the process of
improving the lives of ordinary
decolonization and the
citizens. Notable reforms
transition of former colonies
included the abolition of the
to self-governance more
death penalty (1965), the
smoothly than some other
liberalization of divorce laws
European powers. They
(1969), the decriminalization
implemented policies that
of homosexuality in England
aimed to maintain close ties
and Wales (1967), and the
with former colonies while
introduction of the Open
granting them independence,
University (1969) to provide
which contributed to a
higher education opportunities
perception of responsible
for working adults. Education
governance. Strong
and Social Mobility: Wilson's
Leadership and Stability:
government focused on
The Conservative Party had
expanding educational
strong leaders during this
opportunities to promote
period, such as Winston
social mobility. Policies such
Churchill, who played a
as the raising of the school
significant role in leading
leaving age to 16, the creation
Britain to victory in World War
of comprehensive schools,
II, and Harold Macmillan, who
and the introduction of the
served as Prime Minister
Open University aimed to
during a time of relative
provide greater access to
stability and economic
education for all. Economic
growth. The leadership
Challenges: Wilson's
provided a sense of continuity
government faced economic
and reassurance, which
challenges, including balance
resonated with the public and
of payments issues and
contributed to electoral
inflation. To address these
success. Middle-Class
challenges, Wilson pursued
Appeal and Social
economic measures such as
Conservatism: The
devaluation of the pound in
Conservative Party appealed
1967 to boost exports and
to the middle class,
improve competitiveness.
emphasizing traditional
Relations with Europe:
values, social order, and
Wilson's government sought
individual responsibility. They
to improve relations with
presented themselves as the
Europe and applied for British
party of law and order, which
Government 2
, appealed
Section 1 to those who
(1951-1964) Section 2 (1964-1970) Section 3 (1970-1979)
sought stability and a
membership in the European
conservative social agenda.
Economic Community (EEC)
in 1967. However,
negotiations were not
successful during his tenure.
Leadership Style: Wilson
was known for his media-
savvy approach and ability to
connect with the public. He
presented himself as a
dynamic and forward-looking
leader, leveraging television
appearances and popular
media to communicate his
vision and policies.
Domestic policies: Welfare Industrial relations and Political and economic
State and Social Policies: trade unions: Trade Union policies: - Before Jan 1917
The Conservatives continued Power and Influence: Trade election, Conservatives held a
the development of the unions held considerable conference at Selsdon Park to
welfare state initiated by the power and influence during approve a policy programme to
Labour government after Wilson's premiership. They from basis of Cons manifesto -
World War II. The National were influential in shaping Tax reform, better law and order,
Health Service (NHS) was labor policies and negotiating reforms to trade unions,
expanded and improved, with with the government on issues immigration controls, cuts to
increased investment in related to wages, working public spending and ending
hospitals, new medical conditions, and employment subsides to ‘lame ducks’ -
schools, and extended rights. Trade Union However Heath still believed in
coverage. By 1959, there Legislation: Wilson's ‘One Nation Toryism’ and
were over 13,000 general government introduced concensus - School leaving age
practitioners in the NHS, several pieces of legislation raised to 16
compared to 8,000 in 1951. related to trade unions and
Social security benefits were industrial relations. The
expanded, including Industrial Relations Act of
increases in old-age pensions 1969 aimed to promote
and the introduction of new greater stability and better
benefits such as family management of industrial
allowances. Housing and relations. It established a
Town Planning: The statutory framework for trade
Conservative governments union recognition, regulation
Government 3
, Section 1 (1951-1964) of strikes,
Section and dispute
2 (1964-1970) Section 3 (1970-1979)
resolution. The act faced
prioritized housing and urban
significant opposition and was
planning to address the post-
repealed by the subsequent
war housing shortage. The
Conservative government.
Housing Act of 1954 aimed to
Strikes and Industrial
increase the supply of
Action: The period witnessed
affordable housing, resulting
numerous strikes and
in the construction of over
industrial actions as trade
300,000 new homes by 1955.
unions sought to protect the
The New Towns Act of 1959
interests of their members.
led to the creation of new
Notable strikes during this
towns, such as Milton Keynes
period include the 1966
and Stevenage, to alleviate
seamen's strike, the 1969
population pressure in
engineering strike, and the
overcrowded urban areas.
1970 postal workers' strike.
Education: The
These strikes resulted in
Conservatives implemented
significant disruptions to
reforms in education to
various industries and
improve access and
services across the country.
standards. The Education Act
Incomes Policy: Wilson's
of 1944, passed by the
government implemented an
previous government,
incomes policy to tackle
continued to be implemented,
inflation and control wage
providing free secondary
increases. The Prices and
education for all. The
Incomes Act of 1966 aimed to
Technical Education Act of
limit wage increases and
1954 aimed to improve
stabilize prices. The
vocational training and create
government set up the
more opportunities for
National Board for Prices and
technical and scientific
Incomes to monitor and
education. Economic
enforce the policy. The
Policies: The Conservatives
incomes policy faced
pursued economic policies
challenges, including
focused on fiscal stability and
resistance from trade unions,
promoting economic growth.
and was not entirely
Chancellor of the Exchequer,
successful in controlling
Rab Butler, introduced the
inflation. Trade Union
Finance Act of 1955, which
Membership: Trade union
aimed to encourage
membership continued to rise
investment and reduce
during this period. In 1970,
Government 4