Nicole li CN.T.)
C, 6,.7, 8,2.2, 2,3, ,4,▇ Clem 1O Ac
chemi tuytiwj. udat, uek,Chewai Sodng (ug m umiealbCs
petirtion of matt: Matte i atkéng whith olupie spa e and has mas.
Clasrificq ion of m ottet: Mattor
oireet mix ing
ure subltancej (o vly Ielemnant/ om pouend) wixturs (oniirt of 2 pire Ju .)
chemica| Gop bj Matov
bere d
I. hare( ) / no (m) chemita| actio▇
Elennt cow po ndH Co,..)
sepat ao bhy chemio wefod L. phy cally (w)lchom)cally ( ) combined
3. V o/X (n) prodwie new swbHtamceJ
pe fin itiov of che mcl reaGtion : How pa1 tieles bwvnd togethe to for empro perties (chemica ▇
UvderHtane thvough aoiag raM aedations:
Salt water
otm lwrt
o ixture)
oto Comp Wnd
watew mo/ecuje (H20)
p re Jubtances p N bHtonce▇
odiu chloride (1on)
Elem mt # atowm lwolewle t
atow ithe po buSIe Wnit of mitter,dn eloment made wp of atews
Flemmat) (found in poriodic table)
pefinitlon : part smbteme Whith anwrt be bnoken down into anything simpler by th tmical methods
18 elemetwngył in the form of vowpow a (be se of choi tal reactions) in the Earth ' crt)
, by maS of some elemun in the Earth' u1t
Eleme 1 by m Compoynd
nono Yyye SO pefiniHion a purt Jubtance made up of two o more eleimoirt
Semi siliu 6 ch eon callycombined tooethe.
ataala mi ruv ) (onstituot element in the wom poWnd
water (hdrog en oxide) hydrog en (y2)+ o ygen H20
ow calcum (aYbo dioy ide carbon+ oxyyen (Y2) C0
othes So elium ch/ovide (salt) o diu + chlovinu Nac| |
Mixtura ontultwo of elenenrtwh ae chunlully uomnblne
pefiniAo : o sit of two or on purt JubHan e) (elenunt of cowmpeien d) whith hart not ch om ic ly
(ovbined togethor CI. : Hana 0 - (ampwund - alrendy ale chmical n b
(ompone *Mixture
Eyamp1e Wate c 0) byg arog n+▇ 1=
Proper tie oiffurot fom it Con/titMeots Cauh O Jfit▇ ▇ ▇J W ▇ pmpertiej
Co mpo1ition hived H:0 ▇ variable ( n hrart a mony yo lilu)
Methed of separatlon by ch emital methuol) wly by ph icn| method Ceg. kltrotion, diitillartion,
of ventelemant (e : electroly s phyli n) evapora loV), yt|l▇ ▇ ▇ ▇
taad phy a p oe
/ Tet for hydragem: Hald a burni ng plint at the opon end of m tert tube of g4). I gas it hydlrogen,
bum) with a p'srel d ▇ wmbaHfonof hpdragen with ayen te pade watwe
Teyt fol oxyg elightu a glowinysplint opggen sugpoti the chamical prou thwat otur dwing H o
, clasfiuation o 1U)
W ame (ehomic ) sym bo|)
|Elowents (lon Meta Ai mi ium(▇ Lithi m li) Zin ( )
(Solidf ot moom par m cBa)
con ohtienJe p Nagne Mm (Mg)
ery|lum) (Be) (Mn)
qvid= mu uy Hg) ( 7I J
cal w(Cą)Meran(Hg)
Chromivm( (r) Niul e (Ni)
(abal (o) p1ati m P+)
cape (uv) pota S w) ()
laoldA ) SI| (Ag)
L (Fe) fo divm(Na)
CPb) TincSn)
NO - Metal Argo iA ) Hygargen(H) 0Kygon r0)
Lall gake) llquid - bronls B Bro|al B7) Te m CHe) l yhorcp)
pnd w Hn plid ot ma (arbo hcC) Zoelin(I)
Co eiflo ) Sul wK (S)
ChloV|ne C ) Neon(Ne)
FIuo nl(F)
Sem" me ta| /we tall oids Bur (D) Sil vn (S))
(all solt ot roOow cn dlHlatl,
(7 i o lator (X ollow el. to How) /sev) cond ctor
illuom Mel to male (allow a (HHe Hon el. )
mput chip )
ovW conditiov = 2S °C, |a tm
1 Cvd ih " eHe s" yh tamand aphi
tu pifk Porm) of cabam- (Xel) (Ve|)
Ph eal p ooe J Meta|
No - met l
Flectilcal con d uctivity (a|| do)r (ovo d etefe
Themal con d vHy Pwr el. tanducor c pmte
Hłorte ot moo co dltloy Dor
p enranUe
Al| solld e peuny (igul d) Mo gate, Ao J lil, b olnu lIgti d
wotly sla ny
Halleabilty tdatil
ge llow giwn I byowi)heli f
w ph i o , oou alh)
be Wł/prened i *poll Malleoble +ductile
HsTUE one wthowd breMlng WlreJ
Uoually high ( wme like Sodluy) XM ally bre in Jolld Hate
MeHting poipdt boiline P qüre iów mp. 7.19 ( olly lom C ome lijk raphteand dionnd
C liquid
-ot Denutty hart hyh inp nlby Grp ▇ 3oo'ep
(tally hyh CJordiam : lowy(thw tho)| alylaow
* 1 Tr olid Iqvid hgsi-gt
X(onduct el. at weon soadition), kut whuln hunted, (nduct sei - Gondnctors
Sewi(- meRtaliwetalojd
et dhngoh mi mnd we mthi : vamie dyrth*swltid ses strunt art sael
6 ..
n ht bilb
wfeb tu| Gowtidt el bulb II ht up
hi hrom wirt * mwdlle chip
olid uwder tHt
dl (1ą l
Md| ULa LuaLi
, sze: IperJo 7 bil ,bil bi| arte) In body 1,21 ▇
(nauputthe (um) 1xIO-9 e
metuie Dago -"m thn hoe tn
ad S of an ato I 0. I
HYS(urriu l A
Nurte i made ▇ f the ▇ t ▇ abon), pouleualu, oeriredl from atom
Hlm mtom aemade t a ting ctel, muleul M, elukany whbtilng naund
basic partice Sof all subrtoncej
Swall Hł part ot an tlemuntwhish ha) the chamicel poput of thut eiemsnt
atom of ditforent elemmU t hare difforon† size) and m.
i E|emum†
a s ytanie that made up of onhy neJind of a ▇ s
a heutral partidle that Hu▇ el t part of an el n tla compownd whith can exi on it ow
* electrit-charge)
u ofe oo con dlition
gvoup of two o wortatomS ohomlcally eotog eter by tova
Atowi cty
ber of ortowms in mo|eule
ptonoortom iv (He, Ne, Ar) , dirtomic 0 , HC), cO), triatomic (os, Co1, H,0)
Molecule of elomnt= atows of Hu same klnd 02 , Ch )
Molecule of wompO nd a-Homs of oliftrent slnd iH 0,
DiagYa about +he pelationship between elemmts Wompouolmixturt, afom), haolee leJ
atom B
„ mo1eeule A 009
00 mol eueg90 Oe
00 090 04atem B
olevle V C
(Mtom A 0 ueatan 0,
ton B)
tompi d D
ElenmW t B Elemt B CompovVdl (
Elemnt A
00 0 0
M1rturt of elem4 and Myhore f clomut # wn d
Mitare of elomenrt and B
Mixtur emen , emmt B
Mi tur of mpoVnod▇ D Mixturt of mpokundD ana etonaort A and com n d C and D
|Stmoture of a atowm What' in en atom Aun dwimentøl subu toit parH e prton 0, meutvomS 0 elect ons X
ectrom ot nd the*
CJ.6 * A ow are wadeof p oto.),
eutvon), nolel ctioh s.* ▇ ▇e
ubaton ie purtile Sywbo lCharsl
a otom S
p n W 1
e sd
char p t, ee-loheuten ) =0 . Protow P +|
a oU
reatine WaJ =|n=l ▇ ▇ enJ(pvot+ ▇ ▇) Neutmo 0
1.6 x l ll
ony denietçma||
* rtom contain a egual n mur of eyn
, i W1 W W
porbon) awd eleutnvh) (amy no hlnjhell W an wtov
Na (Hhe mhuAtroted-i lnuleu
Eletvo e- a Lo|0 )
.AHbomicnonber= Ma.op a ofe- uap
* Mau Rum be o, t o,*fv the atot
atom = I " eopty p e
*me of prodon reni wgoi
* Hov ) of the 1ome elemsht hwput o elest - pn toit Š
e t
attructed to the n leuJ
4 same w mnbtr of p.(le-)
in their otom S tubiliHtly of muuleA) w of neu on >no. of po tonSto Mabrtain Hability)
poll proto) topether beiRA thy
ome eAurgy tharge repel eaoh
othe +
mo. of proton = Ma. of etron elevtvl lly meutral artowho ororall chart on awy oto m)