Video Games and the impact they have on Society
The Concerns about Video Games
Stereotypes versus There have been many concerns that people
that the average game player is 35 and 44% have had with the growing popularity of the
likely to be female. While the typical gamer gaming industry taking over people’s free
Throughout this article, I will discuss the many (under 18 males) is only 15% of the gaming time; most of these accusations are usually
concerns and benefits of video games along population with adult women representing made by older generations who are ignorant
with their types and psychological factors; to 33% of the US gamers. to what games really are and their benefits.
start here are some facts to supplement the Some belief that video-games cause social and
Another Stereotype of people who play games
following arguments and impacts from video- health issues when too much time is spent
are that they are anti-social, spend a lot of
games. playing them, there have also been many
time on their own and thus don’t get out
The video-game industry is now the world’s much. This is counteracted by the fact that reports and court cases to support these
largest industry that makes more than any 39% of gamers play social games. Social games ideas…
other, in 2014 – the US alone spent $22.41 include talking to friends, family and strangers Excessive Playing & Addiction
Billion on video-games and hardware. The through mic or typing – this is a lot more social
rapidly growing industry has gone so far that a activity than people who spend more time Many People put hours into playing games
game console are now in 51% of US watching TV and movies. Games are very time every day, with an online gamers having a
households and 42% of players spend 3 hours consuming, 47% of gamers said they spend global average of 20 hours a week. Many
or more a week using it. While 155 million less time watching movies and 39% watch less games try to make their games as long as
Americans play video games, spread out TV because of it; due to this the general non- possible with the content, MMORPGs are best
among 2 for each household with a gaming playing population are spending more of their at this which can be continuously played for
device – that’s 4 out of 5 U.S households. time ‘un-productively’ than players. Over half years without completing the game as content
of frequent players play with others from is constantly created and updated, such as
Even though, the stereotypical gamer would Runescape and World of Warcraft. While
friends, family to their partners, who also say
be thought to be a teenager and a very male other online games such as Call of Duty and
that “video-games help them connect with
dominated hobby – however, demographics Grand theft auto online have repeatability, to
contradict the stereotype and studies show continuously enjoy their games with others.
, Finally single players have story missions hours is common. Excessive gaming has been Mature rated games are easily accessible by
lasting hundreds of hours, like Fallout 4 which said to affect student’s grades negatively, under 18 gamers, due to parents purchasing
is estimated to be 400+ hours long in where students are neglecting work over tem and games being available online.
gameplay. While mobile games such as Angry video-games, allowing their grades to decline Children tend to have difficulty knowing the
Birds have become massive habit for people of by not completing homework, lack of study barrier between reality and the fantasy worlds
all ages. and even missing school. in games, so people believe they may be
influenced by violence in video games, which
Social Isolation could make them more aggressive or fearful of
Directly linked to excessive playing – for some people.
people, playing games means being isolated to There have been cases where under-18 year
a room without human contact, which can olds have said they were mimicking video
cause social issues, especially in younger games as they commited illegal acts, such as
people. Gamers who play single-player games Devin Moore who stole a car than killed 3
or do not communicate can mean that they officers after being arrested in 2004. When
can become socially awkward and do not caught he said “life is like a video game,
understand social ‘norms’ causing some to everyone has to die eventually” and he had
The argument to the long hours required to
have trouble making friends and generally talk been a Grand Theft Auto fan, playing GTA San
get anywhere in most games is the concept of
to others. This isolation may mean they do not Andreas every day. This caused the makers of
‘addiction’, there are believes that gamers
see the outside world enough, forming a GTA. Rockstar Studios, to be prosecuted for
show addiction symptoms like the yearning to
narrow point of view on the world – where their games.
continue playing, amount of hours invested
they struggle to relate and understand other
and many using games as coping strategy for
by only wanting to talk about video-games.
stress. Due to the freedom and escape from
real life issues, players may experience The issue is not too common but does affect
withdrawal symptoms; but no real issues have many, all depending on certain individuals and
been officially connected to addiction or their circumstances. As mentioned in the
medical problems. statistics, 39% of gamers play social games
while 56% of frequent gamers play with
Excessive gaming has been related to obesity
others as well.
and less active/physical activities being
committed – where lack of movement with Violence in Video-Games
the link to junk food being eaten, for long