TEST V - Care of Clients with medication, comes to the drug
Physiologic and Psychosocial treatment center. The nurse would
Alterations not let this client join the group
session because:
1. Mr. Marquez reports of losing his a. The client is disruptive.
job, not being able to sleep at night, b. The client is harmful to self.
and feeling upset with his wife. Nurse c. The client is harmful to
John responds to the client, “You others.
may want to talk about your d. The client needs to be on
employment medication first.
situation in group today.” The Nurse is
using 4. Dervid, an adolescent boy was
which therapeutic technique? admitted for substance abuse and
a. Observations hallucinations. The client’s mother
b. Restating asks Nurse Armando to talk with
c. Exploring his husband when he arrives at the
d. Focusing hospital. The mother says that she
is afraid of what the father might
2. Tony refuses his evening dose of say to the boy. The most
Haloperidol (Haldol), then becomes appropriate nursing intervention
extremely agitated in the dayroom would be to:
while other clients are watching a. Inform the mother that she
television. He begins cursing and and the father can work
throwing furniture. Nurse Oliver first through this problem
action is to: themselves.
a. Check the client’s medical b. Refer the mother to the
record for an order for an as- hospital social worker.
needed I.M. dose of c. Agree to talk with the
medication for agitation. mother and the father
b. Place the client in full leather together.
c. Call the attending physician
and report the behavior.
d. Remove all other clients
from the dayroom.
3. Tina who is manic, but not yet on
, d. Suggest that the father and d. Oedipal complex
son work things out.
8. In preparing a female client for
5. What is Nurse John likely to note in a electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), Nurse
male client being admitted for alcohol Michelle knows that succinylcoline
withdrawal? (Anectine) will be administered for
a. Perceptual disorders. which therapeutic effect?
b. Impending coma. a. Short-acting anesthesia
c. Recent alcohol intake. b. Decreased oral and
d. Depression with mutism. respiratory secretions.
c. Skeletal muscle paralysis.
6. Aira has taken amitriptyline HCL (Elavil) d. Analgesia.
for 3 days, but now complains that it
“doesn’t help” and refuses to take it. 9. Nurse Gina is aware that the dietary
What should the nurse say or do? implications for a client in manic
a. Withhold the drug. phase of bipolar disorder is:
b. Record the client’s response. a. Serve the client a bowl of soup,
c. Encourage the client to tell the buttered French bread, and
doctor. apple slices.
d. Suggest that it takes a while b. Increase calories, decrease
before seeing the results. fat, and decrease protein.
c. Give the client pieces of cut-
7. Dervid, an adolescent has a history of up steak, carrots, and an
truancy from school, running away apple.
from home and “barrowing” other
people’s things without their
permission. The adolescent denies
stealing, rationalizing instead that as
long as no one was using the items, it
was all right to borrow them. It is
important for the nurse to understand
the psychodynamically, this behavior
may be largely attributed to a
developmental defect related to the:
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
, 333
d. Increase calories, Ruby returns to the clinic, complaining
carbohydrates, and protein. of fear, loss of control, and helpless
feelings. Which nursing intervention is
10. What parental behavior toward a most appropriate for Ruby?
child during an admission procedure a. Recommending a high-protein,
should cause Nurse Ron to suspect low-fat diet.
child abuse? b. Giving sleep medication, as
a. Flat affect prescribed, to restore a normal
b. Expressing guilt sleep- wake cycle.
c. Acting overly solicitous toward c. Allowing the client time to heal.
the child. d. Exploring the meaning of the
d. Ignoring the child. traumatic event with the client.
11. Nurse Lynnette notices that a female 13. Meryl, age 19, is highly dependent on
client with obsessive-compulsive her parents and fears leaving home to
disorder washes her hands for long go away to college. Shortly before the
periods each day. How should the semester starts, she complains that
nurse respond to this compulsive her legs are paralyzed and is rushed to
behavior? the emergency department. When
a. By designating times during physical examination rules out a
which the client can focus on physical cause for her paralysis, the
the behavior. physician admits her to the psychiatric
b. By urging the client to reduce unit where she is diagnosed with
the frequency of the behavior conversion disorder. Meryl asks the
as rapidly as possible. nurse, "Why has this happened to
c. By calling attention to or me?" What is the nurse's best
attempting to prevent the response?
behavior. a. "You've developed this
d. By discouraging the paralysis so you can stay with
client from verbalizing your parents. You must
12. After seeking help at an outpatient
mental health clinic, Ruby who was
raped while walking her dog is
diagnosed with posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD). Three months later,