Banned sacking pregnant women, something
which was almost a universal practice, covered
both married & un-married women
In 1927, a national Started off
unemployment insurance well, but only However, this
system was introduced, lasted for 2 excluded women
financed by contributions years in domestic
from employers and workers because services or
when Great agricultural work
Between 1924-31 more than 2 Depression (the jobs women
In 1924, the Public Assistance In 1925, happened, would have most
Expressionist million houses were built & nearly system was modernised. This gave the state social likely been in)
movement 200,000 renovated basic assistance to the poor accident insurances
German emphasised insurance
RW groups schemes
playwrights such the system Still great poverty and
claimed it was Estimation that collapsed Most pop women's group in
as Brecht were importance of Article 155 of the Weimar constitution declared was difficulty for many in
evidence of a homelessness had 1920S was League of German
part of a new emotion - that the state must strive to secure housing for extended Germany due to
weak gov, moral improved in G by Women which had 900,000
Novelists such as Thomas wave of used a lot by families, especially w/ children hyperinfaltion Birth control became more
decay and 60% in 1928 members - far from promoting
Mann were also influenced by experimental German widely availble, which gave
corruption artists Positives the new woman, and rather women more control over
expressionism and focused on theatre, Welfare state was expensive to administer
character's internal mental particularly Berlin Before 1914 G had one of the most extensive traditional family values & the families they wanted -
and sustain - taxes on the better off to pay maternal responsibilities
state rather than on an musical theatre, was a systems of welfare benefits in the industrial perhaps focusing on work
Socialistis believed it WW1 - drove social Negatives for the welfare caused resentment
external society reality which was leading world. During the weimar years, this system was more for example
represented change for all &
wastefulness of explicitly political centre in extended and modified, intervening in several Social welfare
collapse of an old Going to be very Much talk in Weimar Germany about the 'new
capitalism Composers and LW, being world areas that affected life for millions of Germans reforms
system costly for the WR! woman' - free, independent, sexually liberated & Abortion was illegal No women
moved anti-capitalist and cinema Rise in divorce
Criticised anti-nationalist having greater opportunities in employment and became cabinet
away in 1920s & abortions
by radicals public life than ever before. Some truth to this, ministers or
Nudity, erotic from Economic recovery - end of
on the L
hyperinflation and the Causes for the need Economic changes of the years 1924-28 resulted in social however for many women in G, very little had Reality leaders of
dancing & and R. traditional Art of social progress - changes. Many germans experienced rising living standards in actually changed/the stuff that had, there was still political parties
American jazz music Theatre reinvestment needed due to Reality
Film these years but the gains were not evenly spread across society barriers in place. Also lots of resistance to these Myth of New
featured strongly in forms American loans (800 million
changes from conservative forces in society Woman
cabarets Flourishing marks p/a)
night club Literature Myth of New Woman
Living standards
scene in Berlin & lifestyles WOMEN Sexual freedom
Social & cultural developments of the 'Golden Age' Factors
Politics & public life Weimar constitution had given
Developments of women equal voting rights to men in
Weimar Culture Active &
No real YOUNG PEOPLE Employment elections & education, and the right
Progress JEWS change/not Myth of New
successful in to be Reichstag deputies, which was
Architecture 16% of all golden No real change Woman
The Bauhaus School of art and design was highly influential in retailing. Owned Reality progressive for its time.
Causes that allowed lawyers
cultivating a ' modernist' approach to building design. Bauhaus almost 1/2 of Progress
culture to flourish Anti-semitism
students were encouraged to use materials such as steel, Reactions - firms involved w/ Constitution gave greater
concrete and glass in their building designs, and to focus on the 11% of all cloth trade State ed Fewer
equality in employment rights
function of a building rather than superfluous ornamentation doctors BUT, did get to the extreme of still apprenticeships and
Globalisation Walter Rathenhau assassination - divided by Although more youth
- American Technological politician who had a part to play in class - benefit & unemployment. In
The golden years were characterised by an 'roaring Immensely successful in welfare 1925-6, 17% of all
advancements asking for an armistice & signed gymnasium
atmosphere of cultural and social freedom and Removal of 20s' professions in law & medicine systems in Demobilisation laws after the war required
Strong among the ToV, however he was also jew typically unemployed were in
experimentation in arts and culture. After living in censorship place - they women to leave their jobs so that
nationalist groups middle & the youth category
censored, autocratic rule for so long, many under the could not ex-soldiers could find employment
throughout the upper
Germans thrived in this period of social liberation. autocratic End to Constitution did not Introduction of elementary schools compensate
Economic stability 1920s. Although not classes
rule deficit pose any real which provided children with 4 years for the lack of
barriers on them as high as it was in of early education, therefore giving Civil code of 1896 remained in force. This laid down that in a
financing job
specifically times of crisis (eg better chances for children to get Schools marriage, a husband had a right to decide on all matters
Not everyone in G was happy with the new trends in art & culture. Away from the democracy hyperinflation & later focused on concerning family life - including whether women should take
into gymnasiums after sitting an - in turn lead
cities, traditional values still held importance and experimental modernist ideas were American loans Great Depression), skills for up paid employment etc
exam. Although G already had a to youth
viewed with hostility and suspicion. Strong backlash from nationalistic (RW) Germans (Dawes & Young Plan) Jewish bankers and apprenticeships
well developed ed system, it was joining big
who wished to preserve authority, traditional family values, conservative behaviour by businessmen as well as
divided by class lines and religion. gangs in
women, respect for the teachings of the churches etc. In the eyes of these groups, accused a lot of gymnasiums.
this introduction was particularly cities to find
social and cultural change was leading to moral degeneracy and the influx of corruption Gives kids
Rentenmark aimed at the WC kids - stops them comradeship,
unwelcome foreign influences more of a
from joining gangs etc, and rather mutual
Hinders the idea that there was social change focusing on education which will in choice support and
for Jews since there was a real sense of ultra turn lead to a better job. Definitely adventure
nationalism in the 1920s and antiseminitc ideas highlights the 'golden' age in regards
creeping into society. to young people.