Unit 9 P2 M2 D2 Planning support for individuals Megan Scully
P2: Identify the processes and assessment tools involved in planning support for individuals with
different needs who use social services.
M2: Describe how three key professionals could be involved in planning support for individuals.
D2: Assess potential issues which could arise from the involvement of several professionals in the
planning of support for individuals.
During the production of a care plan, it is crucial to consider all the requirements of the service user
and how this plan can aid in meeting them. When the initial assessment is completed, the
requirements of the service user may not be immediately obvious, that is why it is crucial to organise
a series of dates in which the care plan can be reviewed and updated, to ensure the requirements of
the service user are always being met.
The progression of forming a care plan begins with the individual receiving a referral to a new health
setting, for example, a residential home or hospital. A referral can be made by the individual, family
members, general practitioner or social/ support workers. These corporations will then perform a
holistic assessment, which may be performed by a care manager. Next, the services currently used
by the service user must be identified, this could be for example, day centres or meals on wheels
services. Targets will then be established for the service user to accomplish and a record must be
made of what care is required by the service user and the roles of responsibilities of each
professional. The next stage is recording, this is the processing of being conscious of what must be
done to ensure the correct care is provided. All individuals involved in the care of the service user
must be made aware of the procedures involved in the individuals care and must indicate these
actions and the completion date. Care provision will be observed by carers or management. Upon
the completion date, the care plan will be reviewed for effectiveness, i.e. if the targets have been
accomplished, new targets may then be established.
Assessment tools are used in the process of care planning in order to establish a holistic image of a
service user’s requirements. When all the details involved have been recorded, an evaluation can be
performed in order to identify the appropriate care and support required by the service user.
Assessment tools could be information from the individual involving; medical history, diaries,
checklists and observations.
If a service user maintains a diary, it can aid in identifying the individuals likes, dislikes, desires and
requirements, what activities they enjoy and what hobbies they are involved with. It could also
provide insight on the care they are currently receiving. Observations are used to identify what the
service user is capable of independently and what they may be struggling with. Observations also aid
in understanding the individual’s behavioural patterns, for example, when they like to wake and
when they like to sleep. Medical history is referred to, to identify any conditions the service user has
that the professionals should be aware of, medical checks may also be performed using the medical
history in order to obtain information such as; height, temperature, pulse, weight and blood sugar.
These will be observed frequently to determine whether or not the service user is showing signs of
improving or deterioration. Checklists may be used as an assessment tool to certify that all of the
service user’s particular requirements are being met, these checklists may be re-evaluated by a care
manager or social worker.
In the health and social care environment, professionals will use questions, another form of
assessment tool, to aid in assessing the patient. Questions are used in order to better understand
the patient’s circumstances. This may include an amalgamation of closed and open questions.
Leading questions must be avoided as this may be interpreted as misuse of power. Incident
recording is another form of assessment tool. This ensures that observations and reviews are taking